Do you experience it, too? The after Christmas blues?
You know what I’m talking about.
There is so much hype leading up to Christmas Day. This year the stores started bringing out Christmas decorations in October! People joked on Facebook that it was Hallothanksmas because Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas items were filling the store at around the same time! There was no time to focus on just one occasion. They just went straight into the big holidays when we were buying costumes and candy for the big night of Trick-or-Treating!
After counting the loot with bags full of candy on Halloween, there was a brief mention of Thanksgiving, but the main focus was Christmas … shelves were lined with Christmas ornaments, wreaths, trees, etc.
Then we started hearing Christmas carols on the radio, and it just seemed to lift our spirits.
Things are better when everyone is getting in the Christmas spirit. People are nicer! They are more patient and kind during the holiday season.
Then, suddenly, Christmas comes and goes … and we’re left with the after Christmas blues.
Like now.
I sit here, after getting my house back in order, admiring the nice tiny nooks and crannies of my house where just yesterday sat lots of Christmas decorations, our tree with the shiny white lights and ornaments that meant something to us all and signified memories in our lives with our children. There were mangers scenes in another corner as my daughter couldn’t just have one, she had to have two this year. And then, who could forget our snowman! I absolutely adore snowmen, and we had a lit one indoors just because I love them so much.
Now … all is quiet … and clean … spic-n-span …
And the after Christmas blues set in.
Because the special-ness of the season has come to a close.
People will be returning to work on Monday, December 29th, and will lose the loving kindness they displayed leading up to Christmas day.
Now, I realize that not everyone will fall into this category, but the vast majority will. And that saddens me.
I don’t want to lose the special-ness of Christmas. I don’t want it to go away. I want it to last longer …
And it can.
Will you carry the way you felt leading up to Christmas with you long after the season has come to an end?
More people need this feeling all through the year, not just for a few short weeks or a month even.
Christmas needs to last … and it can, if we carry it in our hearts all year through.
Today I’d like to share a few thoughts from my children on this holiday season.
First, from my 17 year old daughter:
Growing up, I always knew that Christmas was about Jesus and celebrating His birthday. As I’ve gotten older, I have noticed that not a lot of people acknowledge what Christmas is truly all about. Instead, they focus more on Santa Clause.
Also, I have seen a lot of people shorten Christmas to “X-mas,” which disturbs me because it is like taking Christ completely out of Christmas. My family and I will continue to say Merry Christmas and to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.
When I asked my 10 year old daughter, “What does Christmas mean to you?” she responded with, “Love, peace, and joy.”
While Christmas has now come and gone, we trust that our readers have kept Christ in Christmas and that your holiday was filled with love, peace, and joy straight from our Lord and Savior who was once a little baby laying in a manger … baby Jesus!
Today we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
It isn’t about the presents under the tree. It is about the greatest gift that we could ever receive, and that is the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. He came as a tiny baby to save the world. He took on a human form to walk the face of the earth, and He was tempted just as you and I are today. Yet, He did not give into the sins of the world. He became angry just as you and I do, yet He did not sin in His anger.
He showed us what it was like to live, to love, to give … and He gave all … He died for you and I.
Please take time today to wish Jesus a Happy Birthday. Please make time for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ so that you will have eternal life in Heaven with Jesus and all of the loved ones that have gone on before you, if you only believe in Him.
Merry Christmas from all of us at Light Love Hope.
You may be sitting there asking yourself on this Christmas Eve, “What do I have to give?” It’s quite simple, really, as the biggest treasures cannot be found on the shelves. They are not stocked in any store, nor can they be found with a few clicks of your mouse on the internet. Instead, they are found deep within the chambers of our hearts.
What do you have to give?
How about love, deep love. A lasting love, a devoted and dedicated love. A true love. A love that will not betray, nor deceive, nor lie. A love that will be honest and loyal.
Consider truth. Giving the gift of honesty by being a man or woman of your word. A person of integrity. One with good morals and values. An upstanding citizen, but even more importantly, the kind of person that you would want your daughters to marry. One that would protect their little hearts and never ever do anything in the world to break them. One that would shelter and love through all the years, never ever forsaking them for another.
