Shirley is the proud mother of two beautiful young ladies. She enjoys spending time with them on their ranch in the deep South with their three paint horses. Always looking for an adventure, she looks forward to hikes in the mountains chasing waterfalls, or scouring the coast for beautiful lighthouses! Shirley writes to encourage others and often times shares things that motivate and inspire her. She believes in living life to the fullest because no one is promised the gift of another day. Join her as we honor our bodies, minds, hearts, souls, and our Almighty Creator, God above!
Last year we were anxiously awaiting the date to arrive when friends from all over the United States would meet up IN PERSON for the very first time. Having met online 17 years ago, we never dreamed that we would actually get the chance to meet in person, yet finally we did. Sadly, it was due to one vital member of our little online community being struck with breast cancer. We wanted to rally around her and offer our support, love, and prayers … in person.
One of our Lifetime friends from New Zealand tried desperately to make it before our dear friend, Debbie, passed away in November of 2014. In the mist of making travel arrangements to go around the world to be at Debbie’s side, she faded away. Our hearts were shattered the day we lost our precious friend.
Feeling this great loss, we tried to pick up the pieces and go on, yet everything was a reminder of Debbie. Then, one day, our Kiwi friend, as Debbie so affectionately referred to him, announced that he was coming to see us after all. He had a great desire to go to Debbie’s final resting place to speak his heart, and after much planning and preparing, the time has come for us to meet Vaughan at last! Ah, yes, our little Kiwi has landed after traveling literally all week to get here. He is resting up in a hotel and will be bombarded with giggly women come Friday afternoon when Sylvia and I will hunt him down to give him a hug of a Lifetime!!
Vaughan as kept us informed of all of the details of his flights. He would “check in” at every hotel and update his status so we’d know exactly where he was and when we would need to run for the nearest hill. Just kidding. We are all anxiously awaiting our meeting Friday afternoon, and you KNOW I’ll be back to share all about it. I can’t wait to hear his accent in person, too!
This post is entitled Trip of A Lifetime, as that is what Vaughan has been calling it. We are BLESSED to have the Kiwi among us, in our online community as well as now, life and in person! We are thankful that he sacrificed so much to make this dream a reality, and soon … very, very soon, we will be meeting in person! God is so good to have allowed us to meet! Who would have ever thought that he, all the way over in New Zealand, would be coming here to meet us?! Ah yes, a Trip of A Lifetime – for Friends of A Lifetime!
We are blessed and so grateful.
Our friends truly have become our family. We have claimed them a long time ago. We have shared so many things through these past 17 years. The great and wonderful things that have happened in our lives, as well as the heartache and pain. None of us had to go through any of our troubles or trials alone for we had each other through it all.
My heart is overjoyed, and I wait in great anticipation!
Hold your friends close to your heart and let them know every day how much they mean to you. Life is too short. Make your dreams come true, just as Vaughan has for himself as well as for Sylvia and I, too!
Blessings to you and all of your online friendships!
With my daughter’s high school graduation, and our trip to Toronto kicking off our busy Summer, I seem to be short on words of wisdom lately! Even still, I am thankful that this site is available when I am ready to share my rambling thoughts and hopefully have a few readers join me.
This site is so much more than just a “blog.” It helps me leave behind a legacy for my children.
I have handwritten journals I started when they were babies. One in particular – for my oldest daughter – was started when I found out I was pregnant! I was so excited and started writing words of love to her before she ever came into this world. These are actually in a fire proof safe for them when they are older and will appreciate what they will one day hold in their hands.
This site also allows for my words to remain out here in cyber space for them to reflect back on. These days they seem not to care too much about Mommy’s blog. Maybe at some point later, they will.
A few years back, poems that I used to write were taken and put into a book format by my friend, Greg. What a sweet keepsake my girls will have to hopefully also treasure and hold dear to their heart.
In the grand scheme of things, these are just little things they will possess long after I’m gone that will speak to their hearts when I’m not here on this earth any longer to do so. The thought of what I just wrote brings tears that sting my eyes, and I blink back the tears, fighting them the entire way.
Oh, how I wish we could all live forever.
It breaks my heart completely to think that one day my children will be forced to go on without me by their side. I have raised them and instilled morals and values into them the best way I know how. I have shared God and my faith with them, and they have asked Jesus into their hearts. We have the reassurance that one day if we are forced to be apart for a little while, we will be reunited in Heaven. Even still, I pray God allows me to have so many more years with my children laughing, loving, holding, and making memories with them.
I have been blessed to live as long as I have as some do not get this opportunity and aren’t as fortunate. Yet, I’m selfish and want more time. I pray God allows it. My grandmother lived well into her 80s. She was in good health until the last two years of her life when she had surgery and things went downhill with her health. I pray that I will be healthy and active well into my 80s also!
Have you put aside little keepsakes for your family? If you haven’t, you could start today with your own version of a sweet memory that you will leave them with, something tangible to hold in their hands.
With those words, I am reminded of what my grandmother did prior to her death. She knew death was near at one point, so she left a card behind. This card was discovered a few days after her funeral when her daughter began going through her things. Can you imagine the impact of this simple little sympathy card? To find a sympathy card that your MOTHER wrote to you … oh, there are no words to express the flood of emotions that came over my father when his sister shared the card with him. He closed his eyes, shook his head, and sat there motionless for a long time with tears escaping under his closed eyelids. My grandmother expressed her deepest sympathy to her children for their broken hearts after losing her, and in closing, she expressed as much as she possibly could in words the love that she carried for her family all of her 80+ years. Tears are now finding their way out of my eyes and onto my cheeks despite tilting my head back and blinking to avoid them spilling out.
