Shirley is the proud mother of two beautiful young ladies. She enjoys spending time with them on their ranch in the deep South with their three paint horses. Always looking for an adventure, she looks forward to hikes in the mountains chasing waterfalls, or scouring the coast for beautiful lighthouses! Shirley writes to encourage others and often times shares things that motivate and inspire her. She believes in living life to the fullest because no one is promised the gift of another day. Join her as we honor our bodies, minds, hearts, souls, and our Almighty Creator, God above!
Today’s prompt word for Five Minute Friday is: Friend!
I love when Fridays roll around as it’s an opportunity to see what goodies Lisa Jo has in store for us to write about this time. It’s writing with no regard to mistakes. No editing allowed. Just write for five whole minutes. The most important thing is to get those words out!
Do you have that one friend in your life that no matter how long it has been since you’ve seen each other, it’s like no time has passed at all when you ARE together again?
I do!
It’s been almost ten years since we’ve seen each other face-to-face. Ten LONG years.
We’ve talked on the phone, sent messages, and all of that good stuff. Nothing could ever come close to actually being in front of them, though, looking into their eyes. Talking to them, watching their every move as they talked almost nonstop, but my not minding at all because we were there … together … within arm’s length so I could just reach out and hug at any given moment, and they wouldn’t mind. They would welcome it, appreciate it, and bask in the moment with me.
This is a very special friendship that has stood the test of time. Sure, there have been bumps along the way, there have been times we did not see eye-to-eye. We are different people from different walks of life, but when we come together, it is truly a beautiful thing. I appreciate, value, and respect our differences. It makes us who we are! And I would not change a single thing.
And so, after ten very long years, we have been reunited. We hugged, we cried, we held each other tight for an extremely long time when we saw each other after all of these years. It was very sweet, much needed, and soothing for the soul.
My best friend.
My forever friend.
My heart connected friend.
My I-love-you-to-the-end-of-time-and-beyond friend.
I know the topic on the blog today isn’t one that we would normally discuss as this is not a cosmetologist site. However, if you stay with me long enough, I promise to throw some inspiration in as I love to do.
What girl, lady, or woman doesn’t love being pampered. Whether it is by going to get a massage at the spa or having a manicure and pedicure, as women, we like to treat ourselves every once in a while.
One day many years ago, I stopped in at a shop to have some “me time.” It wasn’t something that I did too often. Actually, I rarely gave myself the luxury of such a gift. This time was different, though.
As I sat there with my feet soaking in the bubbling water, I could feel the stress leaving my body as if the drain at the very bottom would surely suck all of the stress down with the water when they pulled the plug. I tried to tame my thoughts and not allow them to run wild but to, instead, try really hard not to think about anything at all. Ladies, you know how that goes, though. In moments like this, you try and you try, but you end up going over a list a mile long in your head of things you need to do … like the laundry, cleaning the house, washing drapes, etc.
Then my thoughts were interrupted right about the same time as my toes still soaking in the water started to look like little prunes!
“Ma’am … what color ma’am?”
I was snatched from my “to do list” in my head and brought back to the reality of a little Chinese person standing in front of me asking what color I would like my nails painted.
I replied with a simple:
The little Chinese person immediately began shaking their head as they said:
“Red … no. Red not your color, ma’am.”
I sat there for a second wondering if they really said those words to me or if my mind was playing tricks on me. Then I heard it again:
“Red not your color!”
Um, okay.
I have never been told that before in all of my life. Red … is not my color? But, I love red!
I sat there slowly withdrawing my feet from the soapy water as they pulled the drain to let the water out. I watched as the suds all but disappeared as they were washed away, like my desire to wear red and actually look good in it.
As they dried my feet and began their usual routine of clipping, trimming, and scrubbing, I sat there thinking about what they said.
How many times have you had your heart set on something only to have someone dash your hopes and dreams with their mere words?
