We’re gearing up for Friday, y’all! Write your little hearts out for five whole minutes without worrying about getting it “just right.” Don’t worry about perfection. Just let those fingers fly!
There is a saying that goes a little something like this, “Bloom where you are planted.” What, exactly, does that mean? Let’s explore, shall we?
Thinking back, I was uncomfortable in my own skin for way too long. Circumstances and things of the past influenced my overwhelming feelings of low self esteem. I was lacking self confidence, and I was full of insecurities.
I’ve known about Jesus from a very early age, and I had asked him into my heart and life early on as well. It wasn’t until I was much older in my adult walk that I came to really realize and appreciate what having this relationship with Jesus was about and what it truly meant to be a Child of The King!
For so long I sought other people’s approval. I wanted to “fit in” when the truth of the matter is that I was not like everyone else. I think that added to my insecurities in my younger days; however, I’ve come to appreciate the fact that I am different as I’ve grown older and wiser (or so I’d like to think). Now I don’t concern myself with fitting in or agonize as to whether people will like me. I don’t try to be just like them because I recognize our differences and respect them, knowing full well that God made each of us in our own unique fashion because each of us brings something valuable to the table. No, we may not be like Suzie Q, but that’s okay because God wants us to be exactly who WE are and who He created us to be. He wants us to recognize the beautiful people that we are, how He made us with His very hands, taking His time to form every detail of our being. He smiled looking at his beautiful creation, why then do we stare almost in hatred at ourselves when we look in the mirror?
Bloom where you are planted … to me, that means to appreciate where you are today. You may have faced many trials and tribulations along the way. You may have had situations arise in your life that threatened your sanity, your well being. But know this. God can take the most horrible situation and turn it into something good to be used for His honor and His glory. Bloom where you are planted … watch the tiny little rose bud (that’s you in your younger days wrapped tightly in the bud with insecurities and lacking confidence) slowly begin to open up (that’s you as you’ve grown and matured in life) and transform itself into this bright, vibrantly colored rose displaying all of its wonder and grace (that’s you now, sweet one … we all recognize it but you!). Bloom dear one, as God intended you to be. Recognize your beauty in the present day, appreciate your transformation and know that God has great plans for you … bloom, darlings. Bloom …
July 17, 2014 @ 10:24 pm
I’m tracking with you tonight, Shirley. Our heart, our pens took us to the same garden … lovely to visit with you here!
July 17, 2014 @ 10:31 pm
Welcome, Linda! So lovely to stroll through the garden with you!
July 17, 2014 @ 10:38 pm
hello I am your FMF neighbor this week. Oh my goodness yes. I touched on ‘bloom where you are planted’ also in my post, but you have taken this to a place that perhaps I was too afraid to touch, or too raw to approach still. thank you. I totally understand being different then other people. I’m not sure what it was that made me be an outsider or perhaps just feel the outsider, and sometimes that ugly self conciousness rears its head, but I’d like to think that over the years i’ve seen the nuances that God has been refining in me. t hank you for this reminder Sister.
July 19, 2014 @ 11:39 am
Bless your heart, Janel! Thank you so much for all that you said.
July 18, 2014 @ 11:43 am
I think a phrase in the last line caught me the most, to appreciate the transformation. This is an area God has grown me and keeps on working out. Amen!
July 19, 2014 @ 11:38 am
Absolutely, Jolene!
July 18, 2014 @ 4:38 pm
Thank you for this message of unique gifts from God. n a world where comparing comes all too easily to me, this is a beautiful message of hope!
Great post!
July 19, 2014 @ 11:37 am
Angie, thank you so much for your kind words! I appreciate them more than you know.
July 18, 2014 @ 10:35 pm
This was really good . A lot like my own story. Thank you for sharing your heart .
July 19, 2014 @ 11:37 am
Aww, thank you, Debra. ((hugs to you, my friend))
July 19, 2014 @ 12:19 am
Lovely post and message. Thank you for this.
Thrifting Diva
July 19, 2014 @ 11:36 am
Thank you very much, Ayana! Thank you for stopping by!