I have felt this topic pulling at my heart over the last week. It is a message that we all need to hear, and yet it is a sensitive subject, too.
Today I would like to talk about forgiveness!
Now, please hear me out. Don’t cross your arms and stick your nose in the air refusing to allow anything else that I say speak to your heart.
I know there have been people in this life that have wronged you. They have hurt you deeply. Some have mistreated you and disrespected you. I do understand as I have been on the receiving end of this treatment as well. It hurts, and we vow that we will stand up for ourselves. We say that we will never allow this sort of thing to happen again, and we proceed with building huge concrete walls around our hearts so that no one can get to us again. Because of the damage they’ve done to your heart, you’ve hardened it now and refuse to let anyone in.
Consider this:
All bitterness, anger, and wrath, insult and slander must be removed from you, along with all wickedness. And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ. Ephesians 4:31-32 HCSB
That is a tall order, but it is something that we are required to do. I did not say it would be easy, but it is possible.
Oh I know … believe me, I hear you loud and clear. Someone has wronged you, hurt you or your family members even. They have done the unspeakable, perhaps. You sit there asking yourself and staring at the screen right now asking, “How can I possibly forgive them for THIS?”! Or you’re saying, “Shirley, you just don’t KNOW what they’ve done to me!” No, I don’t know all of the details, but I do know this. God will help you forgive if you ask Him to.
No where in here am I saying that the offense done to you is okay. No where am I saying that what they did was right by any means. I’m not excusing or condoning their behavior or mistreatment in any way, shape, or form.
When I speak of forgiveness, it’s from my own experience. Having an unforgiving heart and an unforgiving spirit does nothing to the person that you’re holding the grudge against. They are going on with their lives not giving your hurt feelings or wounded heart a second thought. You, on the other hand, are torn up inside by all of this. You have trouble sleeping because those thoughts are there when you lay down at night. They are with you throughout the day whether you’re at work or at play. It torments you, and it sours your heart and outlook on life. You fixate on the injustice. You play it over and over again in your mind.
What good is any of this doing? Dear one, you are only hurting yourself!
I am not asking you to forget what has happened. I am not even suggesting that you become the best of friends with this person. All I am saying is that having an unforgiving heart will imprison YOU!
Forgiveness is never an easy task. It is probably the hardest thing you will ever have to do if your heart has been injured!
By not forgiving, by not letting wrongs go, we aren’t getting back at anyone. We are merely punishing ourselves by barricading our own hearts. ~Jim Cymbala
How can you forgive when the offense is so great? With the help of God above!
That is the only way that you will ever overcome these feelings of bitterness, resentment, and hatred. Ask God to remove all of this, including the animosity you are feeling toward this person. If you allow Him to, God will help you overcome and ultimately forgive so that this does not continue to consume you.
There are friendships right now on the rocks. Something happened, someone did this or that, someone misunderstood, someone felt pushed to “talk it out” when the other had nothing further to say, etc. There are also families torn apart by refusing to forgive their brother or sister, even mothers and daughters refusing to offer forgiveness, as well as fathers and sons. There are relationships being ripped to shreds all because people will not forgive one another.
Who suffers more? The person that harbors unforgiveness in their heart? Or the person that has gone on with their lives and has let go of ill feelings? It’s painfully obvious here who is imprisoned. You don’t have to live like this any more. Ask God to help you. I promise you that He will.
Hear me loud and clear on this one. You do not have to continue to associate with people that have wronged you. It is okay to have boundaries in your life. I am not suggesting that you forgive and forget, carrying on with this person in the same fashion, allowing them the opportunity to do this again to you. No, I am suggesting that YOU are the one that barricaded your own heart due to their offense. You are suffering greatly and would benefit from letting God work a miracle in your heart by releasing the bitterness, resentment, and hatred that you have been carrying around for way too long. Release it and you release yourself as the prisoner that you’ve held hostage for so long.
Tear down those walls that you’ve built up. Remove the barricades around your heart. By forgiving, you release yourself!
Will you prayerfully consider making a list of people that you are harboring ill feelings toward? Will you ask God to help you in this area? If you need someone to pray with you, I will be glad to pray with you. Just please don’t carry this around with you another day.