Faithfulness. Deep within your being, right to the very core … having your heart beat with love for only one person on this earth – the one you married.
Making your loved ones feel treasured and cherished. Important and valued. Heard and appreciated. Validated. Connected and bonded together. Just the two of you, heart to heart, united as one as God intended.
You have so much to offer and so much to give not just this holiday season but every day.
Drop to your knees and beg for forgiveness if you have not been any of the above or a select few of the before mentioned this year or in the past several years. You can turn from your wicked ways right here, right now. You can be a person of good character. You can rewrite who you are starting today. You have it in you to make a lasting change. Turn from any sin that you have held on to in your life. Let go of any lies you’ve been telling and replace it with truth. Leave the deceitful, lustful ways of the past and be more. Be a man or woman of God!
Tomorrow is the day we celebrate when Jesus came to this world, to save the world all those years ago! As a little tiny baby lying in a manger, He was our truth and life. He was our future, our forgiveness, our Savior. Jesus can still save you right here, right now – today – where you sit reading this – if you only allow Him into your heart.
Jesus came to save the world!
Turn all of your sins and darkness over to Him. Run into His outstretched arms and sin no more! Turn away from that life you were living. You have a lot of making up to do for lost time. To the loved ones you took so much from in years past due to your behavior, the sin you had in your life, the way you mistreated them and took them for granted. Start today repairing things in your life, in your marriage, in your family.
What do you have to give?
The gift of renewal; a fresh start with true love and devotion to your one and only on this earth and to God above in Heaven.
Give the gift that will be treasured all the days of your loved ones’ lives.
Give them the best that you can be from here on out. Give them love like they’ve never experienced before. Give them truth and honesty. Give them the gift of ONLY having eyes for them. Give them a bright future ahead for the family with love, devotion, truth, dedication, loyalty, and faithfulness.
My ten year old daughter came home from school one day overcome with sadness. You see, earlier in the day she visited the little country store at their school where they were allowed to buy items for their family members for Christmas. My daughter told about how she picked out the perfect gift for me, one she knew I would have loved. As she was showing it to her friend, of course her friend asked to hold it. As she was doing so, it slipped from her hands and crashed to the floor. Her classmate said she was sorry, but there was no amount of super glue in the world that would put that little present back together.
As my daughter was telling me this story, I took her into my arms and reassured her that it was the thought that counts, and I appreciate her thinking of me. I hugged her tightly and gave her a reassuring kiss on her forehead and touched the tip of her nose with my finger in hopes to see a smile form across her lips. It took a few minutes, but finally, she did smile. Then she went off into her room.
Two nights ago, she insisted that I had to open a present from her. I was hesitant as I like to save my presents for Christmas Day.
Growing up, my parents would never allow us to open just one present before Christmas. They had very little money to buy gifts with, so every gift was needed to remain under the tree until Christmas Day. That has been instilled in me through the years, but with my own children, I have made allowances where they can open a gift two days before Christmas and on Christmas Eve, but the rest of the presents must remain for Christmas Day.
My daughter could wait no longer for me to open the gift, so she brought it to me and pleaded with her puppy dog eyes and begged for me to open it. I sat Indian style on the floor with her seated ever so excitedly beside me as she placed the little package in my hands. She wrapped it herself in yellow paper with brightly colored polka dots on it. The paper was crumpled by her sweet little hands that took their time to wrap this gift for me. And there she sat in front of me with the widest smile as she urged, “OPEN IT, Mama!”
And so I did.
My husband and teenager daughter were gathered around that evening as I opened the gift, and they saw what I cradled there in the palm of my hands after opening this gift from my precious daughter. A set of angel wings.
I knew instantly that this was all that remained intact from the gift she was so excited to have purchased for me before. The one that she showed her friends; the one that came crashing to the floor as her little face dropped upon seeing it broken and shattered … all except the little angel wings.
I held them in my hands and proudly showed them to my husband and daughter but not before I took my ten year old in my arms and gave her the longest hug as I whispered my thanks and appreciation in her little ears.
