You’re Not Broken. You’re Beautiful!
One of my most favorite things to do is take a stroll on the beach. When the weight of the world feels like it is on my shoulders, a quick escape to the sandy shores will sweep it all away. Just as the tide rushes in and brings new treasures with it in the form of seashells and sea creatures, the pull of the ocean takes things from the shore just as quickly as it was deposited mere seconds ago. It also does the same with me, only it restores my soul, revitalizes right to the core of my being, and refreshes my spirit.
The beach is no place for worries or concerns. Stress cannot exist with the rolling of the tide and crashing of the waves. Those sounds are far too soothing to provoke anything but relaxation and rejuvenation.
We cannot help but look down at our feet as we walk along the shore, but not at the sand between our toes. With our heads bowed, we search for those treasures beneath us and all around us … seashells.
If you’re lucky, you will come across a perfectly in-tact beauty of a shell. It may even look as if it is flawless. But you’ll never know the journey of that one little shell and things that threatened it along the way. Just because it appears perfect does not mean that it did not struggle.
The majority of the time, though, you’ll encounter broken shells along the shores. Some shells look as if they have been crushed beneath someone’s feet, and they probably have. There are some people that don’t find joy in searching for shells as I do, and that’s okay. But, I wish they’d preserve them for those of us that do go there sometimes for that very reason, to look for those precious treasures that have washed ashore.
Some may reach down to pick up a shell that looks near perfect as it’s laying there in the sand only to find that it is broken and worn underneath. Most would toss it aside without giving it another thought. Not I. I hold it in my hand, grasp it between my fingers and feel the different textures of the shell. I examine the color, the shape, and imagine what it would have looked like if it hadn’t been beaten, broken, and parts shattered along the way.
We feel like those shells at times in our lives, don’t we? We feel that as broken as we are, with what we’ve gone through in life, that no one would ever want us. We fear that we’ll be tossed aside, disregarded, and sometimes as if we have no true value in the eyes of others.
Hear me now, friends. You’re not broken … you’re beautiful!
I’m not just talking about your outer appearance. It’s your true beauty that shines, and it comes from inside. It comes from your heart and soul. It reflects in all the different, special ways that you care for others.
I see you over there: nurturing, caring, and loving … doing everything within your power to help another soul. I see you struggling and yet pushing your cares aside to put others first.
I see your true beauty reflected on your face as you cast a warm smile at a little child as you take the time to hear them … truly listening to them and making them feel like they matter, too! Because they do! Just like you!
I see you encouraging others when you need encouragement yourself. I see you going out of your way to offer support in whatever way you can to those who are hurting, sick, feeling lonely, and lost in life.
We all face things in this life. I doubt that there is one person that will escape the feelings of being beaten, broken, and shattered at some point in their lifetime. Bad things happen to good people. We aren’t sure why, and it’s not for us to know. One day when you meet your Maker, you can ask Him yourself why you had to struggle so much. I know that His ways are not our ways, and while we can’t see the path ahead of us, He can. I know He loves us with a love that is so hard to understand. Unconditional love. Rarely do people love with an unconditional love, but He does … and always will.
I’ll admit that there have been times in my life that I’ve felt like the broken shell. I’ve experienced great heartache and pain in my lifetime. I realize that what I’ve experienced has molded me into the person that I am today. It’s been a painful process at times, but I’m still here and thanking God for the gift of another day.
There’s others that have endured life altering things on their path as well. They’ve endured unspeakable things that threatened to claim their lives. They’ve struggled and wondered if they would ever be whole again.
There are several people in my life that immediately come to mind as I sit here writing this out. They are very near and dear to my heart, and they have gone through completely devastating things in their lives. They have felt just like this shell, too!
They’ve wondered if they have any value left due to what they’ve been through in this life.
They wonder if anyone would ever want them with their broken pieces and shattered lives.
I’m here to tell you that I do!
I admire your strength and the way you’ve continued to fight. I applaud even your smallest achievements along the way.
Although you may feel like it, you’re not broken, sweetie. You’re beautiful!
It has taken such courage and strength. You’ve fought so hard for so long to keep from being completely crushed by the pounding surf. You’ve felt frightened and alone at times even. But the beauty comes from watching you overcome! You’re still out there on the sandy shores displaying your beauty … just like the little shells.
You’re not broken.
You’re beautiful!