If you take anything away from this post today, just remember that the love of family is so very important. Make those memories. Spend time with the ones that mean the world to you. There may come a day when you will not have them with you any longer. It will hurt your heart, and you will long for them … just one more phone conversation, one more visit … one more hug, one more chance to say, “I love you.”
The people in your lives matter, and you matter to them. Take no one for granted. Treasure and cherish, love and hold dear to your heart while you still can. And then when your time on Earth is through, they will have beautiful moments to reflect back on as they reminisce about time spent with you.
Leave an incredible and inspirational legacy of love for your family.
Time is marching on way too fast. Regrets? You don’t want to have any. So, take my advice and just DO it! Yes, you read that right. Take that family vacation that you’ve been putting off because you have bills to pay. Those bills do need to be a priority, but so does your family. I’m not saying take an extravagant trip that you can’t afford or that you’ll be paying off on your credit card for years. What I AM saying is just do it. MAKE time for your family. Take a day trip to the beach and watch your children run through the water at the edge of the sandy shore. Soak in all of their laughter as they splash and play. Allow your spirit to be free and soar right along with theirs. Enjoy the moment. Just DO it!
Listen up, parents. I’m sure no one has to tell you that your children are growing up way too fast. At times when they are having trouble potty training or sleeping through the night, you may wish they were older and past that stage. Stop yourself if you can. Don’t wish their baby and toddler years away. Don’t rush them to grow up either. Before you know it, you will blink your eyes, and they will be walking down the aisle with a cap and gown on GRADUATING! Trust me. I KNOW! This just happened to me May 22, 2015 when my darling daughter was a newborn JUST the day before, and I blinked … and she walked across the stage in that royal blue cap and gown with the blue and white tassel hanging from her cap as she glowed – GLOWED, I want you to know – as we clapped and cheered for her great accomplishment.
It … goes … way … too … fast!
There is such an urgency I feel within my heart to tell you to do it NOW while you can. While your babies still want you around. When they want you to run in the yard acting like you’re fairies or better yet, like you’re in the Hunger Games. RUN … PLAY … SPEND PRECIOUS TIME WITH THEM!
So they want to jump on your back, but you’re sooooo tired from the day’s work. LET THEM! Bend down and let them ride on your back across the yard. Hear their laughter in your ears, but let it flow right straight to your heart. Allow THAT to soak in, and you’ll see that a tired back is nothing compared to the memories you JUST made with your son or daughter.
Just DO it, people!
Years later when you look back on the pictures … relive the memories … or hear your children tell stories of their childhood to their own children … you’ll be so glad you took the time!
I was reminded yet again of a lesson I learned the hard way. Sadly, my daughter has learned this lesson early on in her life as well. What I have learned is you can try to do everything just right and please everyone, but it is impossible. No matter how hard you try, someone is going to have a disapproving remark or look down their nose at you. There are some people that no matter how hard you try, nothing will ever be good enough for them. Sad, but true.
Just recently my husband and I attempted to join a group, yet early on, I sensed that I was dealing with someone that just was not going to be happy with me no matter what I did. I realize that not everyone will like me, and that is okay, too. They are missing out if they choose to turn their noses up in the air and act as if they are better than me. They aren’t. We are made out of the same stuff, whether they want to acknowledge it or not. It just seems sad when a group of people are supposed to be coming together for a great cause only for it to end with hurt feelings and holier-than-thou attitudes.
I’m me. Plain and simple. I can’t be anything but me! Like me, love me, hate me, judge me … at the end of the day, I’m still going to be myself. That is good enough for GOD – then why isn’t it good enough for judgmental people that are waiting around every corner to tell you that you’re not good enough? Oh I beg to differ. I am a child of God, and HE loves me. He died on the cross for me. I AM good enough to receive the most precious gift ever – Eternal Life.
What gets me is the “church people” or fellow “Christians” that think they sit up on the judgement throne. They are full of criticism and condemnation, BUT … if they will remember, there is NO condemnation in Christ None! AND furthermore, who are they to judge me or the life I’m living? They have NO authority! ZERO!
I am secure in knowing that my Heavenly Father knows my heart, and THAT … that is all that truly matters.
If you feel wrongly judged, go to Jesus with your concerns. Let Him reassure you with His love. Turn to His word and see what Jesus says about you, for you are a precious Child of God! Don’t let others get you down. That’s something everyone likes to say when you’re feeling discouraged. I say that it’s okay to feel down for a moment when you’re disappointed and hurt by judgmental remarks that people make. Just don’t stay there. Don’t camp out there and decide to dwell upon what the nay-sayers spoke about you, your life, and your family. GOD knows your heart – and as long as you are straight with the Big Man Upstairs, you don’t need to explain or justify your position. You just need to be secure in who you are … a Child of God … and let the rest go. Pray for those that judge you, and hopefully one day they will remove the plank from their own eye instead of focusing on the sawdust in yours.
