Christmas Love Letters
She slid the red hardback book from the box and held it in her little hands. Revealing her delight, she whispered, “Wow.” Sitting Indian style on the hardwood floor, she placed the book in her lap and started to read. Never looking up or pausing, she read the book cover to cover in one sitting. Although she’s heard the story of Jesus’ birth many times through the years, she sat engrossed in this book soaking in every word. I watched as she carefully removed each letter from God at the end of the story. Without a doubt, those letters, full of God’s promises and love, touched her heart completely.
Are you one of the parents that started the tradition with your little ones of giving them a new pair of pajamas and books on Christmas Eve? If so, this book would be perfect to add to their collection. The book I am speaking of is Christmas Love Letters.
For me, I never tire of hearing about the birth of our Lord and Savior. As we are approaching this holiday season, what an appropriate time, now more than ever, to share the story of how Jesus came to this earth as a tiny baby boy. His entire goal, mission, and reason for being here was to save us all. That is the greatest gift you could ever receive right there.
I encourage you to consider purchasing this book for your little ones this holiday season. It is sure to be a favorite of theirs. I’ll admit that I took a sneak peak inside the book myself, and it touched my heart, too.
Imagine your child getting a letter from God. Now, they can! Consider Christmas Love Letters for your little one this holiday season!
Christmas Letters From God – may it bless your little one’s heart just as it did for my little girl.
While I did receive a sample of this product from Fly-By Productions/Propeller Consulting, LLC in exchange for a review, the opinions expressed here are my own and were not influenced by the gift.
November 28, 2016 @ 5:26 pm
Christmas Love Letters from God! What a perfect gift for the grandkids!!! Thanks for offering it as a giveaway!! You are so sweet and generous; a big blessing!!