I was so excited to be invited to a group for a new 28 Day Challenge. Having just completed the October challenge, it really got my creative juices flowing to where I was looking forward to the next one. The only thing is, today I saw it was not actually going to start until FEBRUARY 2019.
So much for that, huh?
Not wanting to end this writing Greg and I have been doing, because we’ve kinda been on a roll, I thought that perhaps he and I should challenge each other.
Since I rather enjoyed writing to a single prompt word, I thought I would create my own relating to a current situation.
I have always tried very hard to think about other’s feelings before I speak. There are times when I, shall we say, avoid speaking the truth. I am struggling with this as I am in a situation where I must respond to someone. My dilemma is whether or not I should truly speak my mind. Being that this is public forum, I can’t really share what the situation is with all of you.
Let me explain it like this. Let’s say you go to a job interview that you really want. You meet the people there and they are very nice. You get a tour of the facilities and an explanation of the responsibilities. You immediately see a red flag that lets you know that you could never take this job. Now I could just say the I am not interested. However, I could give an explanation that may help them see where something is seriously wrong that could easily be fixed to make things much better. However, in doing that I would probably hurt the feelings of some people there. Not everyone can take criticism. Many people take things very personally. This is where I am fighting with myself on what to do.
I have run into situations like this before and I have always taken the easy way out by making up some simple excuse or some such thing like that. But over the summer, I was witness to a situation where a person was told by many of their friends that there were very good at something and in reality they were not. Because this person was not told the truth, they put themselves in a situation where they were humiliated.
So I ask, is it always the best thing to save someone’s feelings by hiding the truth or is it better to just let it all out?
I haven’t written in a while because honestly … life is hard right now.
I have written in the past to bring awareness to mental health issues because I understand the importance of this and how the topic needs to be in the forefronts of everyone’s minds. Having encountered people in my path throughout the years has really made me understand how mental illnesses impact people often in very negative ways. It wreaks havoc on lives, if I am completely honest! Whether I’ve come to know them through my work at the alcohol and drug commission or other various positions I’ve held through the years, or whether they’ve been friends or family members … it is apparent that more attention needs to be brought to this topic so that people can seek HELP!
Listen up.
There is NO SHAME in getting the help you need.
Please understand that!
If your life is in a whirlwind the majority of the time, and you can’t quite put your finger on what is wrong – SEEK HELP. There are counselors available to help you talk through your feelings and figure out what changes need to be made in your life so that you find peace within yourself. I have found that if you are unhappy with yourself on the inside, it will all come spewing out around people. Mainly, it is the ones you proclaim to “love” that get battered and bruised. I’ve been on the receiving end more times than I care to recall, and I can tell you, IT IS NO FUN!!!
Life will have ups and downs. There will be curve balls thrown in from time to time. Every one experiences this. All of us. But, if this is a constant with you, and your life is in turmoil 95% of the time, chances are that it is NOT everyone else around you … but it is YOU, dear heart. Please take a good long look at yourself in the mirror. Stop blaming this person or that person, or this job or that job, or this situation or that situation. Be honest with yourself and the person in the mirror. Look into your own eyes and admit that you – like us all – have faults, yes. But look deeper than that at what is causing the chaos you feel in your heart and soul.
Are you living right?
Do you have GOD guiding your path? Or do you lean more toward a sinful nature?
KNOW THIS – if you are doing things in darkness, they will eventually come to light. It will not stay hidden just because you think you’re so clever in how you can cover your tracks.
And ask yourself this.
IS IT REALLY WORTH IT for you to lead this kind of life?
Alcohol and drug abuse … impulsive ways of life, whether it be through spending money that you don’t have or with being sexual and taking risks that you normally would not take, realize that something is not right. Whether you call it sex addiction, or just having “fun,” it is NO FUN when your life is in a constant hurricane state with storm winds ripping the roof off of your house!
Or, let’s talk about bullying. Are you like the big bad wolf threatening to blow someone’s house down? Do you beat your fists on things, throw objects, knock holes in walls or do other destructive type things when you get angry? If that’s you – KNOW THIS – that is abuse, plain and simple! Verbal … emotional … mental … whatever you want to call it. It is ABUSIVE and in the state of South Carolina, it is DOMESTIC VIOLENCE!!! FYI – that is unlawful conduct toward those you “love.” Keep that in mind! If the police are called when you are behaving in this fashion, you could be hauled off to jail. Consider that the next time you want to throw a fit.