Be blessed, people. There are so many in this world that can’t wait to tear you down. Why? To make themselves feel better. They obviously don’t feel too good about themselves so they want to latch a hold of you and bring you down right along with them. Don’t allow it. Rise above it, people. You are better than this, no matter what they say.
Oh yes, I have learned that other people’s opinions of me simply do NOT matter. What God thinks of me does, so I will live my life for an audience of One and hope that He is well pleased.
Today is just an ordinary Thursday … until you realize that your daughter graduates TOMORROW!!!
Where has the time gone?
It seems like just yesterday that I was rocking this little 5 lb 15 1/2 oz baby girl in my arms!
Then I blinked, and she grew into this beautiful young woman that as of tomorrow will be embarking on a new journey.
Oh Lord. Thank you for allowing me to be here with my daughter through all of these years! Thank you for allowing me to see her grow, learn, and stretch her wings.
Now, I must brag on my daughter a little bit. You knew that was coming, right?
This soft spoken, often times shy and timid young lady is the President of her Senior Class. She was also voted by her classmates as the “Class Clown” as well as “Most Talkative.” Can you believe that? You would never expect this from HER! But yes, so it seems that when she warms up to you, you’d better watch out because she’ll talk your ears off while clowning around the entire time! That made me laugh when I saw it in her year book.
My daughter is also on the National Christian Honors Society, and because of her accomplishments, she has received a partial scholarship at a college of her choice. She received none other than the Leadership Scholarship, too!
Have I mentioned how very proud I am of my daughter?
Her school days have not been easy for her either as she has been on the receiving end of bullying. She has faced things in her life that she never should have had to endure, but it has made her the strong young lady that she is today.
I am proud of her academic accomplishments, but I am so proud of her for the morals and values that she has that seem to be lacking in most teenagers and young people these days. I can say that my daughter walks with integrity and great character while extending love, grace, and compassion to all.
Tomorrow I will try really hard NOT to cry. I did not think I would cry at the National Honors Society program last year either … but I did. So, I will have a box of tissue handy, just in case!
Our friend, Greg, just got into town a short while ago. He came all this way to see my daughter graduate. That says a lot right there that he would take time away from work and go through the long two day drive to be here for this special occasion.
I have prayed over my daughter throughout these past 18 years, and I prayed for my daughter actually before she was ever conceived. I will continue to pray for her as she goes out into the “real world” now to follow her dreams.
I pray for her future husband as well – although she is not engaged at this point, nor does she have a serious relationship as of yet. But I pray for what the future will hold and that she will have a beautiful life ahead of her. I pray for the young man that will win her heart one day. It is my prayer that he will treat her like the treasure that she is and that he will love her so much and do all things to honor, respect, and uplift her; that he will be faithful to her always and remain true in his heart and mind as well. Oh yes, I am already praying for this young man, and she hasn’t even met “him” yet.
If I may, I’d like to make a request for any one that reads this post. Would you please take a minute of your time to pray for my daughter and all of the 2015 graduates? God has a beautiful plan for all of their lives, and we get the privilege of watching His great plan unfold.
If you’re a parent preparing to watch your son or daughter walk across that stage, you’re in my prayers, too. Be proud, Mom & Dad. You did a great job! Now dry your eyes and celebrate their big day while clinging to Jeremiah 29:11. Make it personal to your child! I know without a shadow of a doubt that my God has great plans for my daughter, Nicole. I trust that they are plans to prosper her and not to harm her. I have full confidence that they are plans to give Nicole a hope and a future!
With trouble to the left and right of you, seemingly every where you look … I am encouraged by a friendly smile, a gentle touch, a considerate and thoughtful act.
I am encouraged by those that take the time to show that they care.
There are days when it seems as if NO one cares. People are so busy with their own lives that they rarely have time to be concerned with yours at all. And I’m not talking about the nose-in-your-business kind of being concerned. I could do without those thrill seekers and gossip mongers looking for something to spread all over town, or those that “come to see” at a trying time or at a time when they know you’re struggling … or the world’s worst time to put that into practice is when you’ve lost someone you love more than life itself, and someone comes “just to see.” I had a coworker that admitted she was one of those types of people. ~I shudder at the thought!~
Of course, there are going to be long lost people that you haven’t heard from in a while, yet they resurface in your life when they KNOW you’re going through a hard time. Why do they resurface at times like this? They aren’t there to encourage you. They are only there to bring you down, or even to kick you when you’re down.
In this world that we’re living in today, though, I can take heart that not everyone is this way. Oh thank you GOD that there are still genuine people in this world that just want to love, support, and be there!
The world needs more of that!
That … THAT encourages me more than anything … when someone will push all things aside just to let you know that they care … they love you … value you … and you are so important in their life!
All it takes is a heart-felt gesture. And it changes everything!
When given the opportunity to be an encouragement by spreading cheer and positive energy every where you go … do you choose this path?
Or how about this?
Do you give your best to those around you in your work day – your co-workers, the secretary, the receptionist at the front desk, the boss … or even those you encounter behind the counter or at restaurants serving you when you’re having a meal. Do they get more of your kindness and consideration than members of your own family? Wow, did I just step on some toes? Are you different around others, yet you turn into Mister or Miss Crabby Pants around your family? Realize that there are those right in your own house, under your same roof that could use encouragement. They could use loving kindness, words of affirmation, thoughtful consideration … and respect even. Plain and simple, the ones in your own home need your love.
