Agree To Disagree?
How do you handle when someone’s opinion differs from that of your own? Do you blow up and get angry, feeling as if they are refusing to see your side of things? Do you laugh it off and say, “To each their own?” Do you politely agree to disagree while maintaining the friendship?
We are all different people from different walks of life. There will be differences of opinions. I would actually be afraid if someone seemed to agree with everything that I said or did. I would wonder if they were genuine and true. It’s possible, I suppose, that people of like minds would agree on all things, but I feel it is highly unlikely.
I don’t claim to be an expert on relationships, religion, etc., but I do speak my truth. I write from the heart, and I welcome any and all feedback. I prefer it to be positive in nature, but it is okay if it is not as long as the person expressing their opinion is doing so in a respectful manner. I feel that I have seen that on this site, and I applaud you all for this. I appreciate that no one has really torn into me. It means a lot to me that people have been respectful, and we have been able to discuss our different points of view while still fostering community and friendship.
Thank you for respectfully agreeing to disagree.
I love you all!
And please … keep commenting as I LOVE each and every comment that comes in. I actually get so excited when I see comments waiting. I can’t get to them fast enough!
Thank you for taking the time to visit with us. You are always welcome here!
Much love,
Light, Love, Hope
March 25, 2014 @ 1:38 pm
I completely agree with this and I wish that people in this world could learn from one another. If and when someone disagrees w me I try to learn from them WHY they feel the way they feel and sometimes I actually learn something. I don’t understand why people shut other people out just because they don’t see eye to eye.. I don’t think we were put on this Earth to stress out and fight about some of the topics we are faced w everyday. We just need to live life, be good to others and love it.
March 26, 2014 @ 7:18 pm
I love this, Aimee! You said it perfectly! I try to do the same thing and see things from their perspective. It’s not always easy, but it does help to stop and try to see where they’re coming from on an issue. Life truly is too short to fuss and fight all the time over things that don’t really matter in the end.