It seems so small, the words that red just was not my color. However, it was their opinion, too, not necessarily the truth of the matter. Just because they did not think I would look good in red or that red was simply not my color in their eyes, their words did not have the power to stop me. Only I had that power. I had to decide at that moment in time whether I was going to allow a nay-sayer to take away my desire to wear red confidently ever again, or if I was going to go full steam ahead and insist on the red.
Can you guess which I chose?
The red, of course!
As they put their clippers away, then massaged my calves and heels, drying off my nails to prepare for the polish, they asked again:
“Ma’am, what color?”
With a smile forming at the corners of my lips, I simply replied with one word:
There it was! There was the voice of confidence that had gotten pushed aside momentarily by the negative words spoken over me. There was the voice that chose to rise above! There was the voice with great determination that she would not only insist on red but look good and feel confident wearing it.
And guess what? With their head shaking in disapproval, they did, in fact, paint my nails red. A firey red. A deep flame red, even. But red … my heart’s desire!
The point in this entire post tonight is not to let any one else’s opinion trump your own! Don’t let any one steal your joy either! Just like I started out on this journey to have some “me time” and enjoy myself to the fullest, this had the potential to very easily steal my joy if I had allowed it to. But you know what? I didn’t.
And you shouldn’t either!
While we wish that every one we come into contact with would have encouraging words for and about us or that they would choose to speak life over us, not every one will. The thing is NOT to allow someone else’s words to injure you.
Choose your red! Choose whatever your heart’s desire is in this life. Don’t let anyone change your mind. If you change it later on, that is fine, but be sure that it is because you had a change of heart and NOT because someone spoke negatively over you.
Hold your head up high and live YOUR dream. Be yourself. Do your own thing. Don’t let any one else influence your decisions in a negative way.
Fast forward many, many years later, and guess what my signature color has been since that day? You got it – RED!
With such determination, with such confidence, with my head held high, I wear my red polish proudly! The majority of the time you will find me with perfectly polished red toenails and fingernails, and loving every minute of it!
Wear your red.
Join us every Wednesday for inspirational and encouraging messages straight from the heart here … and at Holley Gerth‘s site as well!
Thank you for joining us today as my very dear friend, Tamela, shares her heart and thoughts on this past Easter weekend. It’s sure to inspire you.
Meet Tamela!
Tamela Hyatt Jasmann was born in Rhode Island and traveled the Eastern Seaboard extensively as the young child of a Naval Intelligence Pilot. From Rhode Island to Key West, FL with forays into the Mid-West and upstate-New York as her father served two tours in Vietnam, Tamela has been blessed to see much of the country to which she is deeply committed. Her father perished in a plane crash months prior to Tamela turning 13 and this pivotal memory has guided most of her life; making sure her father/guardian angel in heaven would be proud of the daughter he brought into this world. Tamela is now a very active volunteer with the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars; something she believes honors the memory of her beloved father. The cycle back to Dad is complete. Her devotion to veterans is so deep that she is her auxiliary’s president-elect for 2014-2015 and has been appointed to serve as the Legislative State Chairman for Arizona as well. Working with veterans, serving veterans – this is her life’s goal now; whether that be through promoting scholarships for our youth or working to pass veteran-beneficial legislation at the state and federal levels or bringing smiles to our veterans in the VA hospitals, treatment centers and homes, yes, home has been fully found again!
The Gift
I awoke today feeling refreshed, renewed. For me, because of disabilities, waking with a “glass half full” attitude isn’t always possible and so today, especially, I found the ease and comfort of the morning more than enjoyable – it was heart-opening. It felt as if God said to me – or I finally was able to hear Him in the stillness – “It’s time to know the truth,” while handing me The Gift. I need to share my joy if you’ll permit me!