If someone had to write an article on you, what would they say? Would they say that you were an encouragement in their life? Would they say that you show compassion? Would they say that your family comes first?
I am encouraged by those that wish to do better, who wish to make a lasting change, and who share the best of themselves with people — but reserve a special part of their heart, their love, their thoughtfulness, and their soul for their spouse. That should not go without being said. No one gets that part of you but your spouse!
So think on it … How CAN you be an encouragement to someone today? How can you make a difference so that someone will say, “I am encouraged by …[insert your name here].”
My sister’s life was cut short. She passed away at just 33 years old, two weeks after delivering her only child.
Oh, I will never forget the day that my sister came to my place of employment to tell me the news that she was pregnant.
She asked me to walk to her car where she immediately placed a neatly wrapped package in my hands. The wrapping paper was so pretty and delicate with a little ribbon tied around the square item that I now held in my hands. I looked at her with this big question mark over my head, I’m sure, as it was not my birthday or any special occasion so I could not understand why she was presenting me with a gift.
I slowly started to unwrap the present as I glanced up at her. She was standing in front of me with the sweetest smile forming on her lips. I carefully ripped back the paper to reveal the back of a picture frame. As I turned it over and feasted my eyes upon the picture that this silver frame held, I could contain my excitement no longer. Inside the picture frame was an ultrasound picture! Without saying a word, I KNEW!
After several squeals of delight and wrapping my arms around my sister’s neck to give her the biggest hug ever, I stepped back to examine my little niece or nephew that I would meet in a few months.
Oh no, I will never forget the day or the way she announced her pregnancy to me! Her way of doing this was extra special.
My sister allowed me to be a part of her pregnancy. She kept me informed of doctor appointments and the results of testing as well as when other ultrasounds were scheduled. I had the honor of throwing a baby shower for her, just as she had done for me four years prior when I was pregnant with my oldest daughter. We shared so much during those months of her pregnancy. Time that I treasured and wish I could have slowed down a little more to have enjoyed the last months of her life. I had no idea at that point in time that as much as we were eagerly awaiting the baby’s arrival with the days seeming to crawl by … we now wish they would have gone a little slower so we could have savored more time with her here on this earth with us.
Ah, but there was no way for us to know.
I was allowed to be present for my sister’s delivery. While I was not in the room, I was standing just outside of her hospital room when my niece took her first breath in to release the sweetest little cry which was music to our ears! I remember literally jumping up and down in excitement right there in the hall when I heard the beautiful sound of her baby crying.
Within moments, the nurse was coming out of the room to let us know that my sister delivered a little girl. When the doctor had her ready, I was allowed to take my place by my sister’s bedside as I gushed with pride at the pink, wrinkled bundle of joy that she held in her arms. What a precious, precious sight to see. My sister … the one that once tormented me to no end in our childhood days … was now a mother!
The nurses were ready to take the little bundle to the nursery to weigh her and put her cute little baby footprints on the page in the baby book that I had given my sister a month earlier. Her husband allowed me to be present in the nursery as they did all of the necessary things that are required for a newborn. There I was, smiling widely as I snapped picture after picture, standing next to my niece anxiously awaiting the moment I would be allowed to hold her for the first time. That would have to wait, though, as there was business to tend to.
I remember looking through the glass of the nursery and seeing my parents and her inlaws smiling back as they ohh’ed and ahhh’ed over the pink, wrinkled skinned baby girl laying there in all of her glory. What a precious moment that I was allowed to be a part of.
Later, we returned to my sister’s side with her baby all cleaned up, and then it happened. I was given the green light to hold my darling niece in my arms! Finally, I could hold this little angel and look into her sparkling brown eyes while using the lightest touch possible as I stroked my index finger across what little bit of brown hair covered her tiny head.
Two weeks.
That’s all we had with my sister after the delivery of her daughter. Our happy moments were soon a distant memory as we learned of my sister’s passing. Death came knocking that scorching hot and humid July day.
I will never forget fearing something was terribly wrong and racing as fast as my Honda Civic would go own the country roads to my sister’s house that day. I could not get there fast enough. I had such an urgency in my being after not reaching her by phone all morning long. That day was the first day her husband was returning to work after the delivery of their daughter, and I knew something was wrong when she did not answer the phone despite my practically ringing it off the hook. I called the doctor’s office as she was supposed to call for an appointment that day, yet, they had not heard from her. Sharing my concerns with them, they, too, began calling her but were unable to reach her. When the nurse asked me if I thought my sister might harm herself or the baby, I practically threw the phone on the floor as I raced out of the door at my office and got behind the wheel. THAT was my biggest fear. It had now been spoken out into the universe, and I had to get to my sister … right … then!
We knew that my sister was having a little trouble. She wasn’t sleeping. We knew she had concerns as to whether she was being a good mother to her newborn daughter. YES! She was such a good mother, and it showed in how she gently and tenderly cared for her daughter. She did not sleep due to standing over her daughter’s crib as she was afraid something was going to happen to her baby. Sure, we tried to relieve my sister so she could get some sleep, but we saw her shadow across the threshold behind the closed bedroom door, and we knew that sleep had not come after all. That was why she was making an appointment first thing that Monday morning when the doctor’s office opened up. And yet … the call was never placed.
