As We Wave Goodbye
She stands at the water’s edge looking off into the distance. Thoughts rush in and whirl around inside of her brain. She pauses to inhale deeply, letting all of the cares of the world escape as she exhales.
The beach has long been a favorite of hers, even way back when she was just a toddler. She’d run to the water’s edge just long enough for a wave to come crashing in. Before the waves could lap at her little toes, she’d giggle and run on her tippy toes back to the safety that my arms provided.
It’s turning colder now. Wind whips through her hair as she strolls along the sandy shore. We call to her from a distance letting her know it is time to go. She turns, not wanting to leave the one place she feels such peace within her soul.
Lingering for a moment longer, she shoves both hands in her pockets to give one last look at the ocean as the waves continue to roll.
We are saddened that Summer has come to an end. As we wave goodbye to swimsuit weather, pleasant moonlit strolls on the beach, building sand castles along the shore … we know that we’ll be back for more the first chance of warm weather.
Just as the season’s change, we do as well. We are forever changing and evolving. God is not through with us yet. He works on us daily perfecting us to be the child He would have us to be for His kingdom. We change; we grow; we live. All for His honor and glory.
Whatever season you are in, make sure to pause to thank the good Lord for all of your many blessings in this life.
October 21, 2015 @ 3:21 pm
We do change every time we go through a season. We learn new things about ourselves – our strengths, our bravery, our ability to push through. It is so important to remember where the strength comes from everyday. And we should thank Him always.
October 22, 2015 @ 12:06 pm