It is my habit upon waking to prepare a pot of coffee, grab the phone and head to my backyard where I am most often greeted by birdsong, blue skies and a sense of peace and quiet that, considering I live in a big city, is remarkable. The time it takes for the coffee to be made is usually spent in spiritual introspection and having my morning chat with God, asking for His guidance throughout the day and to beam bright white light on those I love for protection, love, safety and their well-being. For me, my God does not reside in any one church or religion, He is all around me if only I pay attention. I also talk with Him about me and helping me but none of the above makes me too very different that anyone else praying or talking with God.
This morning as I sat outside and began my meditations with God, I felt an ease and lightness I had not experienced before. What I was aware of this morning is how I seem to take my troubles to God but forget to thank Him for all He does and has done for me other than my standard opening of, “Thank for your another day of travel on this path called Life.” This is not to say that I do not thank God regularly for the many blessings in my life but rather an acknowledgement that during that morning time, I seem to come from a negative space instead of being positive about His love, His light, and all the many gifts, small and large, that God leads me to and through. What I have come to realize is that God is in my head and not so much my heart. I intellectualize God and His Love as something to be examined and taken apart like I know better than He how life should run. I question Him when I could be more loving and accepting of what simply is…His Love.
At the ripe age of 53 (yes, I can be a bit stubborn!), I saw this morning ever so clearly The Gift of today, The Gift of Easter! It is not a day of solitude and reflection but one of righteous joy for on this day His Son, who died so my sins would be forgiven, was resurrected so that I may have eternal life! I finally see His Gift!! It’s like the very words, “For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting LIFE!,” have come alive in my heart and I sing from a place I’ve never known before! And that life is in the Kingdom of God and the pain and sorrow of being human will be shed and only love and forgiveness will surround me! It is God who gives me life and breathe and love…and ultimately forgiveness for someone like I who took so long to see. There truly are “none so blind as those who will not see.”
Today I am renewed, cleansed, thanking God for all HIs many Gifts, not the least of which is the gift of living long enough to finally see and feel The One True Light…beaming on me! “I was blind but now I see.” Today I know in my heart that each day is a gift to be celebrated, each moment a chance for gratitude and renewal, peace and forgiveness! It is not my job to seek out what is bad or wrong around me but to seek God and all the many ways He gives me life and ability. Today I know that I AM because HE IS!!
Enjoy the gift of today, the Gift of God’s Son in our lives, the joy of living each day basking in His Love. Seek love and gratitude. That is my hope and gift for today, I hope yours is equally as large and wondrous!
Thank you, Tamela, for these beautiful words! You ARE a world changer. I am proud to call you my friend and sister of the heart!
We have a special contributing writer on the blog today. Please help us welcome Susan Lawrence Choate! I first met Susan in our (in)courage group, Parenting Teens & Thriving. She inspired me with her posts, and I felt a real connection to her from the start. When she talked of her recent trip, I asked if she would share with my readers. Much to my delight, she agreed! I am thrilled to have her with us and hope she will join us again soon to share her beautiful words with the world. She gives God all of the praise, glory, and honor!
Meet Susan!
A beautiful child of God!
The Trip That Was Never Supposed To Happen
“We write to taste life twice … in the moment and in introspection.”
-Anais Nin
We set our mind on things we will and will not do in life … and then life happens.
My husband was recently sent to Europe for a business conference, and I was grateful to go with him; but this was never supposed to happen, because Europe was not on the grid for us. Our life plan or bucket list didn’t call for a European trip. Many other trips, maybe, but not this one.
When we returned, Shirley asked me to write about my adventure; thus, the quote above from Anais Nin. I’d be overjoyed to live this trip again … because it was never supposed to happen.
In Psalm 37:4 we read:
“Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
This trip was a gift from God that I didn’t ask for and my question time and again during my trip was:
“God, what am I supposed to do with this?”
From the moment we boarded the plane, the life lessons began.
Less is more.
I’m not an amateur at flying, but there are just some things an airline should not divulge to their passengers. When traveling at 644 mph at 6.25 miles high, the air temperature becomes -57 degrees F. Upon learning this news from the onboard television, my relationship with our Lord deepened significantly, and I began to nervously eye the emergency exit THAT IS DIRECTLY TO MY RIGHT for the next eight hours. Less is more when it comes to this kind of information.