Back on the road, my thoughts were consuming me, and the urgency was rising up within me even more so than before. I HAD to get to her. Speeding down the road, I soon saw a gray car in my rear view mirror. This car was so close to me with flashing yellow hazard lights behind me. I just knew it was an unmarked police car. Regardless, I would not stop. NOT even for the blue light that I was anticipating at any given moment. Instead of the blue lights, though, the gray car attempted to get beside me. I stomped the gas pedal even closer to the floor as I thought they might be trying to get around me, and I was NOT stopping for THEIR emergency. I had an emergency of my own!
I turned the corner and everything seemed to go in slow motion at that point. I could not believe my eyes. There was yellow caution, police tape around my sister’s house, and her house was surrounded by police cars. And then, the gray car pulled in behind me, and as I turned around, I saw my dad rushing to stand before me where he grabbed me … and I knew. Instantly, I knew … our greatest fear had become a reality. Without my dad saying a word, I knew that my sister had ended her life. As his strong arms were wrapped around me as tightly as he could hold me with the palm of his hands on the back of my head, I sobbed deeply into his chest. There were sounds that day that I could not identity as I had never heard them before – or since – and I pray I never do again. Those sounds came from me. Heart wrenching, deep from the core of my being … sobs and wails … as my heart shattered into a million pieces inside of my chest as my daddy held me up in his embrace.
That was – without a doubt – the worst day of my life when I lost my sister. My only sibling. The only other person that could identify with childhood memories. I lost my best friend that day.
Thirteen years have passed now, and I remember this all as if it was yesterday. When it happened, I did not know how I would make it from one minute to the next. I had no idea how I could possibly draw my next breath now that she was gone. This hurt and pain was unlike anything else I had ever felt before in my lifetime. It was as if someone snatched me up with lightning speed and threw me full force into a brick wall. I hurt, I ached, I shook. Sleep would not come for me as nightmares took its place. While I did not see my sister end her life, I had this horror movie that played on repeat in my brain that I could … not … shut … off!
Post traumatic stress syndrome. We learned what that was after my sister’s passing.
And as badly as I was hurting, it was magnified for my parents. My dad, I later learned, had witnessed the aftermath of my sister’s suicide. He and my brother-in-law were the ones that found her. My dad had rushed to my sister’s house after I told him I could not get her on the phone. He heard the baby crying but could not get into the house. He called her husband at work, and he rushed home to meet my dad. Together, they went into the house where they found my niece in the bassinet that I had given my sister. There my niece was laying in the white bassinet, crying. They made their way down the hallway and into the master bedroom where they found my sister. I can not begin to imagine the horror that my dad lives with to this very day after what he saw in that room. While my brother-in-law ran screaming from the room and later fainted on the kitchen floor, my dad stayed in the room crying over his daughter. Not wishing for anyone else to see my sister this way, my dad took a sheet and covered my sister’s body.
Yes, thirteen years later, and we are the survivors that have had to find a new sense of normal. We had to learn how to walk around with our hearts shattered now that my sister was gone. We had to learn how to act again, and how to function with such a big part of us missing.
I often wonder what it would have been like if my sister had reached out for help that day. Instead of taking matters into her own hands, I wish she would have called me and let me know that she was struggling as she had never struggled before. Oh, how I wish she had given me a little insight into the pain that she kept hidden from us all in those two weeks. Yes, we knew the lack of sleep was an issue, but we did not know the emotional turmoil that she was feeling. Until it was too late.
We were only allowed to be around my niece a handful of times through these 13 years. That added to our pain as the only part of my sister we had left, we were not able to be with. We were not allowed to be an active part of her daughter’s life. We were not allowed to be there for her, to bond with her, to love her and show her the depths of our love for her. We were forbidden, for the majority of these years, from interacting with her.
My niece will be 14 years old in July. I often wonder how things would have been different if her mother had been here all of these years. I know I would have had a closer relationship with her as my sister would have made sure that all of us saw her more and got to spend quality time with her.
I often wonder what we could have done differently to have prevented my sister’s suicide. For a long time, we carried so much guilt and shame for not knowing … not seeing … not stopping … this heart breaking, tragic event that took my sister from us all.
Oh yes, I often wonder what life would have been like. I sure do.
Yesterday was Mother’s Day. It was a day honoring mothers every where. That includes YOU, dear mother that is reading this that often times feels like everyone else gets honored on “that” day but you.
I have been there.
There was once a time when I felt like I was lost in the shuffle on Mother’s Day. The festivities fell on my shoulders … to make sure my mom felt special, to make sure my grandmother felt special, too, and let’s not forget that I also had to make sure that my mother-in-law felt special as well. I was the one that people looked to and expected something to be done to “celebrate” the mothers in the family. Yet, I was and am a mother myself, so who was supposed to celebrate … ME?
At one time, I felt selfish for these thoughts. Not any more.
I AM a mother, and I DO deserve to be treated special. Not just on one day a year, though. Yes, mothers get special recognition on that day for all that they do. But, I hope you’re showing your mother or the mother of your children DAILY how special they are and how much you appreciate and love them. They work long hours with little recognition for all that they DO. As the saying goes, “A mother’s work is never done.” It seems like that, doesn’t it with the endless pile of laundry that seems to breed and multiply in the laundry room and clothes hampers!
