Love Languages
As Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, I wanted to take this time to make sure that you’re focusing on your relationship and/or marriage. Are you speaking your mate’s love language?
If you haven’t More
As Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, I wanted to take this time to make sure that you’re focusing on your relationship and/or marriage. Are you speaking your mate’s love language?
If you haven’t More
I am a little late posting the Five Minute Fridays writing … just as I was late writing the SOAP for the bible verse in the Good Morning Girls group yesterday. My parents were involved in a car accident where a tractor trailer hit them as they were at a complete stop waiting at a red light. The driver of the tractor trailer said he came over the hill and just could not stop in time. There was a car in the other lane, so it was either hit my parents or hit the car in the other lane. The impact of the tractor trailer pushed my parents a good distance ahead. Upon impact, More
You are loved. Do you know that? Do you believe it? I mean *really* believe it with your whole heart? I want you to! GOD wants you to!
All throughout the bible we are told how much God loves us. He sent His only son to die on the cross for our sins. We know that verse well – John 3:16 For God so love the world that He sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. While that is THE verse to remember and cling to, there are others that speak of His love for us. Those are real, too!
Have you been following along with Good Morning Girls on their latest bible study, Intentionally Focused? If so, how have you been doing with it?
This is the second week, and I want to encourage you to follow along and participate by writing it all out and doing your SOAP daily. If you’re not sure exactly what that is, I will explain it here in my own words. You are supposed to take the Scripture (S) and write it or type it out. Then you write down your Observation (O) about the scripture. Next, you write down the Application (A) and just how you can apply this verse to your life. Finally, you write a Prayer (P) concerning the scripture, observation, and application.
I will be honest and tell you that I did not do so well the first week. Why? More
How many would willingly admit that at one time or another in your life you have felt all alone? I will be the first to raise my hand! There have been circumstances and situations in my life that left me feeling as if I was all alone during some really hard times. In these times, I found great comfort in turning to God and clinging to the reassurance provided in His Word. No matter how I might have felt, the truth of the matter is that I was never alone because God was with me! I can rest confidently in the knowledge that even still God is with me. More
What a truly exciting time when it SNOWS in the South!!! It is a very rare occasion when we see white snowflakes falling from the sky! When it “sticks” and starts to form a beautiful white blanket before us, covering everything in it’s path, we put on our heavy coats, scarves, hats, and mittens and rush outside to play!! All you can see are smiles … big ear to ear grins, nothing but white, sparkling teeth as the children are playing in the fluffy white stuff that is almost completely foreign to them. Oh yes, they’ve “heard” about it, but they do not get the opportunity to see it with their own two eyes unless they shake a snow globe on a shelf in their bedrooms. More
With all of the school shootings that have been going on around the country, this was a very sad but much needed conversation that I had to have with my children. What a sad world we are living in when the hard topic isn’t “the birds and the bees” any longer but, instead, are shootings that are taking place!
This conversation was prompted by a school shooting that took place over the weekend that was extremely too close for comfort. You always hear of things happening to other people and in places far away, but not here. Now it IS here, and More
As Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, we thought this would be the perfect time to introduce you to a new book by Crystal Brothers called Intentional Marriage. This 31 day devotional helps you on your journey walking hand in hand, side by side, and heart to heart with your husband. While it’s not a magic potion, it does help you on this path as it is impossible to change anyone but yourself. She purposely gives you information packed in this book to ensure that you are being the best that you can be for your spouse.
I absolutely love interpretive movement and sign art. I first became interested in this in 7th grade when we had the privilege of going into the classroom with the special education students to interact with them. I have such fond memories of socializing with them. They were just regular children that wanted to laugh, play, and have fun just like the rest of us. We did just that, too!
I did not realize it at the time, but the teachers were using this opportunity to have us interact with the students in this way not only as a way to play with them and have fun but as an educational tool, too! We learned sign language and could “talk” with the deaf students. We played “Go Fish” and had lots of laughter with the group, but we did not fully realize the opportunity we were being given to learn and explore a different language all of its own – sign language! Back then it was more fun and games than anything, but it left a lasting impression on me so much so that years later not only did I join an interpretive movement and sign art group at church but I later became the director of this group.
Some people absolutely love watching interpretive movement while others still do not understand it or see the purpose for it. To me, it is a different way of worshiping the Lord. I love to praise and worship with song, just singing my heart out to God. However, I also love the More
We all need a reminder on this subject from time to time.
Today I was having a conversation with a lady as her husband sat nearby. During the conversation, the lady seemed to dwell on negative things either from past situations or those currently going on today in the world. Her husband was quick to chime in and say that this was generally all she knew to talk about. Being that she’s an older lady, it is hard to get someone to change the way they have always operated. However, I attempted to help her today. Her husband said that as they are driving along in the car together that she will sit for miles in silence without sharing with him what is on her mind. The wife said that was because she is thinking all of this negative stuff, and he has already let it be known that he does not want to hear it. The husband said that she acts as if she has never had any good happen to her in her life. He said it was as if it was all doom and gloom through every single one of her days. The lady did not really have a defense. She admitted that she does tend to look at the negative in the situations, but she was not sure why that was.More
Yea! It’s Friday. Are you as excited as I am?
It’s time for Five Minute Fridays. Lisa Jo Baker provides a prompt word, and we write for five minutes of unedited fun! We link up and share our writings with other bloggers around the globe.
Our word today is VISIT.
Today I had a nice, long visit with my parents. I always enjoy their company, and today was no different. We talked about a variety of things, even reminiscing about things over the years. Our favorite topic of conversation when we visit is, of course, my girls. We talked about how much they have grown and how proud they are of their grandchildren. During today’s visit, my mom talked about memories she has of my girls from when they were toddlers running around the house. She makes me smile as she recaps these moments. My dad smiles and nods as he, too, can remember them at such a young, tender age and can recall everything my mom is referring to. They talked of when my children would visit and how still to this very day it thrills their heart when my children call or come around. Just knowing that they want to spend time with their grandparents means everything to them. They have a bond with their grandparents that has been cemented through the years. I am so happy that they have the type of relationship with my parents that they do have with them as it has been so very important in shaping and molding them into the people that they are today. Oh yes, a wonderful day for a visit with my parents and a walk down memory lane. There’s just nothing like visiting with your parents and spending quality time with them. It’s precious, indeed. I love moments spent with them and treasure them.
Last night I had the honor and privilege of watching my 17 year old daughter being inducted into the American Christian Honor Society of the American Association of Christian Schools! This is the highest and most recognized honor.
The ceremony did not last very long, but it was a truly moving experience. They opened the service with prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, then to the Christian Flag, and finally to the Bible.
The speakers were full of encouragement and praise for all recipients. They poured such love over these young people’s lives as they recognized them for their great achievements.