My husband was a tad bit confused at first as to why I only had angel wings. I did not make a big deal about it at all, though, as to it “just” being angel wings. Instead, I took the gift that my sweet darling daughter had given me and placed it along with the ornaments on our tree.
I told her how much I love my angel wings. She started talking about how she wishes it wouldn’t have gotten broken as I would have loved it. I took her little hands in my own and looked her straight into her beautiful sea blue eyes as I told her that I do love it … and I love her.
I love the giver!
I truly do!
She has the biggest heart. This little girl was so worried about having no gifts to give to her family about a week ago. I told her that she gives us all we need: love. Still, she was stressing over not having anything to give, so I told her that we would make sure that she had gifts under the tree for her sister and her father, and so I went shopping for gifts just for them from her. In the meantime, though, she went to work in her room for two days on pictures that she drew with her own little hands. She was dedicated to her drawings and making sure to give us gifts that would mean something to us, and they truly did!
She had us gather around the Christmas tree to open these gifts from her. As we sat Indian style once more, I told her father and sister how she really put a lot into these gifts. She took a lot of time drawing them and making sure they were “just right.” They thanked her for them before they ever opened them.
And then, the magic appeared as we unfolded the little pieces of paper that contained our daughter’s masterpieces!
For me, she drew two of our horses that she knows I love. Arizona and Sugar!
For her sister, she drew the nativity scene as that is the true meaning of Christmas and why we celebrate. The birth of Christ Our Lord!
For her father, she drew Elvis. Because he absolutely loves all things Elvis!
Oh this little ten year old daughter of mine blessed our hearts and souls.
It’s not about broken pieces or the remaining angel wings, and it’s not about the presents or lack thereof under the Christmas tree. It’s about her heart that is so loving and caring. It’s about her desire to give, although she thought she had very little to give. She has no idea the impact that she has had on our lives in the ten years we have been blessed to have her with us. She thrills my heart and soul and impresses me that even at this very young age, she thought of others instead of herself.
My oldest daughter came out of her room last night bearing this gift. How sweet that she thought of all of our readers here to wish them a Merry Christmas!
This Christmas, we hope you will focus more on the giver of the gift instead of the gifts that you receive.
This past weekend was full of experiences for us as a family, as well as our horses.
We just became a horse family in March of 2014. There has been this longing in our hearts for horses all of these years, but for some reason, we had this idea in our heads that it was way too expensive to own horses. All of this time, we pushed our desire to be horse owners to the back of our minds and focused on other things. That longing never went away, though. Finally, this year we decided to look into it a bit more, and we are so glad that we did. Not only did we find that horses truly aren’t that expensive, we have come to realize that no matter the expense, you would gladly do for these horses that bring so much joy and happiness into your lives.
We truly had no idea just how much horses heal.
Sure, we knew that we loved horses and enjoyed watching them as they moved in such a fascinating manner displaying grace and power at the same time. Little did we know how these massive creatures would make their way deep into our hearts where they now reside. They aren’t just an “expensive hobby” as I’ve heard some uneducated people refer to them. These gentle giants are a form of therapy!
We embarked on two journeys that were definitely out of our comfort zone this past weekend. One was having the horses lined up in the Christmas parades in different towns. Our entire family was delighted when we received the invitation to ride in the parades. It would have been easy to allow fear to hold us back. Fear of the unknown. Fear of what “might” happen. You know, that all familiar “what if” syndrome that we all suffer from on different occasions. Still, we decided not to cave into our fears and not to allow our fears to control us. Instead, we forged ahead and dedicated Saturday as our parade day.
The morning began with getting up bright and early to round the horses up and get ready for the 10 a.m. parade. We had to get up at 6 a.m. to get everything packed, horses loaded, etc. Then we were on our way to wait in the line up an hour before the parade was to start. There were horses all over the place at the first parade, and I’ll admit to feeling a little intimidated at first due to the size of some of those horses. Then there were horses that really shouldn’t have been out there as they certainly didn’t appear to be tame enough to behave in a parade setting. Still, the owners must have had more confidence than we all did as they had them ready to line up, too. Needless to say, we let them go ahead of us so we could bring up the rear in the parade. We had no problem whatsoever in being last. Hey, in our minds, they saved the best for last! Can you tell that we are extremely proud of our horses?