But, yes, at one point I felt selfish for wondering who was to celebrate me and how long did I have to “mother” to qualify for someone celebrating me.
I finally decided that my husband was perfectly capable of celebrating the woman that brought him into this world and raised him. I no longer needed to carry the weight of this on my shoulders to do things “just right” to celebrate her. She wasn’t my mother. Oh that is not going to come off nice to some of my readers, but I inherited her when I married him. Whether he celebrated her in years past and how, he did without me then … so if he wishes to celebrate her now, he can still do that without my help. No, I don’t harbor any ill feelings toward his mother at all. Please don’t read that into this. But, she was one of the ones that didn’t really celebrate me. Finally, she did start mailing me a card, which I appreciate. It took YEARS for me to “qualify” to be a recipient of a card from her, although I am the mother of her 10 year old granddaughter in addition to her 18 year old step granddaughter. Yes, I think I more than qualify for someone to celebrate me instead of me always being the one to celebrate everyone else and make sure they feel special on Mother’s Day.
Although my late grandmother would come to Mother’s Day dinner at my house along with my parents, my grandma didn’t celebrate me either. I always had her a present when she came, and I made sure to recognize her. I just did not “qualify” to receive recognition from her, I suppose, although I’ve been a mother for the past 18 years.
My parents, though, they ALWAYS celebrated me. I was recognized by my dad, especially, and I am so thankful for all that he has done in years past and this year included, to recognize me on this day where mothers every where are honored and recognized.
I was always so “busy” getting the Mother’s Day gifts in order as well as preparing the Mother’s Day meal … it wasn’t a day off for me AT ALL … instead, it seemed to be a day that I worked even harder, without any recognition at all for ME being a mother, too. I worked, I did, I bought, I cooked, I made, I recognized, I honored. Everyone let me do it, too. My mother, my grandmother, my mother-in-law, my husband, etc.
Finally I had a melt down one year. I said WHO is going to celebrate ME?
Well, I did NOT have that complaint this year AT ALL …
As to the answer to the question “Who is going to celebrate ME?” My daughter … my 18 year old daughter that is graduating at the end of the month … took HER graduation money that she has received from people thus far and went shopping for me. I did not know this at the time, but it was revealed to me this past weekend. My darling daughter took her money that was given to her and used it to purchase presents to honor and celebrate me. She could have (and really should have) taken that money to use on something for herself … and yet, she sacrificed so that I would be honored and celebrated on Mother’s Day.
It all started Friday when my girls announced that they would do whatever I wanted the entire weekend since it was Mother’s Day weekend. YEA!!!!
We took off to Charleston on Friday to Magnolia Plantation and Gardens. Oh my goodness! If you have never been … it is a must see if you are ever in South Carolina!
From the historic house, to the beautiful grounds, there is so much history within the old rice fields alongside of this plantation. We strolled through the gardens, visited the petting zoo, and enjoyed looking at the miniature horses and donkey as well. Then, we went up to the house and played on a tree that my now 18 year old daughter played on when we visited this site many years ago. We took pictures with the beautiful white bridge that is in a lot of people’s wedding photographs from the low country. We were one with nature as we saw alligators in the ponds and swamps, and that was plenty close enough for me!
We had a wonderful day together, and then we went to the mall. 🙂 Doesn’t everyone after they’ve taken a walk back into time?
Saturday my daughter went out for a bit and returned with flowers … a dozen of the most beautiful white roses I’ve ever seen before! I can imagine these once tiny white buds slowly opening up into these fist sized roses to share all of their beauty with us. I placed them in a vase and then gave them a home right in the very center of our dinning room table to enjoy as we had our dinner together as a family.
We spent Saturday with me transferring 12k pictures from my computer onto an external hard drive for safe keeping, and then we were off to dinner at a local restaurant with my parents. Tomatoes and rice were calling my name! If you’re Southern, you’ll understand. If not, don’t ask.
Sunday morning I awoke to beautiful gifts from my darling daughter. As I mentioned earlier in this post, she took her graduation money and purchase gifts for me. She has a heart as big as Texas! Not wishing for her sister or step dad to feel bad for not having any gifts to give me themselves, my daughter shared the presents that she purchased for me with them so that everyone would have something to give me that morning on Mother’s Day. That was so incredibly sweet of her, and it truly touched my heart. Later, she and I had a conversation together where she shared that although it was from her and she had this overwhelming feeling to tell me that morning, she didn’t because she didn’t want to take away from her sister and step dad presenting me with the gifts. I told her that although she never said a word at that time, she didn’t have to because I KNEW … I knew who celebrated me. I knew who those gifts were from. Deep in my heart, I knew that my 18 year old daughter was the one that took it upon herself to recognize, celebrate and honor me on Mother’s Day. Yes, my day had come … someone recognized me due to their kind and thoughtful heart without me saying a word. No prodding, no comments, no subtle hints even. She did this all on her own. And my heart was overflowing with joy.
After that, I reminded my daughters that they said they would do anything I wanted for Mother’s Day weekend. Can you guess what I chose to do? TRAIL RIDING!!!