Really, God, what was I supposed to do with that?
Don’t forget to look back and remember.
To my pleasant surprise, my husband’s boss, Naomi, asked me to sightsee with her while the others were beginning their meetings. I was excited about this because I was the only spouse that came along and I knew the rest of the week I would be sightseeing all by myself. As we started out on foot from the majestic Amsterdam Central Station, she startled me as she suddenly stopped, turned around and said:
“Wait! When I’m in a foreign land, I always turn around and look back so that I don’t get lost and I’m reminded from where I came. That way, I’ll always be able to find my way back when I need to.”
Yes, Naomi, some times we just need to look back and remember how far God has brought us, and sometimes we need to backtrack to get on the right footing again. Yes, Lord, thanks for the reminder. I know what to do with that one.
Look for the “i”.
Naomi, being a wealth of information, also told me (as we were in need of information):
“Look for the ‘i’.”
Universally, when traveling and in need of help, you look for the “i” and there should be someone there who can assist you. I likened this to the Word of God. Read the directions. It will save you so much trouble when you seek it out. Yes, Lord, I’m listening and continually looking to the “i”.
Relish every moment and then pay it forward.
As I walked into buildings older than my country, I was in awe at the number of people who may have walked this path before me. At home, I take so much in life for granted; things I think of as mundane or mediocre. I’ll do it tomorrow … I’ll see to it later. On this journey, I knew ‘later’ would not happen, so I relished every moment.
In the Cathedral of Our Lady, which took 169 years to build and was completed in 1521 A.D., I found myself touching the columns and bannisters, wondering who had passed this way before me. How many families had made it their life goal to see this church completed so that I could stand here today? What if the builders had not considered the importance of solid construction of this building (or their faith) to be passed down many generations? We are so very small in this big world. I especially sense this when standing somewhere that generations of families worked together to build and in which people have worshipped for almost 600 years before me. This was a reminder for me to take a deep breath and relish each God-given moment — and then share my faith with the next generation.
“Be still and know that I am God.”
Psalm 46:10 NIV.
Praise you, Father, that I’m learning to be still in your presence and relish every moment. Give me the building blocks (words and actions) to share Jesus with the generations to come.
Write like Anne.
Anne Frank received a diary for her 13th birthday, and on the first page dated June 12, 1942, she writes:
“I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support.”
Visiting Anne Frank’s House was the highlight of my trip. Unlike most American museums, you could personally touch the walls, doors, and yes, even the book case that hid the secret annex. I cannot fathom why the Holocaust had to happen, but I’m so grateful Anne had the foresight to write about it. I know it helped to keep her sane in an insane world. I have to agree with Anne as she writes on March 15, 1944:
“Yet, what’s nicest of all is that at least I can still write down my thoughts and feelings, otherwise I’d just totally suffocate.”
God gifts us with thoughts, feelings and words. He wants us to share them and to pass them on to generations, whether they be happy, painful or just mediocre.
Yes, Lord, yes! That’s what you want me to do with this!
Oh, Susan! This post was absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, your heart, and God’s love as you re-lived this wonderful trip of a lifetime!
This is one of my most favorite Easter songs. The lyrics are below. Click here to view the video on Youtube.
Arise My Love
By Newsong
Not a word was heard
At the tomb that day.
Just shuffling of soldier’s feet
As they guarded the grave.
One day, two days,
Three days had past.
Could it be that Jesus
Breathed His last?
Could it be that His Father
Had forsaken him?
Turned his back on his son
Despising our sin.
All hell seemed to whisper
“Just forget Him, He’s dead.”
Then the Father looked down
On His son and said:
Arise, My love.
Arise, My love.
The grave no longer
Has a hold on you
No more death’s sting
No more suffering
Arise… Arise… my love.
The Earth trembled
And the tomb began to shake,
And like lightening from Heaven
The stone was rolled away.
