When I think of women of faith, a few come to mind. Almost immediately, my mind goes to this little gray haired lady that sat with her hands folded in her lap holding a lace handkerchief on the far left side of the congregation. Her bible was marked in the margins with words from the pastor that resonated with her, with occasional notes and prayers she’d written concerning her family members as well. Some times, she would even highlight special passages of scripture in yellow, as she did not like bright colors. She’d nod her head in agreement with what the preacher was saying, and every now and then she’d say with authority, “Amen,” when she strongly agreed and felt the moving of the Holy Spirit.
There’s also another lady that comes to mind, much younger, that wears her white mime makeup with fine garments covering her along with the anointing of God. She stands before the congregation as the music begins, and she slowly moves allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and direct her hand motions as she ministers to the church. Feeling every emotion as the music sweeps over her and into those before her that she’s ministering to, the spirit of the Lord begins to usher the congregation to their feet.
Another woman of faith praises God with her voice lifted high in worship. No matter the troubles or trials she has faced, she never misses an opportunity to praise Him. A sweet Soprano voice is heard among the others as she sings like a songbird on a Spring day.
Yet another woman nearby begins with interpretive movement as she forms beautiful sign language to the powerful words of the worship hymns. They’re so strong, she has to move her body in some fashion. Arms extended out in front, palms and face lifted up toward Heaven, she closes her eyes and feels God touching her heart and soul right where she stands.
Women of Faith come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and denominations. We don’t have to fit into a perfect mold. We all come just as we are. Young, old … it doesn’t matter. We’re all Women of Faith.
Did you know that there are resources available to help with your walk of faith? From the traditional Women of Faith site offering tons of information found here to a supportive Facebook group found here, you will not be disappointed in the encouragement brought forth within the pages of those sites.
Maybe you’re already familiar with Women of Faith, having gone to their conferences or weekend events. After all, this official group has been reaching out to help others since 1996.
This year there is more excitement within the Women of Faith community as they prepare for the Belong Tour. Click here for information on that, as everyone wants to feel as if they belong, and we all DO in Christ!
Something that I am particularly excited about is their movie coming to theaters on February 18, 2016! While I was very interested in the Belong Tour, it isn’t going to be in our area until November. I didn’t want to wait that long … and now I don’t have to because Women of Faith will hit the theaters in just a few weeks! If that has really gotten your attention like it has mine, more information on the movie and theaters near you can be found here.
If all of this is new to you, or if you’re new to your faith, I encourage you to look into the information referenced above. It helps to surround yourself with fellow believers. Even if you do not go out and worship in a building every Sunday, you can still gather online with other Women of Faith for that encouragement, support, and community that we crave.
For me, I am taking advantage of the online support, and I am looking so forward to the movie while seriously considering the Belong Tour as well! Make your plans now to see this movie in theaters. I imagine you’ll laugh, cry, and feel touched throughout the entire movie, and you won’t leave the theater the same way you entered.
Here’s to all of the Women of Faith out there.
May we BE them … may we RAISE them …
Women of Faith!