Disconnecting From The World
Be still, and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10
I often cling to that bible verse at times when I am not sure what the next step in my life needs to be. If there is something troubling me, and I am feeling as if I don’t know what to do … I just be still and know that He is God. I have full faith and confidence that while I don’t know what to do and certainly don’t know what the future holds, God does!
Recently my husband and I were trail riding at a plantation when we met a nice lady that was out walking her grandson on her horse. He was just a little tot, and his grandma was smiling from ear to ear as she made her way around to us. She stopped to speak to us, as a lot of friendly campers do, and we ended up having a nice conversation where she encouraged us to spend more quality time together as a couple. She said that what happens is that couples are so busy parenting and doing all for the children that when the children grow up the married couple doesn’t even know each other any more because they have spent so little time together during those years. That is so sad, but it happens more often than we realize. Just as this lady encouraged us to spend more time together, we are urging you to do the same in your marriages. Be intentional about disconnecting from the world and reconnecting with each other.
As you’ve heard me mention in this series, we love trail riding and being one with nature. There is a lot to be said about the peace and tranquility you find on the back of your horse in the middle of the forest! You are surrounded by God’s beautiful creations, and you’re riding on a majestic animal. You are one with nature, and out there, you feel closer to God! I know I do! While I enjoy a good ride with my horse, there is something extra special about riding side by side with my husband on his horse. We have actually been able to get our horses lined up to where we can ride along together holding hands. We enjoy the peace and quiet all while feeling the love flowing out of one and into the other just by the mere tips of our fingers touching the other.
Another thing that we like to do is go fishing together. Even if we don’t catch a thing, we are together on this journey as we go down the river dodging fallen trees and stumps. On one of the last trips we took down the river, it started to rain … hard! We raced through the water to seek cover under a bridge until the rain passed. We just thought we would wait it out, not realizing that Mother Nature had no plans of slacking off any time soon. Instead, the rain started coming down even harder and at an angle, so we were still getting soaked in the boat under the bridge. Then we decided to just go for it and rush back to the landing to seek cover in the truck until it all blew over. Ha! Rain was coming down so hard that it was getting all in our eyes where we could barely see where we were going. Some people would have been cursing at the wind at that point, but I just let out a really loud squeal and turned my face toward the rain and laughed so hard as it beat down upon my skin. I threw my hands out to each side and felt as if I was sailing right through the storm, and there was such freedom in that moment. My husband started laughing, too, and although we looked like drowned rats when we made it back to the landing, we enjoyed this time together in the great outdoors! We purposely disconnected from work phones, personal cell phones, computers, iPads, iPods, beepers, etc., and focused on being together! And it was refreshing being with the one I love without any distractions, other than the pouring rain that caught us off guard. It felt good disconnecting from the world for a little while and reconnecting with each other.
There are times now that we will just go out to our RV and sit in it in our yard. We find our way out there by the light from a tiny flashlight, and then we sit in the dark inside the RV. Some times we will take our camping lantern with us and let it glow on the inside as we sit together and just talk. Last night was one of those RV nights, and we ended up staying out there for three hours talking by the light of the lantern. And … it felt GREAT! Nothing mattered for those three hours except HE and I in that RV right there in our yard, connecting, sorting some things out, and talking together sharing our hearts. That is priceless!
While the above with horseback riding, going on fishing trips, or camping will not be everyone’s cup of tea, find what works for you and your spouse. The point is to just disconnect from it all for a little while and focus on just being together reconnecting with your mate. Disconnecting from the world and focusing on each other will help restore a vital thing that has been missing from your marriage.
Join us tomorrow for … A Day To Play
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Buy the book on Amazon: When Couples Walk Together: 31 Days to a Closer Connection
October 22, 2014 @ 4:46 pm
Hi there. I’m stopping by via the Southern Girls FB page.
What a great post!!
I am blessed also in being married to my best friend. My mother always reminded me that we had a marriage before our kids and we need to nurture that. Now that are girls are grow, we are having a blast ‘disconnecting’ together!!
October 23, 2014 @ 7:34 am
Hi Mikki! We’re so glad to have you with us! Thank you for your kind words. I am glad that you two have not lost each other and that you’re having a great time together long after the kids have grown up! That is an encouragement right there to many others and proof that we do need to take this time with our spouses!