Two people meet by chance but soon discover all the things they have in common. As more similarities come forth, they are almost in disbelief.
How can two people that live hours apart be going through similar situations?
At first, it is as if you’re comparing notes. This happened in my situation … yeah, well, this happened in my situation …
And you stare out into space.
There is someone out there going through what you are going through. You are NOT alone after all.
Pretty soon, you begin to seek each other out. When there’s a conflict, you know you can confide in each other. You find comfort in sharing with someone that truly understands as they have been there or are there right this very minute.
You become each other’s therapists in a way. Although not licensed by any means, you have the credentials because you have lived it.
When we question why things happen in this life and find no answers, we have come to realize that God allows them so we can be a support system to someone else going through something similar. That has to be it. God doesn’t want us walking through life alone, so he puts people in our path so we can help each other through the hard things in life.
Ecclesiastes 4:10
If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.