Encouraging Words When You’re Having A Hard Day
Everyone has a bad day every now and then where they desperately need a friend to come alongside them and let them know that they are loved, cared for, cherished, that they matter, and that this, too, shall pass.
Friends, I hear you!
On the days when you feel like every thing and every one is coming at you … on the days when you feel like you have not had any time to yourself because of demands made by others and everyone pulling on you … when you feel as if you are wearing your nerves on the sleeves of your arms and even your shirt hurts resting on those nerves … I hear you loud and clear. I have had my share of days like this also.
When you just feel like you can’t take one more thing … one more request … one more person barking orders at you …
You need to feel loved! You need to be reminded that you are valued. You are worth so much to all of those that ARE pulling at you and who are making demands of you. You have so much to offer that it is hard when they do not have your hand working in the mist of whatever project they have going on. They want you involved, they ask your opinion, they pull on you … simply because you have so much to offer. They recognize it. They see your worth. They know that every thing would be better if you were a part of it.
When all you want to do is rest … and just have five minutes alone … five minutes to use the bathroom all by yourself (which is rare as a mother of babies and toddlers, believe me, I know and have had my share of those days, too) … five minutes to take that much needed, much required quick shower so that you feel refreshed and renewed … find that time. As others are making demands of you, you owe it to yourself and your well being to make taking care of yourself a priority. You tend to every one else all day long in multiple ways and in different capacities. You need to be revitalized also!
Listen, dear sweet friend … weary mothers … you deserve time, too! It is not being selfish. For your sake and for your sanity, you need to have a little breather every now and then without any guilt whatsoever! You deserve this time!
Or how about …
The teenager who is trying so hard to have their own identity and is trying to emerge into this world as their own independent self separate and apart from you. Yet, you’re not ready for this just yet. You still want to mother and cuddle and be there for them when they are pulling away, almost pushing you away at times. I feel your pain! It hurts, sweet mothers of teenager daughters or teenage sons. It hurts! You want the best for them. You want to be there with them and for them through ALL things in life. And yet, here they are … not a “child” any more and not yet an adult either … wanting so desperately to separate from you and be their own person. I get that. I DO! I was once there, too!! I know what it’s like … yet I also know being a grown up is not all it is cracked up to be at times. There are trials and tribulations. There are matters that you simply did not have to deal with in your childhood or teen years, and yet they hit you smack dab right in the face as you launch yourself into adulthood. I see this. I feel this. I know this. I try to protect my children from this. I tell them to enjoy your youth a little longer, don’t try to grow up so fast! You will have plenty of time for this, I promise you. Don’t rush it … don’t grow up too fast. Don’t take our babies from us … it happens all too soon as it is … stay ours forever … while spreading your wings and flying … just not so far away, please. I know you’re supposed to do this. I know it’s natural, I know it’s a normal part of life. I know you have to grow up, but as a mother, I know it HURTS letting go …
And then there’s this …
When your “friend” comes up against you, makes judgments about you, just comes at you full speed ahead without thinking of where you currently are emotionally even after knowing what has JUST happened that has you on the verge of tears, yet they do not stop to think exactly what their actions might do and they pretty much body slam you with their words and actions. Yea, there’s THAT!
BUT EVEN STILL … TRY THIS … when every thing and every situation is hard or it just simply hurts … DO THIS ONE THING:
When you’re having a really hard, rotten day … when all you have is five minutes … turn to Jesus in prayer. Lift up your hands in praise to God above. You may feel frazzled and at your wits end. I can promise you that if you lift up your hands to Heaven praising the name of Jesus, your mood will improve! It may not happen immediately, and you may stand there initially sighing heavily … but if you just allow, God WILL begin to move and you WILL have a different outlook if you allow Him to take over.
Praise Him!
Give it all you’ve got … and give HIM all of your worries and concerns of the day. Cast all of your cares on HIM! Do not take these things that have come against you today and worry and fret over them. God does not want us to worry or fear, or be anxious for any thing.
Also remember for each person that has tried to go against you today, if GOD is for you, who could be against you?! NO weapon formed against you shall prosper, sweet child of God!! Rest in the assurance provided by God in Isaiah 54:17 KJV: No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.
Claim it, friends!! CLAIM IT right now!
Turn each and every trying thing that has gotten on your last nerve today over to Him! He can handle it, and He does not need your help. He is the GREAT and MIGHTY GOD! He’s got this, friends! You just have to turn it all over to Him!
Here I am Lord … I bring you all of the problems I’ve had to encounter today … I bring them to You and lay them at Your feet. I fall down on my face and praise you, Oh Father God for Your great and awesome power. All of these feelings that I’ve had today, I don’t have to feel this way any longer because I am giving it all to you tonight, right this very minute … and YOU, Father, are lifting this heavy load off of my shoulders and allowing me to breathe freely. Oh, thank you, Lord, that I do not have to walk this path alone for YOU are with me every step of the way! When I am weak and frail, when things come against me and I feel like I cannot go any further, you sweep me off of my feet and allow me to rest my head gently on your strong shoulders and You carry me, cradling me in Your loving arms … whispering to me the entire way, “You are MY child … and I love you …”

February 6, 2014 @ 10:58 am
This is such a beautiful post. Life is tough now a days, there’s too much to do and not enough time to do it. Too many things to distract us and not enough self control to ignore them. It’s too easy to become overwhelmed but you are right, there is no rest and restoration that can compare to what God can provide. Thanks for sharing this post.
February 6, 2014 @ 11:21 pm
Thank you so much, Alma.