Although It’s Hard, It’s Possible

It’s true when they say you never know what you’ve got til it’s gone. I know that from experience. I recently lost my best friend Daisy because her and her family moved back to their home of Paraguay, and this is the hardest thing I’ve ever been through. We’ve been friends for seven years. She knows me better than most people do, and she’s the one I always turn to when I need someone to talk to.
My heart was crushed when she told me she was moving back, but I’m not going to talk about the sad times. Instead, I’m going to talk about how happy she made me.
Each time we’d go out to dinner, we’d always get lost in a fit of seemingly uncontrollable laughter. She was the first person I’d ever play my new songs for, and that’s because I valued her opinion so greatly. Daisy is the type of person you never get sick of talking to. She’s such a selfless person who seems to never be able to put herself before others, and I’ve experienced that for myself.
Daisy was, and still is, the first person I go to for advice on boys, or style, or whenever I’m feeling alone. She never fails to say what I need to hear. Sure long distance relationships of any kind are hard, but they’re do-able. I know that she and I have a strong enough bond to stay friends even though there’s hundreds of thousands of miles between us.