Capture The Moment
My friends affectionately call me “The Picture Queen.”
Yes, it is true, I take so many pictures and love to share them with anyone that is willing to take a look.
Why do I have this obsession with pictures?
Because, it allows you to capture the moment right when it is happening to savor the memory.
With a picture, it is as if time stands still.
That moment, that memory will forever live on now that you have been able to capture it through photography.
My pictures mean so much to me. They are gifts that I offer my children.
While they groan when I ask that they gather together for family portraits, especially around holidays with our other relatives, one day they will appreciate how they managed to struggle through the agonizing picture taking!
Occasionally, my 18 year old daughter will go through pictures now, and she will remember all of the details surrounding that moment in time that is reflected in the picture.
That’s what it is all about!
To me, a picture has more worth than gold! It allows me to step back in time with my loved ones that have passed on. The memories rush back in, and for a moment in time, I’m there with them again. Feeling those feelings, remembering what we were laughing and making those goofy faces about. They all flood in. I’ll admit that there are times that although the memory is a happy one, tears will slip out of the corner of my eyes and run down my face. I realize that moment in time is lost forever, and I’ll never have another moment like this with them again in this lifetime.
The holiday pictures are so important to me. Yet it is sad to look through the pictures year after year to see that we’ve lost precious family members. Even still, I capture as many moments that I possibly can.
These are my memories with my loved ones, and I treasure each and every one.
I love my family!
I encourage you to capture the moment with your family as well!
Memories to treasure for a lifetime!
October 3, 2015 @ 4:52 pm
It’s great to capture memories with pictures. Keep taking them. I love that I can sort through a pile of photos and relive each moment. Especially when they are of a lost loved one. Thank you for sharing.
October 4, 2015 @ 3:03 pm
I love taking a stroll down memory lane through old pictures, too! Thank you for stopping by.