We Care Wednesday: The Compliment
I get picked on quite a bit at times. There is a certain person that shall remain nameless that loves to pick on me. Lately it has been at work because of the length my hair. What I find interesting is that it is very easy for someone to come up with a snide remark without having a clue as to what is going on.
I used to wear my hair long. It was the whole hard rock band thing. Plus I have been given the gift of nice hair. When I let it grow out it waves and curls naturally in addition to being thick and soft. But for the past ten years I have kept it shoulder length or shorter. As it has now gone several inches below my shoulders I am wearing it in a ponytail due to the heat of summer. This is what I am getting ribbed about at work. Mainly from the other guys that have less hair than I do at my advanced age.
What no one asked it why I all of a sudden changed and let it grow very long. I have a very special reason for doing this. As I have been told over and over my whole life that I have great hair, I wanted to do something with this gift I was given. My reason for letting it all hang out is that I am going to donate my hair to Locks of Love: www.locksoflove.org.
If you have never heard of them, they provide hair prosthetics to disadvantaged children under the age of 21 that are suffering hair loss from any type of disease or medical treatment. I went through the whole hair loss with my mom when she went through chemotherapy ten years ago before she passed away from the side effects of cancer treatments. And I lost my sister less than a year ago; again to cancer. If I can give this small token to help a child feel a little better about themselves while they fight for their health, then it will bring much joy to my heart.
Today’s RAK is something very simple; a compliment. Compliments are so easy to give. If I notice on of the women at work have changed their hair style I compliment them on it. A small compliment can bring someone a smile and make a difference in their day.