And as dead man, the guards
They all stood there in fright
As the power of love
Displayed its might
Then suddenly a melody
Filled the air
Riding wings of wind,
It was everywhere
The words all creation
Had been longing to hear
The sweet sound of victory,
So loud and clear.
Arise, my love.
Arise, my love.
The grave no longer has a hold on you.
No more death’s sting
no more suffering
Arise… arise…
Sin, where are your shackles?
Death, where is your sting?
Hell has been defeated.
Arise, My love.
Arise, My love.
The grave no longer
Has a hold on you
No more death’s sting
No more suffering
Praise God, Almighty for sending His Son to die on the cross … He rose on the third day! Jesus bore all of our sins. We have been set free and promised the gift of eternal life, if only we believe in Him.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Yesterday was Friday, but not just any ole Friday. Every year we remember the greatest sacrifice of all time made on the Good Friday before Easter. It is the day that Jesus was beaten and humiliated, completely disgraced and broken for all of our sins. It is the day that He carried His cross, the one that He would be nailed to where His suffering would continue until He died.
For us.
For you.
For me.
Jesus did this ALL for us!
We sat through The Passion of The Christ a few years ago. With tears streaming down our faces, we watched all of it unfold before our eyes on the screen. How we felt could never, ever come close to the way that Mary must have felt seeing her Son treated in this way and ultimately hanging on the cross in agony.
It’s hard, in a way, to understand the greatest sacrifice of all time. It’s hard to grasp how God could allow His son to be beaten and die a horrible death. I know it was to forgive us all from the sins we have committed and to provide a way for us to have eternal life. It is through Jesus that we all can have eternal life if we only believe in Him and ask Him into our hearts. We can be assured of eternal life in Heaven with Jesus, if we only believe!
I do believe. I hope you do, too.
On Friday he suffered and bled. He hung on the cross, crying out in pain. He later died and was placed in a tomb. The stone was placed over the entrance of where His body was placed in the tomb. Everything was silent. I imagine that tears continued to fall as His mother mourned the loss of her precious Son, Jesus.
There was such violence, such humiliation, such distress, and such pain and suffering on Friday.
We have a very special guest on the blog today. Please make Nicole feel welcome as she shares her adventure with us all. Thank you, Nicole, for being a contributing writer for Light Love Hope!
Here is a little bit of information about Nicole:
Hi, I’m Nicole. I enjoy singing, and I enjoy helping people. My dream is to become a professional singer one day. I am a Junior in high school. My best friend’s name is Jackie, (who you heard from earlier in the week). I plan to attend college to major in a therapy program as it is my desire to help as many people as I possibly can in life.
God’s Love Revealed In All Things
Recently, my family and I took a trip to see some baby goats. I love the old country roads and the scenery along the way. It’s always fun to go on trips with my family.
When we went to the lady’s house to pick up our goats, it was amazing. All of these mama goats and their babies came up to me. They were all so cute.
When I saw my goat, which I named Tony, I knew he was going to be fun to play with. He was so soft and fluffy, kind of like a pillow. He cried when I first picked him up, but then he cuddled with me.
On the way home, Tony snuggled into me and fell asleep on my lap. It was a long ride home, but it wasn’t too bad with Tony by my side.
It took about two days for the goats to get used to their new home. Every morning we go out to see them and to play with them. They just walk up and sit on my lap now.
These baby goats really got me to thinking.
They love me no matter what I look like. They love me just the same no matter what mood I am in, also.
They reminded me of Jesus.
They remind me of how Jesus loves me no matter what I’ve done in the past or will do in the future. Jesus loves me no matter what I look like or how I feel that day.
Just as the baby goats crawl into my lap and snuggle into me, Jesus wants us to crawl into His lap and be surrounded by His unconditional love.
His love will never fail.
Isn’t it amazing how God’s love is revealed in all things … all we have to do is open ourselves to it.