Just as we felt a twinge of intimidation at the other horses initially, it is easy for us humans to feel intimidated by others. Our horses may feel a bit insecure as well next to other massive creatures, or they can fit right in. It all depends on the personality of the horses, just as it does on the personalities of humans. However, take a shy horse and a rider that once felt insecure themselves and pair them together, and watch what happens! They bond together and make a great partnership. They know that they depend on each other and their confidence also bounces off of each other. When the shy horse appears unsure, the insecure rider has to push that insecurity aside and take charge, holding her head up high and shoulders back with such confidence, even if she is faking it until she makes it at first. Pretty soon, both horse and rider begin to heal each other. The horse is no longer shy and timid in situations but forges ahead with such grace and confidence in each stride with their partner on their back. Horse and rider become one, and it is beauty in motion.
We ended up having the best time in the parade! My ten year old daughter was on her pinto pony in front of me with my husband walking alongside her just in case anything were to happen.
My 17 year old daughter was walking beside me with a bag of candy that she was tossing out to children that lined the streets. I was sitting proudly on my horse, Sugar. My husband joked that it wasn’t a beauty pageant or anything, it was a parade. While that is true, I was allowing my Sugar girl to strut her stuff as I sat perched on her proudly waving and saying, “Merry Christmas” to the little children. Oh it did my heart so much good when their little faces would light up because someone acknowledged them. More people should acknowledge the little children and make them feel special, because they are!
One particular thing that stood out in my mind from that first parade is the fact that among those lining the street were children with Down Syndrome. They all gathered with the sweetest little faces, smiling as big as could be as they looked at us as we started to make our way by them. My 17 year old daughter walked over and handed them a bunch of candy, and my heart melted right there seeing her being so sweet, kind, loving, and gentle to these children. She told me later that while she was instructed to toss the candy at the people lining the streets, she could not bring herself to toss candy at the children with Down Syndrome. I told her she did the right thing by taking it to them and placing it in their hands, looking them in the eyes and smiling softly to them. I know that she made a difference in their lives that day, even in that brief moment in time. She touched their hearts, and she touched mine in watching this exchange between them.
The horses that we once feared wouldn’t do that great in the parade actually surprised us all. They were amazing as we made our way back through the crowded streets, this time unescorted by the police. Not only were we unescorted, but the police did not even help us across the streets with our horses. We were on our own at this point. I’ll admit that I did feel a little anxiety rising up in my chest at the thought of crossing that busy intersection on horseback, but we had to get back to our trailer so this was the only way. My 17 year old daughter decided she wanted to ride back so I got off of Sugar and let her get on while I walked alongside her this time. I lead the way through the busy streets, doing hand signals when we were ready to turn, and then the moment came when we were approaching the busiest intersection of all. Fear could have consumed me and crippled me at that point, but what good would that have done? We would have been stuck in that congested area with frightened horses, then, as they feel exactly what we are feeling. Instead, I held my head up high and took up my lane as if I owned it. I stood right in the middle of the lane right next to other cars that were turning when we were wishing to go straight as soon as the light turned green. And we walked across that busy intersection “like a boss,” as my daughter would say! The traffic did not even phase the horses one little bit. You know why? Because the rider and handler were calm and undisturbed by the chaos, traffic, and congestion of that busy intersection. Because we were confident, our horses were, too, and they did wonderfully that morning!
We went on to our second parade where we lined up an hour before the 3 p.m. parade was to start. This was my favorite of the two that day. We were positioned behind Santa once again, which was fine as we were bringing up the rear in this parade, too. The ROTC and the marching bands were in front of Santa, and we got to hear the beautiful music being played. When once nervous about this, our horses were outstanding once again as the music from the band never spooked them. They remained calm, just as we were, and I think they enjoyed the parade as much as we did!
