Is there ever a time that you should consider just walking away?
Today is going to be a little different from the past few Wednesdays. There is a little something that I came across this past week that really hit home with me. I love reading through people’s posts on FaceBook. Many times people will post quotes that really get my mind going. This past week I came across the following graphic.
This is something I think we should all take into serious consideration. I say that in reference from the other end of this quote; as I seem to be the person that gets ignored by family and friends quite frequently.
I try to always be caring and give to those that I mean a lot in my life. It gives me great joy to show that I care by giving to others in some way. I give of myself without any expectation of return as I feel that is one of the ways that God blesses us in the sense of having made a small difference in the lives of others.
Yet many times, I end up being ignored and at times forgotten by family and friends. I do realize that each of us has a full life that takes our all of our attention and can over whelm us at times. But as this is something that continually happens to me I begin to wonder if there is some underlying message that people are trying to tell me. It is hard not to think that. Many times I have family members ask me the day before an event if I am still coming when I was never invited in the first place. It does make me feel as if I am an afterthought to people.
So to get to the thought behind the title of my post; is there ever a time when you should just consider walking away? I would love to hear thoughts from others on this as I am seriously considering walking away from a few situations in the near future. It is a hard thing to consider; an even harder thing to do. Yet, I feel it may be the right thing to do at the moment. It is not that I do not care any more. It is just that it hurts to be in a situation like this. There are times when we need to look after ourselves as much as we want to look after others. We must trust with our heart that God will take care of those you care about even if you are put into a situation where you can’t be there for them because they don’t want you there.
~The Quiet Computer Guy
June 25, 2014 @ 10:30 am
I will be the first to admit that at times I have done this to you, and for that I am eternally sorry. You have always been so dedicated and devoted to me. Your loyalty does not go unnoticed, yet I realize that you may feel taken for granted more times than you feel appreciated. There are no words and no apology strong enough to reverse those feelings or heal the emotional pain that I have inflicted upon you. I just know that you have filled my life with such joy and happiness by the love of your friendship. And I would be lost without you. We have been friends for close to 20 years, and I treasure and cherish every single one of those years – even when we had our ups and downs as all friendships do. I love my friend and value our friendship. I am so sorry for not showing you as often as you have shown me. You may not have even been directing this at me or speaking of our friendship, but it spoke to me. ((hugs))