My family and I set out recently on a trip to look at a horse that was for sale. It was in another town that we hadn’t been to before, and so we quickly punched the address into our GPS so we could get on our way. The only problem is that my husband hates that thing with a passion. He will fuss and cuss at “her” (the voice of the GPS) the entire way to our destination. It is a constant struggle any time we go on a trip. It would easily zap the fun completely out of the trip if I allowed it to do so. However, I try to encourage my husband and ask him kindly not to say bad things! To me, it is an adventure! I like going where I’ve never gone before. I like looking at all the new things along the way. Why he can’t just enjoy the ride is beyond me, but I am reminded that we are two completely different individuals. He definitely likes to be in control, but the funny thing to me is that if he doesn’t know where he’s going, he is anything but “in control.”
As I have pondered this since our last trip, I couldn’t help but think of how God points us in the direction that He wants us to go. How many times do we ask for His help and His guidance? And how many times do we fight it the entire way when He lays the path before us that He wants us to take?
Are you like my husband? Do you fight every twist and turn? Do you mumble, grumble, fuss, and complain about every thing that God wants you to do? Remember now, you did seek Him first before you set out on your journey. You asked Him for direction, and He has given it to you.
It is definitely something to think about, now isn’t it?
For me, I enter the address into the GPS and trust that it will take me to my destination. No matter how many times it takes me places that I don’t understand, it does eventually get me there safe and sound. Until I reach my destination, though, I try to relax and enjoy the scenery along the way. Likewise, I trust God and cling to the following verse:
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,“ says the Lord, “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
I want to encourage you on your path. Your journey will look different than that of my own. God has plans for each of us. They may look like we’re setting out side by side initially, but God may send your life in a different direction than He sends mine. That is fine, as long as it is HIS plan.
I encourage you to pray and ask God what direction He wants you to take in your life. Where does He want you to go? What does He want you to do?
After you’ve prayed and have heard God speak, trust Him to get you safely to your destination. Surrender to Him and allow Him to guide you along your journey, your path, your walk of life. He will not lead you astray.
There may be times you’re walking in the deepest valley, and there may be other times that you’re on the highest mountain. Trust that He knows best. Have faith in His abilities to deliver you to your destination in life exactly when you’re supposed to arrive.
Trust Him as you reach your destination!
Join Holley Gerth and other writers like myself every Wednesday as we link up to spread encouragement all over the internet!
The war horse in the last chapter was trained for battle, snorting, stamping, and straining to hear the sound of the trumpet and the shout of the commanders. This horse is described by the Greek word, praus, or meek, because the horse is perfectly trained, perfectly submitted to its master, and can be relied upon to obey orders even in the heat and confusion of battle.
Then Mr. Stendal goes on to give another example of meekness in none other than Moses. He reminds us that Moses started out by taking the law into his own hands, killing an Egyptian, but God dealt with him in the desert. God prepared and trained Moses to do battle God’s way. Then Moses submitted to God. He became meek, and God used Moses far beyond what he ever thought possible. God sent Moses to confront Pharaoh after that, and although Moses was probably nervous, God empowered him!
Let’s stop right there and think of the possibilities … of all the things God could do with and through us if we would only submit to Him! God has equipped us with unique gifts which are to be used for His glory. Are you allowing God to use you to His fullest potential?
In this chapter, Mr. Stendal talks about a time in his life when he wasn’t very disciplined with his school work. He would goof off and just not get his work done. It wasn’t until he had a hunting accident where he accidentally shot his foot that landed him in the hospital that he was forced to slow down and actually throw himself into his studies. Prior to his accident, he has been asking God to help him to focus more on his school work. While this probably wasn’t the intervention he was hoping for, God allowed something to happen in his life that forced him to focus more on his studies. While he was recovering, he studied and ended up finishing his course on time and also scoring very high on his college entrance exam! Some people may say they will not commit their lives completely to God then if something like this happened, as one girl did say to Mr. Stendal after one of his talks, but Mr. Stendal asks the question of what if God hadn’t intervened in his life then? Had he not been disciplined every time he needed it, he would be a mediocre Christian, doing mediocre things completely incapable of facing the enemy, of winning a victory. Instead, he was now disciplined and able to be used for God’s glory in God’s army.
