Simplifying Our Lives – Learning How To Rest – Part Two
We are back to continue discussing how we can simplify our lives by learning how to rest. Joyce Meyer has a lot to say on this subject, and we have thoroughly enjoyed all of the information that she shared in her audiobook!
We left off with this:
She explains that when emotions take off in a different direction, we don’t need to jump on board with them! We become upset initially. The more we talk about what happened, the more we react to what occurred, and the more upset we get about that situation. Let’s work to change that.
Another thing that Joyce addressed is that we are to remain calm in order to hear from God. It is better for us to remain in wisdom. She said that we’ve probably all heard it said before, but we should NOT make a decision when we’re emotional. She stresses to make sure we will be happy when the emotions subside. She talks about feeling the high of emotions when we’re looking to purchase something. Whether we go into debt or not, be sure we can afford it! Joyce says this is especially important if we have to lay plastic down in order to pay for it. She suggests that we think on it, and if we want whatever item we’ve had our eye on that our emotions tried to take off with, to take the time to think on it and then go back. If we take our focus off of the item and put it on something else, the emotions will subside. You will save yourself from going into a lot of debt this way or getting yourself into trouble buying things you really shouldn’t.
Joyce told a story about how she purchased some jewelry one day. She was overcome with all of these good emotions when she saw the jewelry sparkling under the lights in the jewelry store. She joked about how the lights must be different in the jewelry store because when she purchased the jewelry and brought it home, it did NOT sparkle under her lights at home like it did under the lights at the jewelry store. She thought about her purchase, and then the very next day she decided to take it back for a refund. She knew the person she bought it from, so she had to humble herself and freely admit that she purchased something she did not need. Actually, she had pieces very similar to it at home already, so she just needed to return it and admit that she acted upon her emotions when she purchased it. Wow! What a lesson to be learned here if we just reign in our emotions or think on it overnight!
My husband and I just recently did that this past year over a car purchase. We didn’t necessarily need another car, but we saw one that caught our eye. We were so close to buying it that we could smell the leather long after we had gotten out of the car after a test drive. Oh, the color was a beautiful candy apple red, and it called out to me. I slide behind the steering while and into the driver’s seat and felt pure joy when I drove down the road taking it on a test drive. The salesman let us take it home, and we were so very close to buying this car. We took it back, though, and decided to think on it over the weekend. I am SO glad we did because when we shifted our focus, the grip of the new car smell no longer had a hold on me. I was able to rationally think about this purchase and realize that I was acting on my emotions when I was willing to sign on the dotted line. Thankfully and proudly, I did NOT buy the new car, and I did NOT go into debt or deplete our savings account on a purchase that would have been lead by my emotions! Whew! That was a close one!