She sits in the dark brown leather recliner, book in hand, totally engrossed in the daily devotional reading. Every morning has started this way since giving her the Adored daily devotional. Many times before, she picked up my devotional books and flipped through them. Now she has her very own that speaks to her heart and is specifically for her age group.
Is there a special little one in your life that needs to hear the message as brought forth in this daily devo? Wouldn’t it just thrill your heart to find your child, pre-teen, or teenager reading this book all on their own and not just because you’ve asked them to?
The thing is, she hasn’t just picked this book up once and then lost interest. This has been a book she’s continued to go to in the mornings.
What a way to start the day!
Special thanks to Fly By Production/Propeller for this precious gift that my daughter has come to adore! How appropriately titled … how she feels, the message the book relays to her, and the devotional entitled Adored 365.