When times are tough and things of this world threaten to shatter our peace and steal our joy, quickly turn your thoughts to pleasant things that speak life into your heart and soul. What restores your peace and joy, friends? Allow me to share my thoughts here.
For me, when the world comes crashing in, all I have to do is shift my focus to my darling daughters. I escape the grownup woes for a little while by playing like a child again in their world. Oh the fun we have dancing around, laughing freely, throwing our heads back as we laugh so hard that our sides hurt. Just tonight we had such a moment. We were watching Titanic, of all things. My entire family was glued to the television. During a dancing scene, my oldest daughter disappeared into her room and returned shortly thereafter shuffling her feet, dancing around, kicking up her heels, all the while twirling a blanket over her head. We burst into uncontrollable laughter. None of us were expecting that, but it was the best thing she could have done to entertain us at that moment. These are the times that we’ll remember forever!More