But it’s bigger than all of that – if you are behaving in this fashion, I would be willing to bet that a hidden mental illness is fueling it. There is something going on inside of you that you haven’t addressed yet, and you need professional help to do so.
Remember what I said earlier about NO SHAME – and I mean that. It takes a big person to realize that something is not quite right and ADDRESS that with experts in the field.
I truly applaud all those that have taken that step. Everyone that has come to this realization and stepped out, hands shaking as they called the number for a psychiatrist or counseling, I applaud you! YOU are the hero every time you walk into that doctor’s office or sit on that counselor’s padded couch to begin your therapy. It takes guts to do that!
So please, seek help! Life will be better when you do. Until then, you will be in a constant state of chaos and turmoil.
Your family deserves better! Your family deserves PEACE!
Today is what is known in our family as one of those “tender days.” A lot of people may not understand that term when they first hear it, but for us, it became a reality 17 years ago. It was the day we lost my sister, Pamela.
I remember the details of that day so vividly in my mind. From the phone calls trying to reach her that morning, to the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I raced out to her house only to find it surrounded by police cars and yellow “crime scene” tape. That is an image forever engraved in my mind.
Fast forward 17 years, and the beautiful baby girl my sister left behind has graduated a year early from high school. She’s grown into a beautiful young lady, so full of life, and a smile that will melt your heart.
And my heart hurts that my sister is not here to be an active part of her daughter’s life.
So many things have changed and so much has happened since my sister went away.
She was my very best friend in my adult life, and I felt like a fish out of water when she left this world. Who would I turn to when childhood memories were at the forefront of my mind? Who would I reminisce with? Who would be my lunch buddy, as we went every single work day together.
Then there were no more.
No more memories to be made with her. No more phone calls to chit chat or even to harass each other in our own sisterly playful way. No more lunches to be had, unless I sat on the grass at her grave, which I have done on occasion.
All that I have to hold on to are the memories we made when she was here and the photographs that remind me of her smile, her auburn hair, and her mischievous smile. From the childhood picture that sits on the corner hutch in my dining room, to her glamour shot pictures with her leather jacket with her all dolled up, I treasure every single one. Even the picture from 1996 with my “still stuck in the 80s hair” picture my parents insisted upon. Now I am forever grateful as I glance over at it on my makeup vanity every morning as I prepare to greet the day. Right down to the 1994 polaroid picture I snapped at my house when my sister came over to visit … we were young and playful, having no idea of what the future would hold and how short our time together would truly be.
And my heart mourns the loss.
Knowing what this day means, and feeling months ago that it might be hard to handle, I prepared as best I could in advance. I got tickets for my husband and I to go see Diamond Rio in concert last night. They are a country band that was real popular in the 90s, and two songs stand out in my mind; One More Day and I Believe. It was my way of honoring my sister in a positive way, just as I strive to do daily by living life to the fullest and enjoying every moment.
Wow, I can’t believe I haven’t written since Memorial Day! I have all of these thoughts floating around in my head during the day, but writing time seems scarce these days. It’s a blessing, though. Honestly, from working hard – at a place I absolutely love and enjoy – to playing hard – waterfall seeking at the lake, swimming in our pool, camping in the rv, and horseback riding – this is the life!
If you are a resident of South Carolina or ever consider visiting, Lake Jocassee is a “must-see.” We found this beautiful gem last year when staying at a state park, and we fell in love! It combines two things we absolutely love – waterfalls and the lake! The waterfalls are only accessible by boat, but they are SOOO worth it! If you don’t own a boat, you can either rent a pontoon when you get there OR take a tour with a knowledgeable tour guide. You will not be disappointed!
Last year, we rented a pontoon, and we bought a map that showed us all of the waterfalls on the lake. We got to see a great many that day on our own, but we did encounter some rain on that trip. It was cool also, so we were not able to get in the water. We knew when we left that gorgeous, clear-water lake that we would be back!!
Alas, we returned to Lake Jocassee a few weeks ago, and this time we went on a guided tour. There were more people on the boat than we liked, but they were all friendly, although quiet at the beginning of the tour. The guide tried to break the ice within the first 20 minutes of the tour, and he took us to a place where you could jump off of the rocks into the water below. My 13 year old daughter didn’t do it, nor did we, but it was fun watching the retirement aged tour guy fling his arms into the air as he launched himself off of the rocks and into the water. It was a really cool cave looking cliff, too, so pictures were a must!