This book has really made me stop to think several times while reading through it. This time was no different. Having just had an accident on a horse, it makes me wonder what area I need to stop and focus on. What does God want me to do now while I wait in recovery mode? I can’t ride a horse at this stage of the game. While my hand and hip recover, I need to seek God more to see where he wants my focus to be. And … I will.
I don’t want to give too much of this book away in this series. I would like to leave you with a desire to invest in the book and, more importantly, into your relationship with Jesus through the tools offered in this book. Therefore, I will conclude the series with a teaser for the last half of the book which consists of:
Integrity vs. Hypocrisy
The Peacemakers: Those Whom God Identifies As His Sons
Today we are in for a real treat as we have Jackie Toews posting as a contributing writer on the blog! We are so excited to share what impacted her the most on her Senior Trip to Europe!
But first, here is a little about Miss Toews!
Hey! My name is Jackie, I’m 17 and I’m a proud Canadian living in Winnipeg, Manitoba. I’m an aspiring singer songwriter, but until that takes off, I’ll be going to college to work as a Health Unit Clerk. Before I left to Europe, Shirley had her daughter, and also my best friend, Nicole, ask me if I’d write a post for her website, and here I am!
A Magical Visit to London, England & Paris, France
From the moment I woke up on March 27, 2014, I knew I was in for the time of my life. And, was I ever right! London, England and Paris, France are two places that are for the dreamers. In each city, I felt surrounded by creativity and inspiration.
The journey to London was full of little interruptions, like an hour delay on top of the seven hour wait to board the plane from Calgary to London.
By the time we got to London, we met up with our tour guide, Vanessa, who arrived all the way from Belgium. She has had a huge impact on my life. Hearing her story, about moving away from home at 17 and everything she’s been through to finally get herself to where she is now, really made me realize that just because things aren’t working out the way you want them to doesn’t mean that they’ll never work out. On the train from London to our hotel, which was a half hour out of the city, I overheard her talking to some other students in my group about how important it is to not rush into real life. She was saying how you should take all the time you need to find that career that you feel you 100% belong to.
There was a girl in my group, let’s call her Taylor, that wants to be an author, and she said how she keeps hearing things like:
Oh, you’ll never make a living off of that
And Van said:
Don’t even worry about that.
Despite only knowing her for eight days, I feel a connection with her. I love Van for being such an encouragement when it comes to finding your place in this insanely big world full of possibilities. Even now that the trip is over, I keep hearing Van’s voice in the back of my mind telling me that everything I want to achieve is possible, regardless of those who doubt me.
While my friend and I were walking through the streets of Paris during our free time on the last day of the trip, I couldn’t help but notice the outstandingly large amount of people living on the streets. See, where I live, we don’t have people sitting on every street corner. When I decided to give some money to this woman, her face just lit up, and it really surprised me of the fact that just a little bit of change, something that we take for granted, can give someone so much joy. We don’t always think about how a small act of kindness like that can make someone’s day just a little bit better.
Going to London and Paris has always been a dream of mine, and now I’m beyond ecstatic that I can say that is has been a reality for me!
When I left, I kept saying how I’d never want to go home, but when I got home on April 6, 2014, it was a wonderful feeling to see my family again. The moment that made me the happiest to be home was seeing my one and a half year old niece come running to me. Seeing her do that was what reassured me that she didn’t forget about me.
The saying really is true. No matter where you visit …
There’s no place like home!
*Thank you so much, Jackie, for your wonderfully inspirational post about your travels! We appreciate you being a part of our team at Light, Love, Hope!
My daughters and I love to sing that Taylor Swift song together, and it is on days like today that we can turn to each other and honestly say, “I had the best day … with you.”
