There’s been so much talk about the book, which has now been turned into a movie; The Shack. I’m here to ask you to abandon any misconceived notions surrounding this movie. If you’ve been hesitant in seeing it, let me encourage you to push that aside also and GO see the movie!
I read the book years ago, and I also went to see the movie this past weekend with my family. Since it had been years, I had forgotten some of the book, but it quickly returned as the movie started playing. It was then I realized how closely the movie actually follows the book.
If you go into this knowing it is just a book and just a movie, you will not be disappointed or feel it is misrepresenting the bible. The movie isn’t based entirely on Truth found in the bible, as others have argued. However, they are missing the entire point of the movie if they choose to stop right there and dwell on that.
Now, I can almost hear you screaming at me through your computer screens. But, please hear me out. Years ago, it was the pastor’s wife that actually got me interested in the book! Now this pastor posted on Facebook that while he didn’t read the book, he did see the movie, and he would encourage everyone to go see it! If you’re questioning where I’m coming from, maybe it will help to know that a pastor and his wife aren’t up in arms about the book or movie. So, why should WE be?
I’ll admit that there were a few things in the book that I had a hard time grasping. The same is true of the movie. However, the overall message of the book and movie is that of LOVE and FORGIVENESS. Who among us could not benefit from both? There is a section that touches on how we judge, when we are not called nor qualified to do so. Yet, how many times have we been guilty of this? If we’re honest, we all have judged people and situations without knowing the whole story. We just see what’s in front of us or what we choose to see. God sees all. So let’s all leave the judging to Him and trust His devine power, knowledge, and wisdom in situations that are beyond our comprehension.
This book and movie brings huge questions we’ve all either thought or wanted to scream at God in different, heart shattering events we’ve faced in our lives. I’ll be honest and say I’ve been there. After losing my sister to suicide in 2001, I was there. While my story isn’t that of The Shack, I had tears streaming down my face in the movie theater as they touched on things I’ve questioned, things I’ve said, and things I’ve wondered. And … tears fell like rain during several sections where God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit spoke in the movie … and to my heart.
There’s my two cents.
I’d see the movie again.
I’m actually going to buy it when it comes out.
And, I’ve already purchased study guides to go along with it as it digs deeper into the theology behind The Shack.
March 10, 2017 @ 4:25 pm
I enjoyed reading your thoughts about The Shack. I’m in the UK and the movie doesn’t come out until later this year but I’d be interested to see it. I found the book thought-provoking. I didn’t agree with it all but I love your point about seeing it as just a book and just a movie, that they are never going to be perfect or meant to have the same authority as the Bible. Visiting from FMF.
March 10, 2017 @ 5:06 pm
I enjoyed the book as well. Like you, I read it years ago, so I am looking forward to seeing the movie. Christ used parables all the time to communicate greater truth, so I have not understood the concern expressed by others about the film. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. – Sarah (visiting from Five Minute Friday)