The tour was from around 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., and we covered a lot of ground in that time. There was a mountainous area we had fun climbing on, too.
We made our way through the waterways, visiting a creek where you could climb up the mountain a little ways, then carefully meander down a steep path that lead to the water. Once at the bottom, you had to be careful not to slip on the wet rocks. Most of us brave ones took great care to lower ourselves onto our bottoms before sliding off into the water. We much preferred this way instead of falling and conking our heads on the rocks below. Others weren’t quite so brave, and they decided to stay back on the boat. The ones who braved the poison ivy laced trail found themselves emerged in such breathtaking and inviting water below in a creek that circled around and lead to the lake. Some swam, others floated back to the boat. It was so perfect for the incredibly hot and humid 100 degree day!
Finally, the tour guide took us to another spot where we could swim under the waterfall! The water was much colder than the creek and the regular lake water, as you can imagine. I put on my life jacket and began to swim out to the waterfall. I got as close as I could with the water beating down into the lake and splashing on me. It was so heavenly, I did not want to leave. I was actually surprised by the current and how hard it was to stay under that waterfall, though. The tour guide was kind enough to allow me a moment longer where I kicked back allowing the life jacket to support me as I relaxed right where I was under the beautiful blue skies with the sound of the waterfall just over my shoulders. My husband snapped a picture, and it is one I will treasure for a long time!
Ah, yes, summer is in full swing! Get out and ENJOY it with your family!
Ah, Facebook! I love the memories you bring forth daily of days gone by. Most are happy memories, like my sweet mother’s birthday, which was yesterday! I got to see all of the previous birthday wishes and pictures shared on Facebook from the years before. At times, the memories are sad, like the passing of my mother-in-law a year ago on April 25th, and the days prior where I posted of her struggles and asked for prayer for her and the family. There’s some funny ones in the mix, too, like the time my youngest daughter declared she wanted to be a werewolf when she grew up. Or times like these that I was reminded of this morning from two years ago:
Dear rain and thunderstorms,
Don’t you know we want to ride today? While I think the distant sky lightning is pretty,
I’d prefer no streak lightning nor roar of thunder while on horseback.
But alas, the rain shall make my beautiful flowers grow in my garden.
And this is the perfect opportunity to snuggle with my loves.
So I’ll enjoy the fresh scent of rain with my favorite beverage on my front porch
while watching the birds play at my feeders. Riding will wait for another day.
I guess you’re not half bad after all.
It just depends on our outlook.
We tend to do that, don’t we? All of us get stuck in our negative mindset from time to time. I honestly don’t think it’s something we set out to do. Like, we don’t get up in the morning when our feet hit the floor and proclaim, “Today is the day I’ll be negative.” It just happens.
It’s when we change our outlook that things start to improve.
A misunderstanding occurred over the weekend via text, of all things. Two friends were talking back and forth when one took something the wrong way. You’re at a true disadvantage when you can’t hear the person’s tone of voice or see their facial expressions. It makes it much harder to communicate effectively at times.
Something light-hearted and teasing was sent, but it was not received as such. The person took offense, spouted off, and in that instance, feelings were hurt. A sting was felt inside one’s heart. Tears began to sting their eyes, but they blinked them back so as not to allow it to get the best of them.
When they finally were able to express themselves, they admitted they were a little bit hurt. The response almost written back immediately was, “I did nothing to hurt you …”
And they froze.
Here’s the thing. You don’t get to decide whether you did something or not to hurt someone’s feelings. If THEY felt hurt by something you said or did, that is their perception. Like it or not, their perception becomes their reality!
And silence fell between them.
I learned a long time ago that feelings aren’t right or wrong, they just ARE.
I’ve been told I’m a highly sensitive person, as if that was a flaw in my personality. It’s a good thing I don’t view it that way, though. I’m anything but flawed! Just because I might feel deeper than most or might be struck by something that wouldn’t bother another person, that does not make me weak or flawed in any stretch of the imagination.
I am me, and I will not apologize for that. You shouldn’t either!
Feeling as deep as I do at times allows for me to show compassion to others. Compassion is something that is lacking in this world today, so I’m proud of my feelings and ability to make sure people know that they matter in this world.
That you do get to decide. You choose how you want to be with the world. You have a say in how you want to interact with people. But you do not get to decide whether someone is offended or hurt by something you said or did. It doesn’t work that way … at … all.
