Bereaved Parents Month
You may associate July with fun in the sun and enjoying Summer days with your children. We want you to make memories and share in their laughter. We truly do. Sadly, though, July has another meaning to many people as it is Bereaved Parents Month. Will you please stop for a moment and pray for parents everywhere that have lost their children?
About a month ago, a couple in our community lost their precious son who was just over a year old. They are still very much at a loss as to how to go on when their hearts have been ripped out of their chests after losing their son. They have been sharing their story and adorable pictures of their son all while encouraging people to draw closer to God. Their goal right this minute is to bring awareness to Bereaved Parents Month, and we are dedicating this blog post to Remembering Riggs to help with their efforts.
While I do not know the couple personally, I was invited to “like” their Facebook page by one of my friends that does know them. I did so in order to show my support and offer my prayers at this very difficult time that God will comfort as only He can. I’ll be honest. Some of the posts are so heart wrenching, I choke back tears as I read them. This dear mother is hurting so badly, as all mothers everywhere are that have lost their beloved children. The fathers are hurting, too.
My parents probably have no idea that this is Bereaved Parents Month, just as I was not aware until Caroline, the mother of Riggs, brought this to our attention in one of her posts on her Facebook page. My parents lost their oldest daughter on July 9, 2001. Caroline is so fresh in her grief after just losing Riggs a month ago. It is so raw and hurts right to the very core of her being. Although some time has passed and time has lessened the overwhelming pain that they once felt, my parents still remember the loss and the waves of grief that swept over and slammed into them just like it was yesterday. Caroline posted not too long ago about how the pain is so great at times that she doesn’t want to get out of bed, yet she pushes herself to do so. This truly is a grief like none other that cripples you emotionally.
Please pray for parents everywhere that have lost their sweet children. No matter what age they were when they passed, whether it was just a year old like Riggs or 32 years old like my sister when my parents lost her … it still hurts. It is so incredibly sad and heart breaking to think of how they lost little Riggs at just a year old, and yet, during his short life, he has touched so many far and wide. He is still touching people’s hearts today through his mother sharing her heartfelt words with the world.
So many precious lives were cut short, and we’ll never know why. Only God holds those answers … and now He is holding these precious children until the parents are reunited with them in Heaven when God calls them home.
Will you please consider visiting and sharing Caroline’s page, Remembering Riggs? We would like to help her bring awareness to Bereaved Parents Month so people around the globe can pray extra hard for these parents that lost their precious children. They are hurting so badly, and they need all of the support, love, and prayers they can get.
July 1, 2015 @ 11:50 am
I understand, but not from a place of empathy, but sympathy. My sister – a sole parent – lost her son to a drowning. I traveled across the miles to comfort her and realized that the hurt was too deep for me to reach down and take away from her. The heartache had dug itself in and try to claw the life out of her. I held her all night as she cried, I told her it wasn’t her fault and I did pray to the God of All Comfort because only He could reach her in the places not meant for me….and He did. Coming to you from Wednesday Prayer Girls. Blessings….Your Chris~
July 1, 2015 @ 12:39 pm
Bless you, Chris, for sharing with us here, too. My heart goes out to your sister so much and to you … you tried so hard to be there with her and for her. I know your sister appreciates all you did, especially at that most difficult time. My heart breaks for all who have lost a child.
Success! - Light, Love, Hope
July 21, 2015 @ 3:19 pm
[…] few weeks ago, I shared the heartbreaking story of little Riggs that passed away at just a little over a year old. His mother, Caroline, sought to bring awareness […]