There were children lining the streets for this parade, too. Sugar wore a Santa hat in this parade, though, with me wearing a cowboy hat to match my husband and daughter. The Santa hat on Sugar was a big hit with the children. I smiled all the way down to my toes when I would see their little hands cover their mouths as they pointed, giggled and talked about Santa Horse. People were snapping pictures as we waved and said, “Merry Christmas.”
All in all, it was a wonderful experience venturing out on these horse Christmas adventures with my family this past weekend! There’s nothing better to get you in the Christmas spirit!
There they are in wheelchairs lined in the hallways slumped over looking down at their hands. Occasionally, they will lift their head to smile at whomever walks past, hoping to catch their eye and have them stop to chat for a moment.
People rush by in a hurry hardly acknowledging their existence, fearing to make eye contact with these individuals that were once vital people in the community. Now they are the often forgotten ones in nursing homes around the nation. Whether they served our country by fighting in a war, or they served meals to their family day in and day out, they were the hands and feet going, doing, and giving at some point in their life. Now they spend the rest of their days in this nursing home either bedridden or confined to their wheelchairs, looking at the same four walls day in and day out hoping someone, anyone would take up some time with them.
Through the years, I have visited with the residences of different nursing homes. As a small child, I remember walking the halls with my grandmother as she would take us to see my great grandmother on certain Sundays of the month. I hated seeing the people like that. I would get so sad as we walked down the hall passing the rooms with the doors cracked where you could see right in at the once vital souls now alone in their rooms. And then we would walk into my great grandma’s room where she would lay due to recovering from a broken hip from a fall. She looked so small in that hospital bed that looked like it was about to swallow her whole. We would walk slowly toward her to stand by her bedside, and within a few minutes she would sense that we were there and turn to give us the biggest, widest, most sincere smile as she tried to speak.
Her speech was broken now, and although she tried with all of her might to get the words out, half of it was audible. Oh how it tugged at my heart to see her in this shape. Yet, we would visit and bring a little bit of sunshine with us each time into my great grandmother’s life.
Fast forward many years later, I joined a gospel group where we would go around to the different nursing homes to sing. Oh, I never forgot the way it felt when I’d go see my great grandma, and I remembered her each and every time I’d walk down the halls. I can still see her smiling face today even though she’s been gone for years.
A few years ago, I went to work at a nursing home. I would pass these precious people in the hallway every morning on my way to clock in and would once again feel the tug on my heart for these individuals. Some would not have any visitors, while others had a multitude in and out throughout the week. I would speak, and the all familiar smile would spread across their faces to know that someone took the time to acknowledge them. They felt in that moment that they mattered again … because they did, and they still do.
As you’re gathering around with your friends and family this holiday season, would you consider going to visit those at the nursing home? Maybe there’s someone in your family that you need to visit, or perhaps it’s someone that used to go to your church that would like a visit now. Even strangers need to feel loved, and what better time to show that love and care than at Christmas?
Oh I know what you’re thinking. You just can’t handle going in there and seeing them in this shape. While it is not often pleasant, it can be the biggest blessing that your heart will receive if you just take the time with the often forgotten souls that now line the halls of the nursing home.
I’ll never forget when I sang with the gospel group and how this one little lady blessed my heart and soul so much. When we started singing the old hymns that she grew up on, this little lady, sitting in her wheelchair so eloquently dressed with her jewelry, scarf, and wrapped up nicely in her Sunday best, started singing so sweetly and as loudly as her little voice would allow. I watched this little lady come alive. When she once sat quietly in the corner, she blossomed when the beautiful piano music floated through the air and tickled her ears. When we began to sing those old familiar tunes, a wide smile formed across her lips and she perked right up, eyebrows raised, as she lifted her voice in song with us. I even took the microphone over to her at one point to give her a moment in the spotlight. She was a blessing to me that day for sure, and each time we’d go back, I looked for this sweet little lady.
If you’re not sure how to go about scheduling a visit, call your local nursing home to speak to the activities director. They will schedule a time and allow you to bring in instruments or even gifts for the residence, if that is your wish.