You might be trying to get the responsibility off of your shoulders so you won’t feel bad. That’s great – but I’m woman enough to own my feelings and emotions. I recognize them, allow them to be for the moment, but I will not be controlled by them. I am able to be rational about things and push my feelings aside to work. But deny my feelings so that someone else feels better? I will not! And neither should you!
My father worked for the same company for 41 years. When he retired in 2012, we worried that he would feel as if he lost his identity. The company had become a part of who he was for all of those years. And then, he retired.
Prior to his retirement, however, my husband and I sought to make one of his dreams come true. You see, tucked away in one of his sheds for 30 years was a 1957 Chevy Bel-air two door hard top. It didn’t seem to have much life in it when looking at the rust that started showing through along with the chipped black paint, but we knew it had great potential. My dad struggled with whether to sell it several times through the years, but each time he held on to the dream of “one day” fixing it up. As the years rolled by, he resolved himself to just look out at what once was and what might not ever be again as he didn’t feel he had the money necessary to restore it. That’s where my husband and I came in. We set out on a mission to bring this classic back to life.
My dad was extremely humbled by our offer, and we could tell it touched a place deep within his soul at the mere thought that his dream was about to become a reality. I’ll never forget the day we watched as the rollback scooped my dad’s car up and started down the driveway. We were excited of what was to be!
Fast forward two years, and this once black, often used as a drag car on dirt roads around our house, “rust bucket” was transformed into a candy apple red beauty with sparkling chrome! My dad’s face lit up like a kid in a candy store when he first saw his “old hunk of junk,” as my mom used to call it. He was so nervous to get behind the wheel because he didn’t want anything to happen to his baby! I was there snapping pictures and proud to be a part of that day! When he drove away, he goosed it and snatched second gear so the tires would squeal, just like a little boy playing with his new toy! I laughed and carried that giddy schoolgirl feeling with me all day!
Shortly thereafter, my dad and I learned of a classic car club in town. We were invited to a few meetings, and then our family joined the club. He’s entered several car shows and received trophies and plaques! After several years of being active in the club, my dad was voted in as the president of the Edisto Cruisers! Now not only did his dream become a reality, but it far exceeded his expectations! He’s living his dream and then some!
AND … he drove this beauty on his last day of work when he retired! It was also at his retirement party that we threw for him, as well.
My dad has really come out of his shell since joining and putting himself out there with this car club. When once he would shy away from others and sit in a corner to himself, (and we’d join him so he wouldn’t be alone), he has since become more outgoing. In his current role as President, it has forced him out of his comfort zone, which is not always a bad thing at all. While he’s not really a people person, he is more social than he has ever been before. Public speaking might not be his heart’s desire, but he does a good job of leading the monthly meetings. It seems my dad has had a transformation in all of this, too!
As my dad has gotten older, and after losing several loved ones, he’s become more spiritual as well. I’ve purposely chosen not to say “religious,” as what he has is deeper than that. He reads his bible and prays genuine heartfelt prayers to our Heavenly Father. He prays with passion and conviction, whether on his knees beside his bed at night or before the meal at the monthly car club meetings. I’m proud of him finding his voice and not being bashful with his prayers, especially. He’s often called on to pray at our house before the meals as well. I love that man! And yes, I’ve always been a daddy’s girl. I love my mama, don’t get me wrong. But there’s just a special connection between my father and I.
When once we worried about my dad upon his retirement, we’ve seen him flourish in his new role. We are so proud of him and thankful that he has a passion for classic cars, but most of all, he’s enjoying sporting around in ‘Ole Red after all these years.
This question struck me when I saw it come across my phone screen:
Are You Brave Enough To Love?
Think about it for a minute. Love is a million different things. It feels SO good to be loved, completely and truly! You know what I’m talking about; the jolt that goes right through your body when someone you love touches you! Isn’t that just the best feeling in the entire world? OR, being wrapped in their loving arms … there’s nothing better than a big hug where you lay your head against their chest and hear their heart beating. Gentle touches, fingers entwined together, brushing the hair from your face as their way of showing you affection. It is all worth it. And hearing it, honestly, are there any sweeter words to pass through your loved ones lips straight to your heart?
With love, sometimes heartache and pain follows. You can’t choose who your heart will love. That’s a fact. You can try to steer it in the right direction, but it happens. You find yourself falling head over heels before you know it.