Today was definitely one of those days!
We went to one of our most favorite places in the South … Folly Beach! They were having their 24th annual Sea & Sand Festival. Having never been in all of these years, we decided to see what it was all about. We walked through the streets filled with vendors and looked at all of the items on display. We stopped to listen to a band playing on the streets. We even looked through my daughter’s favorite surf shop there. Then, we headed to a little restaurant right on the pier to enjoy a nice meal together. We didn’t realize just how hungry we were until the food came! It was delicious, too, I might add!
We walked on the pier, all the way to the very end, snapping pictures of the sea gulls and various birds that graced us on the pier. We soaked in all of the sunshine that warmed our pale white skin. There were several times that I just closed my eyes and threw my head back as I breathed in all of the salt air and released all of my worries and cares. It was as if the birds were carrying them to God above, relieving me of the need to fuss over them any longer.
There is just something so refreshing and rejuvenating about the beach. I’m not sure if it’s the powdery white sand between our toes or the sound of the waves crashing in, but it is soothing for the soul.
My youngest daughter is her absolute happiest on the beach. She has always enjoyed it and would walk to the water’s edge, wait until the waves start crashing in, and run with all of her might back to us with the biggest and widest smile EVER on her face! She had not a single care in the world and was just enjoying herself to the fullest. We could learn a thing or two from these little ones!
As our day was winding down, we decided to take a little drive to the end of Folly. As we came to a dead end road, we pulled off to the side of the road and began to make our way down a long sandy path. It began to wind around and then … there it was … right before our very eyes … the Morris Island Lighthouse! Oh I’ve seen it plenty of times before, but every time is like the first time all over again due to the thrill that I get each and every time I see it.
There it stood … all majestic and magical in the distance …
We walked a little further, and then the path opened up to reveal the lighthouse in all of it’s glory.
My youngest daughter frolicked and played in the water’s edge near the rocks with the massive lighthouse in the background.
My oldest daughter and her boyfriend climbed the rocks.
I whispered a silent, “Thank you, Lord.”
After several rounds of pictures, we decided to call it a day. Nothing could top this moment in time … it was like the entire world stood still, and it was just us and the majestic beauty before us … being one with nature … standing on the sandy shores with the waves lapping at our feet … thanking God for this moment in time and the memories we’ll carry with us forevermore.
If you’ve been with us a while, you know it’s time for Five Minute Fridays!! We write for five whole minutes without worrying about anything in the world except getting those words out. No editing allowed! 🙂
If you haven’t participated before, I encourage you to do so either here with us below in the comments, on your own blog, or on our Facebook page. I would love to read YOUR masterpiece with words!
The prompt word for today is: PAINT!
My daughters and I love to gather all of our painting supplies and sit down at the table to paint our grand masterpiece of the day. Whether we’re painting figurines or free-handing lighthouses and ladybugs on the canvas, painting is soothing to our souls.
My daughters love the different colors and spreading them across the canvas with the various different brushes. The smaller brushes used for the finest details, while the thicker brushes transfer beautiful colors for the bulk of the picture.
We took an art class recently where my oldest daughter and I painted a beautiful peacock. She did better than I did, of course, but it was time spent together, which we loved!
My youngest daughter really had a desire to paint as well, so we enrolled her in a class where she painted a beautiful mermaid, her absolute favorite in the entire world.
When we were all finished, we stepped back to look at the beautiful display of colors on the canvas and how it was arranged so beautifully to make the grandest picture ever … that we crafted and created with our own hands.
Then I think of how God must have felt after He created for six full days, and then stood back on the seventh day to soak in all of the beauty that He had created. All He had to do was speak, and there it appeared before Him in all of its radiant glory. He breathed life into each animal, each person, each plant and tree in the forest. He formed them all and painted the most beautiful skies … all for His glory and delight.
My oldest daughter painted this lighthouse for me … for Light, Love, Hope!
“If it wasn’t for the lighthouse … where would this ship be …”