Christmas will be here in a few short days. If you’ve been searching high and low for the perfect present, we hope you’ll realize that it just cannot be found in the store. You cannot purchase it, but it is a gift that will be treasured long after the decorations have been boxed back up and stored away until next year.
What is this I speak of? It is the gift of time.
Everyone is so busy in the world today. They are pulled this way and that way, and everything crowds in around them. Is it any wonder that people feel so stressed in general, but especially around the holidays?
What if we all just slowed down?
What is the harm in that?
Why do you have to go more, do more, or be more? Why can’t you just be still?
The bible tells us to be still and know that He is God. Do we need anyone else’s approval or permission to just be still? It’s right there in God’s word.
If we’re troubled, just be still and know that He is God.
If we’re stressed, just be still and know that He is God.
If we feel like there is no end in sight and no way to overcome the pain in our lives, just be still and know that HE is God!
And, what better time to be still with the ones that you love than at Christmas?
Slow things down a little this holiday season and give the gift of time!
Why rush through your days trying to get everything done when you’re already stressed to the max? Guess what? You don’t have to!
No one is putting pressure on you to be perfect or get it “just” right or even to have your house perfectly decorated like pictures in the Better Homes & Garden Magazine. No one is pressuring you to cook like Betty Crocker or Paula Dean. Just do the best that you can.
Don’t let this holiday season pass with you always being in a tizzy and falling into bed exhausted at night just to do it all over again in the morning. Slow down and allow yourself to enjoy this very special season with your family.
That’s what it’s all about! Family time!!
Stop long enough to play with your children. The added decorations don’t matter. No more lights need to be strung around your house. No more decorations need to be added inside either. Take time now to snuggle with your family in front of the fireplace. Turn the lights down, put on a few scented candles, and enjoy the lights on the tree as you have hot chocolate and read Christmas stories or watch them on television. OR better yet, gather around to sing Christmas songs!
The month of December is flying by, and Christmas will come and go so fast it will make you wonder where all the time you thought you had has gone. Before you know it, you’ll be tearing down that Christmas tree and packing everything away only to sigh heavily and wonder what happened to YOUR happy holiday.
Don’t let this happen to you and your family. Make time for them. They are all that truly matters any way. It’s not about presents under the tree. It’s about the presence of God in your life and the presence of your family within arm’s reach to give them a snuggle, a hug, or a jab in the rib as you tickle them playfully or let them ride on your back like a horsey.
I have been pondering Christmas for a number of reasons. I guess as I’ve grown older, Christmas does not mean what it once did. When there was so much fuss over presents and what material items were on our “wish lists,” we have grown to realize that no amount of money spent could come close to comparing to quality time with our loved ones. It’s not about the material possession that we stand to gain as we gather around the tree anticipating what’s in the boxes underneath the red and green wrapping paper complete with bright shiny bows. It’s what is inside of our hearts and in our arms that matter most. If we have unconditional love tucked inside our hearts and the ones that mean the most to us held within our arms, what more could we possibly want or need?
Do we purposely stop to consider what Christmas is all about any way? We should. It isn’t about the presents under the tree at all, or at least it shouldn’t be! The focus should be on Jesus who came into this world as a little tiny baby. This little one came to save the world! If we only believe in Him and ask Him into our hearts … why does that seem so hard for so many people when it really is quite simple?
At this time of year everyone seems so much nicer. They have a smile on their faces and seem more cheerful than they have all year long. It seems to be the magic in the air around Christmastime, and all of this has gotten me to thinking …
What if it were Christmas all year?
Why can’t it be?
I don’t wish to take away from this special time of year at all. However, if you think about how everyone is showing more concern, care, and compassion for their fellow man at this time of year, I can’t help but ask: Why can’t we move that into every day of the year? Why do we save it for just a month out of the entire year? When there is so much love inside of your heart, why not share it more often?
If you stop to be kind and considerate to strangers during the month of December because you’re in the spirit of the holidays, why not carry that over to the other 11 months of the year?
If you put priority on helping to feed the homeless and the less fortunate during the last month of the year, are you not concerned about those same individuals as the calendar flips to a new year?