~WHAM~ You crash into it like a Maserati going 100 MPH into a brick wall. And you’re left dumbstruck.
Sound familiar?
And you bask in the warmth of love that spills over you like the rays of the sun on a beautiful Spring day.
Sadly, there’s love that is one-sided. There’s love that you want to be returned to you, yet they can’t freely express it. There’s love that will remain in secret, never spoken of and never acted upon.
And silent tears will fall. Pillows will be soaked from sleepless nights spent pining for the one your heart desires most.
That’s love; all balled into one big wonderful maddening mess of heart-strings that feel like electrical current at times.
In the end, it is always worth it, though. No regrets!
To have felt love with a mere glance across the room that sends your heart fluttering like a million butterflies were let loose inside your soul. And to have loved, passionately, like the color red. If there could ever be a color assigned to signify love, deep, blood-red would be the one I’d choose. Love.
That’s the greatest feeling in the universe when you’re caught up in a whirlwind of emotions, like storm force winds in a hurricane. Love.
When love isn’t returned the way you want it to be, or if someone doesn’t love you like you think they should, it isn’t wrong. Maybe they are loving you with all they have. Perhaps they’ve experienced too many heartaches themselves to freely love with abandon. They might choose not to make themselves vulnerable for fear of having their hearts broken all over again. Who knows other than God and that person? It’s tucked deep inside, and they are the only ones that can open their hardened heart to allow you inside.
We are commanded to love. In the bible, there’s so many scriptures about love. Passionate love, or even loving thy neighbor. Even stating that the greatest gift is love. And it is!!
If you had a choice to be grouchy, irritated, or annoying with nagging on someone vs. being sweet, upbeat, and a joy to be around, which would you choose?
Let’s be honest here. No one enjoys someone who walks around mad at the world with a chip on their shoulders all the time. Now, I’m not talking about someone who just had something bad happen to them where I’m expecting them to just be overjoyed with what just took place. We’re all human, and we will all react the way we choose to react. What I’m referring to is a spouse that is constantly in a bad mood morning, noon, and night. No matter what, nothing is good enough or pleasing enough for them. (Note: I am not referring to my marriage, but one of my friends is going through this right this very minute!)
It’s difficult to sit by and watch this happening. You offer support and encouragement, yet you hear day after day of this going on.
What I want to bring to light is that in this situation – as in all situations – the choice is YOURS on how you react or respond. It’s up to you to decide if you are going to wallow in this hatred that you seem to carry around with you spewing harsh, accusatory words, OR if you’re going to be a ray of sunshine in someone’s life.
For me, I want to be that ray of sunshine.
I want others to look at me and smile because I’ve smiled at them! I desire for my smile to be contagious enough that it goes immediately to their faces, too!
Honestly, I do not want people to remember me as a nag. I don’t want people to look back at their time with me and think how much I brought them down. Also, I don’t want to be the reason someone else ends up having a portion of their day ruined … all because of how I’ve lashed out at them or chose to behave.
When my feet hit the floor in the mornings, I want to greet the day with happiness inside my soul. I want those around me to greet me with a smile and a hug, the same way I want to greet them. Realizing not everyone is a morning person, no deep conversation is needed before coffee (or for me, warm lemon and honey water). Just smile. Hug. Exchange pleasant “Good Mornings,” and let that be it until after a shower or after you feel awake enough to carry on a pleasant conversation.
What I’ve observed with my friend’s spouse is constant criticism, having their character attacked, and even accusing them of things the spouse has made up in their own minds.
Just stop.
That’s what I want to say to them.
Life is too short for all of that, and in the end, it will torment you if you continue to choose to live your life this way.
There’s an argument about which takes more energy – being hateful or being a joy. Truly, it doesn’t matter which takes more energy – think of which is more pleasant to be around. A grouch, huffing and puffing throwing a temper tantrum? Or a smiling face that beams with joy from the inside out? I’ll take the latter of the two, thank you!
If someone around me starts to bring me down by their behavior and the way they choose to carry themselves, I’ll attempt to turn the situation around. If it fails, however, I will quickly remove myself from that situation and the sour puss. I’ll be polite about it, but I will choose NOT to allow that person to affect my mood or steal my joy! Plain and simple!
The choice is yours – which one will you choose today?