My 10 year old daughter goes trail riding with us every chance she gets. She loves it so much and enjoys being with her horse. My oldest daughter, however, isn’t as thrilled to get on the back of a horse these days. She will if I beg … but this day, Mother’s Day, all I had to do was smile sweetly as we loaded the horse trailer, packed a lunch, snacks, and drinks, and headed out on the trail. All four of us got to go together trail riding, which thrilled my heart completely! That was the greatest gift that money could never buy, the gift of having my family together – all of us – including our fur babies.
After a few hours of trail riding, we returned home where shortly thereafter my parents arrived to have dinner with us. We grilled out and had an enjoyable evening laughing, talking, and just enjoying each other’s company.
My mom was funny, though, as when she entered my house, she was talking. I was listening to her with the biggest smile on my face as she had walked right past the dinning room table where a bouquet of flowers sat on the table. Flowers we purchased for her on Mother’s Day. We also had a little crystal whatnot (or as she calls them, dust collectors) sitting right beside it that said, “Love You Forever.” I had to point at the flowers before she looked in that direction, and even then she had no idea that they were for HER … I had to tell her, and then she melted right there on the spot.
Ah, sweet moments like this will be engraved in my memory forever!
All in all, it was a perfect weekend spent with my family. I celebrated my mom, of course. But, my daughter celebrated ME!
My husband did take me shopping Friday at the mall, and I picked up some blouses … so that was his Mother’s Day gift to me, which I greatly appreciate. But, knowing that my daughter used her money that was given to her as a graduation gift to purchase my Mother’s Day … there is a twinge of guilt there, but I know that she sacrificed for me. My darling daughter thought of me … honored me … and celebrated ME.
That was a great feeling!
Just as I wrote on a Facebook status this weekend … Life is good … God is GREAT … I am blessed and so grateful to God above!
There will never be enough words to adequately express my heartfelt appreciation for what my daughter did for me this past weekend. She’s really special. I have known that for quite some time, but this … a completely selfless act, sacrificing for her mother … there are no words to tell you how that feels deep down in my soul.
If you are reading this and might have bombed this Mother’s Day on not recognizing the mother of your children or your own mother, take heart. There is always next year OR the next “special occasion.” BUT, why wait? You can create your very own special occasion … just pick a day that you’d like to do something for them out of the blue. You know what? It might mean MORE to them if you do something on a day that it isn’t “expected.” Whether you buy a gift, make one, take them out to dinner, or just sit and spent quality time with them … you will light up their entire world with your efforts.
Take time to show the people in your life that they matter.
Today is the National Day of Prayer. I come to you not with some big, long, extravagant post but a short and simple request.
Would you please join me around the nation today to pray?
The world we are living in is so completely troubled, and we need God more than ever! Sadly, He is being taken out of a lot of things in life when we need Him the most.
Will you please join me in prayer?
Matthew 18:19-20 19″Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask,
it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven.
20″For where two or three have gathered together in My name,
I am there in their midst.”
He’s in our mists! He hears every prayer. Whether you speak it out loud from your lips or whether you silently speak it from your heart to His, HE HEARS US ALL.
Pray for the nation. Pray for the leaders. Pray for those who will decide the future of our country.
Pray for your neighbors, coworkers, family, and friends.
Pray over your health and that of your family.
Pray about anything and everything that is on your heart.
Pray as hard as you can.
Even pray for your enemies, as hard as that might be. That one is still very important. Pray for those who curse you.
I came to know the singer Plumb a few short years ago. This particular song would play on the radio, and I was immediately entranced in the lyrics. There was talk of baby blue eyes and curly cues that, of course, made me think of my darling daughter who was only three years old at the time.
This song came at the right time, too, and was used as a tribute to my oldest daughter’s friend, Sydney, who was fighting a rare form of cancer in 6th grade. I’ll never forget my daughter being new to this school and rightly self conscious as she entered the classroom to take her seat amongst the new faces that would be her classmates that school year. No one spoke to my darling daughter as she made her way to a nearby seat.
Finally this blonde haired, blue eyed girl spoke up, “Hi, I’m Sydney. Would you like to sit with me?”
Oh thank God for Sydney!
My daughter did take her seat beside her new friend not knowing at that point in time that later in the school year my daughter would feel such a burning in her heart to help her newly diagnosed friend. We contacted our pastor and began working on fundraisers for Sydney, with Plumbs’ song on the video as beautiful pictures of a healthier Sydney were displayed on the overhead screen for the entire church congregation to see.
Yes, this is how I first came to know of Plumb. The perfectly written song that made me think of my youngest daughter with the eyes and the hair, while also thinking of my desire to protect my daughters from the raging storms in life. The very same song Sydney’s mother chose as a tribute to her daughter. So touching, so moving as the words of Safe In My Arms played as picture after picture was displayed of Sydney through the years.
Now Plumb, also known as Tiffany Arbuckle Lee, has returned with another powerful and moving album entitled Exhale.
I was taken with this album right away as I placed it into my computer to listen at work on Monday morning. Glancing down, I noticed the message on the front cover and knew before hearing a single word that she sang that this album would touch hearts and bring you to your knees before the throne of God.
We do not exist for us but to share the grace and love given to us ALL. We breathe it in, it changes us and then we breathe it out, we share it. I have now breathed in deeply and it has changed me completely. It has healed my heart, restored my home and made me new. Because of that grace, there is ALWAYS hope! It’s oxygen. Breathe it in … and then, EXHALE.
