You know the feeling as you start out with pure excitement over something new. It thrills you completely, and you walk around with this silly grin on your face. You beam with joy and happiness that pours forth from within.
Whether you’re learning to ride a bike or learning to ride a horse … you anticipate that you’ll be triumphant. You will soar high in the sky like an eagle as your spirits take you to new heights as you experience such freedom and adventure in the journey.
You’re well on your way, and then … it happens. You fall off of your bike and skin your knee, or even worse … you get thrown off of a horse (one that you did not know was “green” as in NOT fully broken nor dependable for a beginner to be riding … and no, the owner was not honest about this little piece of information that could have saved me a whole lot of pain!). There you lay on the ground as your horse bucks and runs some more … you … now with the concussion, fractured hip, and fractured hand. Yes, the latter actually happened to me on March 31, 2014.
You hurt … not from the physical pain so much as the pain you feel in not having completed something you had your heart set on. You ache … not from the pain shooting through your body as your nerves become like live wires under your skin from the impact of the hip meeting the hard ground.
Your joy and happiness has turned into tears and sorrow. You mourn over the loss of being able to ride … of accomplishing something you had your heart set on. You feel as if you’ll never be able to get back up on that horse now after this accident. You’re stuck between wanting to fulfill your dream and the harsh reality of an injury that has not only set you back physically but has impaired you mentally as well. The fear sets in, and pretty soon, you’re depressed and unsure of anything any more …
Except for what is your passion. And that is riding a horse!
And so, you heal. You allow some time to pass, and when you feel you’re ready, you get back into the saddle again. It may take you more time than before, and you may be slower on your approach or even putting one foot in the stirrup as you tremble with fear of what happened just a few short months ago. Now you’re putting your faith in another horse as you say a silent prayer … and then you lift yourself over your horse with all of your might as you take your place in the saddle again. Feet in the stirrups, reins in your hands, and a determined look on your face. You take a deep breath, exhale, and command the horse to “walk on” as you whisper silent prayers from your heart to God’s ears … feeling as if your horse tunes into those feelings and emotions on their way from you up to the clouds and into Heaven to reach the throne of Jesus.
You set out to ride this horse, to take lessons, to do this which your heart desired … and now you’re determined to have a strong finish! You WILL ride that horse. You WILL take those lessons. You WILL be a confident rider!
And you live your dream …

This post was inspired by the prompt word FINISH for the weekly Five Minute Friday party. When once I sat looking at my screen trying to write something of worth with this word, then all of the above came pouring out. Thank you, God, for allowing the words to flow and to release something that has been inside of me for months … for allowing me to release the fear and get back up on another horse to try again … to live my dream, to honor the passion I feel around your massive yet beautiful and gentle creatures … to finish strong!