Walking out to the pasture, I see my gentle giants staring back at me. My friends tease that the horses only want me for the food I give them, but I believe there is something more. We share a connection and a bond, or else they would not meet me at the gate willing to go with me when they know I usually put them to work.
While I’m on “restriction” at the moment due to the surgery, I cannot ride my beloved horses. But, I can groom and love on them. I actually feel as if they miss it as much as I do when I’m not able to go out there.
The first few weeks after surgery I could only look at them from my kitchen window. It was much too cold to attempt to go out there with a weakened immune system, so I admired them from afar. Often times, I would look out and see my Sugar girl staring back at me. I have a connection with her far greater than with our other horses.
With the issues I started having after surgery, there were days I couldn’t even go to the window. I believe she missed me and started getting depressed. There might have been something else going on, but she would lay down more than usual. It wasn’t like she was thrashing around with colic, though, although we were afraid she might have some of the beginning signs. My husband went out to the pasture, but I longed for her. Worried sick, I watched now from the living room window as she walked slowly behind my husband with her head down. She appeared to have such sadness in her eyes, so I knew what I had to do. I went back to the bedroom, put on my warmest clothes, stepped into my boots by the back door and headed out to be with my Sugar girl.
When I approached them, she turned her sad eyes toward me. I got close to her face, and she allowed me to stroke her and kiss her as I whispered to her. She’s always been the best therapist for me when something was troubling me, and now it was my turn to do this for her.
I lead her over to the trailer and got my grooming bag to go to work on her. My little darling stood quietly as I brushed her mane as gently as I could. I realize they can’t feel if you accidentally pull their hair when you’re brushing their mane or tail, but I still treat her as if she is one of my tender headed children. I take my time getting all the tangles, twigs, and other particles out of her hair so she looks as beautiful as ever. Then I move on to the rest of her body taking great care with her grooming. That time is precious to me.
After being out there with her for a bit, Sugar perked up. I was so happy to see her acting like herself again. My girl was back!
Men are fixers … if something is wrong, they automatically want to fix it. My husband is Mr. Fit It himself! If there ever was anyone on the face of the earth that wanted to fix something … it’s HIM!
My husband was a nervous wreck pacing the floors of the hospital as he waited with my two daughters, my daughter’s boyfriend, and my father. He has a lot of nervous energy anyway, but this was way worse than that. My daughter told me how antsy he was as they all waited together for news on how I was doing during the three-hour surgery.
Two weeks later, my husband took me back to the doctor due to a complication I was having. The result was a second surgery, and my poor husband sat in the waiting room alone this time. It was a last-minute decision to go back to surgery upon two failed attempts to resolve the bleeding with in-office procedures. My heart went out to him as I knew he’d be a mess as he waited alone. My daughter offered to come, but it was an hour and 15 minute drive. The doctor wanted to take me back immediately.
Ten days later, I came down with the flu! I’m telling you, at that time, it seemed like this sista could NOT catch a break! My husband was so worried about me; checking my temperature, writing the results down in a notebook to keep track, and making sure I had my Tamiflu every 12 hours on the dot. When I started throwing up the second day, he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me as I hugged the trash can in front of me. I was so miserable at that time, I did not care about being graceful. At all. Period. I mean, how can you really be graceful emptying your stomach and then dry heaving? How’s that for a visual? Later, he apologized if I felt as if I was on display, but he said he felt so helpless and wanted so badly to help me.
Now that all of that is behind me, my husband approached me last week with an idea.
“Shirley, you’ve been through hell. I mean you really have.”
“Yeah …”
“I want to do something for you.”
“Awe, that’s sweet, but you don’t have to,” I responded, thinking he wanted to make me breakfast or something like that.
“I want to buy you a new vehicle.”
I stopped in my tracks as I paused for a moment, then said, “That is really sweet, but … “
He continued, “No, hear me out. I couldn’t do anything to fix what you were going through. All I could do was sit and watch you as you suffered. If you’d let me, I’d like to buy you a new vehicle since you are just now able to drive again.”
As you can imagine, I was so surprised!
It was such a sweet gesture, but I have never been a materialistic person. I appreciated his offer so much, though.
He asked if I would at least look at a few new vehicles to see if I’d like to have one. So, I went with him and found my dream vehicle – but honestly, I could take it or leave it. After he insisted multiple times, I took it!
And I made Mr. Fix It feel much better!
He truly does feel as if he has helped in my recovery, and I’ve humored him by telling him that I suddenly feel MUCH better! ~wink~