Do you see the potential of such a powerful impact that this one little album could have?
And then … I clicked play on my desktop, and the words flowed straight to my ears and down into my heart.
The song Exhale reassures you that no matter what you have done, everyone is welcome in His arms!
Oh friend, don’t you see the impact that this could have if more people heard those words and soaked them into their hearts and souls? What a message of hope and redemption!
Come, child … It’s not too late. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, who you are, all that matters is that you surrender now. Confess your sins and ask for forgiveness … it is yours. The Father WILL forgive you … come just as you are and breathe in deeply … feel the sin and shame leave your body as God forgives you, washes you white as snow, and makes you new! These are my words and what it makes me think of as the words on Plumbs’ album are slowly lifting themselves through the speaker and tucking themselves into my soul. I can’t keep it to myself. I have to share it with the world … and so I sit here typing as fast as my little fingers will fly … to share the message of Hope with YOU!
There are 12 songs on this album, and they are all just as good as the first. They speak truth and life. I highly encourage you to pick up the new album, or, in lieu of a giveaway with different things you have to do to enter, just email me if you’d like a copy. I’ll select a random winner.
Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller / FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win. Or if you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.
Last week I ran across a quote that I’d like to share with you:
Thoughts affect emotions.
Emotions affect decisions.
Decisions affect your life.
Take a moment to let that sink in. In short: Thoughts, emotions, decisions, life.
Have you ever sat stewing on something that was bothering you? Deep in thought, you are physically in the same room or even vehicle with someone, yet you are a million miles away. You are so deep in thought, so into what you are ranting and raving about in your head, that you do not notice the faces that you are making that are a dead giveaway of the not-so-nice-thoughts that are swirling around in your head.
Before you know it, you are so wrapped up in your thoughts and rehashing things from when someone did you wrong in the past, how you would have reacted differently if you had more time to think before processing the bad news you received, or what you would have said if you weren’t so shocked and dumbstruck at the time. Then you get all fired up mad about the situation all over again.
Remember this! God gave you the grace to get through that moment in time.
He gave you HIS grace so you would have the shock absorber that was HIM holding you at that moment in time when you were going through this. If you keep backing up, though, you might be on your own.
I also saw a picture on Facebook of what a guardian angel might look like with someone that just continues to make bad choices. The guardian angel sits slumped over holding her head in her hands. Imagine now, if you would, that God is doing the exact same thing each and every time you back up. Oh how I wish there was one of those loud beeping things that commercial trucks have on their vehicles so that everyone knows when the vehicle is backing up so they can get out of the way. Because believe me, when you get stuck in your head and your thoughts begin to affect your emotions, people would be very appreciative if they had a warning. You know what comes next … those ill thoughts become ill feelings, and before you know it, you are acting out in a manner that, if you were thinking rationally and not reacting emotionally, you wouldn’t normally do!
Yes … thoughts … emotions … decisions … life.
The decisions that you make when you are feeling emotional due to the faulty thoughts you had in your head DO affect your life. Not only that, but they affect those who share their lives with you … your children … your spouse … your parents … your brother or sister … your coworkers … your friends. See how this all comes together? It isn’t just YOU stuck in your head. The moment you act out based on your thoughts and emotions, it is a decision that you alone made and it affects your life and the lives of others around you.
Please … get out of your head. If something is bothering you, take it to the person that can do something about it. GOD! Pray about it before you speak it to another person. Take it to God FIRST. Then, if you can calmly speak to the individual that your thoughts are swirling around about, take it to that person. I must caution you not to be accusatory, though. Calmly approach the person because chances are that your mind was running away with you and half the stuff you dreamed up in your head isn’t even true in the first place. Check with the source as soon as you can proceed calmly and with tact. It will save you from having days and weeks wasted holding a grudge or a big chip on your shoulder.
Think before you act. What you do today will affect your future tomorrow!
13 I can do all things through Christ[a] who strengthens me.
There are times when we can all use that reminder. When you feel battered and bruised, tossed to and fro in the raging storms of life, doesn’t this provide great comfort in knowing that you can draw upon the strength of the Lord?
You don’t have to fight this battle alone. Whatever it is you’re going through, it matters. It all matters. YOU matter. And it is important to wade through each and every emotion that comes flooding in. Just don’t get stuck there. Don’t let it bog you down to where you feel like you’re in quick sand. Reach up and grab the hand of the Lord. Allow Him to fill you with all the strength that you need to get you through whatever it is you are facing.
No, God will not give us more than we can bear. There are times we may feel like it, and I’m sure there have been times you’ve said that God sure does trust me to give me all of this to handle.
Friend, all you have to do is call upon the name of the Lord. Call upon the name of Jesus, and feel your weak, frail body start to feel whole again full of strength and courage even to face what lies ahead.
Say it out loud if you have to in order to draw strength and to feel the comfort of His Great and Mighty Arms around you. Say it loud and proud, with authority and conviction, with great determination!
My strength comes from the Lord!
While it will not make the storms of life immediately grow calm, God will calm YOU, His child.
Rest in His presence and allow Him to fill your cup until it runneth over, sweet child of God!
Yes, indeed. Your strength comes from the Lord.
Allow those comforting words to embrace your entire being: body, mind, and soul. Feel the strength rushing in now as God provides all that you need.