If you strive to help places such as the Women’s Shelter provide clothing for the abused and neglected women and children that now call this place their “home,” do you not think of them at any other time of the year? Why now? Why not more often? Their struggles are real 365 days a year, not just for one that marks the 25th day of December.
Am I the only one that feels this way? Or do you feel it, too? You … there … the one reading this. Is it resonating with you as well? What can we as the human race do to help more people, to reach more souls in need on just more than one calendar day a year?
Every year on the first Saturday in December we gather at the Angel of Hope Garden to remember the children that have gone too soon. Regardless of the age of the child, whether a tiny baby or an adult, they are precious children, and their parents have either had bricks or plaques donated in their memory.
My sister’s plaque is among those on the wall behind the Angel of Hope Statue.
We have been gathering in this same place since 2009 when our Angel of Hope statue was erected. The one placed in our town was actually the 100th statue in existence and the only one in South Carolina.
There are so many thoughts, feelings and emotions that go hand in hand with this time of year. When this should be the “most wonderful time of the year,” the truth is that a lot of people are struggling during the holidays. Our family has a hard time because not only is the Angel of Hope Ceremony the first Saturday in December, but my sister’s birthday follows shortly thereafter; December 13th.
When I first learned of the Angel of Hope all of those years ago, I donated money for the plaque as a way to help our family with the grieving process. It is always so hard and heart wrenching to visit the cemetery, and I actually do not like going out there at all. I will, and I have to take flowers or to talk with her, but the truth is that I can talk to my sister any where, not just at the cemetery. In placing the plaque, it has allowed us to have another location to visit with her in the peaceful surroundings of the gardens that have flowers blooming in the Spring, Summer, and Fall, with Christmas decorations and lights in the Winter.
It’s hard facing yet another holiday season without my sister. It’s been several years since we lost her, but the hole in our hearts is still there. We are missing several family members this holiday season from my sister, granddaddy, and now grandma, who passed in that order. It’s just a difficult time of year for a lot of people, yet few will mention anything about it. They just deal with it the best way they can and often in silence without saying anything to any one. My parents and I have that in common, unfortunately.
My sister should be here getting ready to celebrate her 46th birthday, and yet … she’s not. She should be searching high and low for the perfect Christmas present for her daughter, and yet … it just isn’t possible. She left us way too soon, and we miss her a great deal, more than words could ever say.
Go easy this holiday season. If you’re one that is also struggling, we understand, and please know that you are NOT alone. Don’t push yourself to do too much or to force those feelings aside. You have a right to feel as you do, and you are doing the right thing by acknowledging those feelings and being true to yourself.
Go easy with others this holiday season as well. Every one that walks the face of this earth is fighting some kind of battle. We have no way of knowing what another person is going through so we have no right to judge. I will ask, though, that you consider other families, not just that of my own, that are missing loved ones that have gone on before them. It’s a difficult time of the year for so many, and they are in need of your loving kindness, compassion, and prayers.
God knows who you are and what you are struggling with at Christmastime. Reach out to Him, and He will meet you right where you are. Feel Him wrapping His almighty arms around you providing comfort as only He can.
At this time of the year when everyone is searching for the best Christmas present ever, I found something that you may be interested in. I call this a holy present because iDisciple is the unique gift of the gospel and God’s Holy Word. There is no better gift this holiday season than the gift of uplifting, encouraging, and inspiring messages delivered right to your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
I have been a big fan of the Bible app in the past and downloaded it onto my phone a while back. Then I was introduced to iDisciple by the nice folks at Family Christian on my last trip into their store. I was curious and had to check it out. I have been well pleased with the wealth of information provided with Christian content such as sermons, devotions, and there’s even music you can play with iDisciple.
What is so special about iDisciple is that it is personalized content that is delivered to you. When you first set up your account, you have a whole list of options to choose from. I selected things pertaining to family life, my children, etc. as you could choose 12 topics out of a whole host of categories. You can even choose your favorite author that you’d like to hear from on subject matters in your life that you may be struggling with. For instance, there is content on there for people with various addictions. There is even information on infidelity if that has occurred in your marriage and you’re looking for ways to overcome from the hurt or if you’re looking for ways to safeguard your marriage to prevent it from happening. You will hear straight from some well known Christian speakers on these subject matters and more.
