When We Are The Bully
I saw a quote this week that really struck me.
The worst bullies you will ever encounter in your life are your own thoughts. ~Bryant McGill
Wow. Think about that for a moment. Really let it sink in as to exactly what that one little sentence has to offer. Consider the powerful punch within those few words.
It’s the truth, though, isn’t it?
You wouldn’t speak those words to a valued friend, now would you? Why, then, do you put yourself through this torture? Why do you mentally assault your own self while looking in the mirror? Why do you play a situation from the past over repeatedly in your mind as you beat yourself up over things you “shoulda, coulda, woulda” done differently? The past is the past, dear heart. There is no “do-over” or “un-do” button in real life. BUT, there is forgiveness and grace! You so freely extend this to others. Why won’t you consider extending it to yourself?!
You don’t deserve the harsh words spoken over you – not from any one on the outside – and not from yourself. We ALL make mistakes. Some make huge mistakes, some little ones, but they are all an opportunity to learn and grow.
Don’t use the past as a weapon! Use it as a lesson, instead.
Ask yourself what you gained from that experience? Focus on the positives … and yes, there are positives in every situation, you just have to search long and hard for them at times.
But go gently on yourselves. That’s the hard part, I know.
When we are the bully, we have a negative internal dialogue going with words such as these (and worse!):
Why did you have to be so stupid?
You’re an idiot!
You always mess things up!
How could you do something like that?
You are a horrible person!
Consider going to the mirror after reading this and looking yourself in the eyes. Take a good, long look at yourself but not with condemning eyes. Instead, look at yourself as if you were looking at a child … because YOU ARE!
You, my dear one, you are a child of GOD!
You are so hard on yourself and beat yourself up constantly, but you know what? God has already forgiven you! Now you have the hard task of forgiving yourself. It is possible, although I know it’s not an easy task. You’re filled with remorse and the all too familiar and overwhelming feelings of guilt, shame, and regret.
It’s time to let it go, friend. Let it go.
Is it easy? No.
Is it possible? Yes!!!!
With God’s help, anything is possible.
Will you consider going to God in prayer and asking Him to release you from the burden that you carry around with you? Will you ask Him for strength so that you do not make the same mistakes again in life? Will you honor Him, your family, friends, and yourself by learning from your mistakes and by extending the same grace you would to others now to yourself? He will help you. He will walk beside you every step of the way reassuring you that you are His creation, His child, and you are loved so deeply, so unconditionally – more than you will ever know in this lifetime!
If you will only forgive yourself …
Are you ready to begin again?
Put an end to bulling today. Start with the person you see every day when you look in the mirror.
July 28, 2014 @ 7:43 pm
Very powerful post. I have never thought about it like that, but this makes so much sense. Thank you for putting this out in the universe. Something for me to think about.
Thrifting Diva
July 30, 2014 @ 9:34 pm
Thank you for your kind words, Ayana. We are so careful with other people’s hearts. Why aren’t we the same with our own? We all deserve love and acceptance, even ourselves! Thank you for visiting with us. We love having you join us!