Do Not Take Sides
Oh boy! This is a hard one.
I work in a small office, and there are three of us ladies here. I love love LOVE my job! I truly do. At times, though, the female personalities can go at it here. This is not new as this has happened at every single job I have ever held since I was old enough to work. It’s sad, really. But for some reason, women just cannot work together in peace, love, and harmony. I wish that wasn’t so, though. Why this has to be part of the “norm” in any type of environment when you have women together is beyond me.
How do you handle something like this? VERY CAREFULLY!
One lady told me about a situation that happened three weeks ago right when it was happening. The other lady took it upon herself today to tell me “her side” of the story from the same incident that occurred three weeks prior. What did I do throughout these entire three weeks when there was tension between them? I stayed out of it! I came into work, said a blanket “Good Morning” for whoever heard and wanted to acknowledge me … and I had tunnel vision all day as I sat at my desk working. I would speak when spoken to or if it was work related, but other than that, I kept my nose out of it. It did not concern me at all, so I lived the past three weeks in that mindset. In my mind, I kept repeating this, “It does not concern you, stay out of it, do not take sides, and keep yourself in check so they won’t have anything to say about you!”
Is this easy? No! Especially when you know an injustice has been served. Am I getting the entire truth from both parties, though? Probably not. I’m sure I’m hearing what both of them want me to hear and not the whole truth. Certainly not the hand on the bible swearing to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth like they do in a court session before a witness takes the stand.
So this post is to any one out there that is reading it today. If you are a woman … please, I beg you, let’s work together to build each other up, not tear each other down! Life is hard. We all go through struggles. We do not know and have no way of knowing what someone else is going through. Be kinder than you normally would be because everyone is fighting some kind of battle. Whether it is a physical ailment, something emotional where they are grieving over the loss of someone or just hurting deep within their being, or whether they are struggling with some type of mental illness, anxiety, or depression … be kind. Extend grace. Show compassion. Give love. Is that so hard? No … it really and truly is not.
Please … let’s work together to build each other up. In the workplace, in schools, in churches, in different situations no matter what building you are in … if there are other women, work together to build each other up!
Love thy neighbor as thy self.
Would you pick yourself apart like you’re picking apart this woman?
Would you say those things about yourself like you’re saying about this woman?
Would you roll your eyes in the mirror or laugh at yourself like you’re about to where this woman is concerned?
Would you set out to be vindictive and do something harmful to yourself? Then why do it to other women around you?
Why complicate things with passive aggressive behavior or just out right aggression? Why can’t we all just get along??? That is the question of a lifetime, isn’t it?
Love. It covers all. Even various situations where women work, play, and live closely together.
Love. It conquers all the disputes in the world.
April 23, 2015 @ 6:51 pm
I think I’ve had my fair share of being caught in the middle and trying not to take sides. Sometimes it’s easy if people involved are mature enough to understand but we must admit that their are still “toddlers” when it comes to handling emotions.
It’s tough. But I believe too that love conquers all. 🙂
Be more blessed!
April 26, 2015 @ 9:19 pm
I loved what you wrote, Lux! So very true!