At this time of the year when we’re gathered in our comfortable houses with our family or gathering at restaurants to celebrate the holiday season with friends, think of all those in the military that are unable to be with their family or friends this holiday season. Wouldn’t it be great if they could receive information right at their fingertips to strengthen them in their time away? What if they could turn to passages or articles in their time of need that would deliver messages of hope when they may feel hopeless. What if in troubled times they were able to rely on the word of God to bring forth messages to uplift them when they are feeling down being so far away from home and those they love. When we as humans fail to find the right words to comfort, true comfort comes from God above. There are so many passages in the bible to comfort and bring peace into our souls during troubled times.
I wish there was a way for every person in the military to be able to receive this gift, and you know what? THERE IS!
When you subscribe to iDisciple, Family Chrisitan Stores will give a soldier the gift of one free iDisciple subscription as well as one free MP3 audio Bible! Whether you purchase iDisicple for yourself or a loved one, wouldn’t it do your heart good knowing that a solider some where out there is receiving a gift, too? When they need it the most in the mist of fighting for our freedom and for our great country, they can now be uplifted, encouraged, and inspired by the personalized content found through iDisciple … courtesy of you when you purchase! They are already trained for battle. Consider equipping them with the tools and weapons needed for spiritual warfare as well.
There’s no need to look any further for the perfect Christmas gift. iDisciple has the potential to impact your life and that of a precious man or woman serving in the military. Please strongly consider allowing iDisciple to speak to your heart and also bless a member of the military in the process.
iDisciple brought to you by Family Christian Stores.
Last night was the Jim Brickman concert, which has become a holiday tradition in our family thanks to Gregory C. Johnson, aka The Quiet Computer Guy. Greg was able to attend with us again this year, and he surprised us with front row seats! Our girls were thrilled!
While cameras were not allowed in the auditorium, we were allowed to briefly take out our phones to snap shots to enter contests that Jim announced in the program we received last night. While this picture is dark, you can see the smiles on my daughter’s faces with the piano in the back before Jim took the stage.
Anne Cochrane was there singing along and dressed so eloquently all night in her evening gowns and fancy dresses. Tracey Silverman was also there rocking out on his electric violin. You wouldn’t think that “rocking out” and violin would go together, but once you hear Tracey, you’ll understand! He is quite talented and amazes us with all he can do on his electric violin.
Jim played so incredibly wonderful as he always does, and he sang to a few of his songs as well. Last night he told us about how he got Kenny Rogers, the legendary Country singer, to sing for his album. If you haven’t heard it, check it out!
We always enjoy how Jim, Anne, and Tracey kid each other on stage. They are a lot of fun to watch together.
There was a special guest last night as well. Clay from Savannah, Georgia, was the winner in our region for the “Sing With Jim Brickman” contest. Clay is a preacher, and he talked of how his wife encouraged him to submit a youtube video for the contest. He sang Love of My Life by Michael W. Smith live last night. This is one of my most favorite songs as it talks of an amazing love and having found the love of his life. This song speaks to my heart and soul and brings me to tears when I think of how I have found the love of my life and how thankful I am to God above! Clay also sang with Jim, Anne, and Tracey on a song toward the end of the program as well. AND as you can imagine, Clay had his crew from Georgia there supporting him and cheering him on. They actually sat on the row directly behind us, and it was nice to see the support that they poured out for Clay.
At the end of the show we were ushered over to meet Jim. We have met him on occasions in the past at his concerts, but my daughters always love taking pictures with him and chatting for a minute or two. It is exciting talking to America’s most romantic piano sensation ever. 😉
Be sure to check out Jim’s site to see if he is performing On A Winter’s Night in a city near you. This is a concert you won’t want to miss. Be prepared to let all of the stress melt away as Jim’s music soothes your soul.