An Everlasting Witness
I wanted to share with you a verse that really gave new meaning to what we do here at Light, Love, Hope.
“Go now, write it on a tablet for them, inscribe it on a scroll, that for the days to come it may be an everlasting witness.” ~ Isaiah 30:8
The words written on this site are meant to encourage, support, uplift, and to share light, love, and hope with our Heavenly Father front and center!
When I set out to write, all I knew was that I had this great desire to put pen to paper for quite some time. Now I spend time at the computer displaying my thoughts as they come to me, as God gives them to me, right on the screen before me. There is something so very refreshing about writing out your thoughts and seeing them in black and white. I knew that I wanted to bring light into this dark world, and what better light than THE Light of The World – Jesus Christ!
Some will not agree with my site, my posts, or the reason behind this site. I have already encountered this in a group with fellow photographers. I thought their photography was amazing, and so I wanted to “showcase” some of it here on our site. I approached them about this idea, and much to my surprise, people became really ugly to me simply because of what this site was about. I was really shocked when these people did NOT want their photography on a website about God. Wow. I knew that there were people “out there” like that, but I hadn’t ever really encountered them like this until now. I was respectful to them, although they were not to me initially at all. I thanked them for offering their point of view. I bowed out gracefully from that group shortly thereafter. My intent wasn’t to force feed my religion to them but, instead, to showcase their work giving them full credit for the beautiful photographs.
God still had a hand in this, though, as a few months prior to this we were at a beautiful spot in the mountains known around these parts as “Pretty Place.” We ventured up to Pretty Place anticipating capturing the super moon and getting some really awesome pictures. But, alas, a storm started brewing, and before we knew it, the mountain was covered in thick fog as the storm took over. We could hardly see in front of us as we made our way down the mountain in the dark. That was scary in and of itself! We made it down safely and vowed to check the weather forecast more closely before venturing up and around that mountain again! Before that, though, as we waited for the super moon … we met a charming couple right at the foot of the cross at Pretty Place. This couple had come for the very same reason that we were there – to capture that big, beautiful moon! The only thing was that they were locals. We still had quite a bit of traveling to do as we were a good ways from home. The trip was worth it and more, though, as we soaked in all of the sites that Pretty Place had to offer.
Due to the storm mentioned above, we were not able to get any good pictures while we were visiting. Our new friends, however, were able to capture some breathtakingly beautiful shots earlier in the day. They were kind enough to offer to share them with us!! I gave them my email address not really expecting them to fulfill their promise. Low and behold, they did, and I could hardly believe my eyes when I opened my email the next day to reveal Pretty Place in all of its glory! How incredibly awesome!
Who was the photographer, you might ask? Jeff Jung from South Carolina! Mr. Jung was so generous to share his pictures.
Recently, I approached Mr. Jung about showcasing some of his photography here on our site. Much to my delight, he gave me permission and was honored that we would choose his work. He is brilliant with that camera of his, and I want the world to see!!
Ladies and Gentlemen … I present to you “Pretty Place” by Mr. Jeff Jung!

This place, this picture, these wonderful people that shared it with us, the words on this site … they will all be an everlasting witness!
It is my desire to reach as many people throughout the world as I can to share a little bit of my Jesus with them. I’m not an expert or a bible scholar, but I do love my God and sharing His light, love, and hope.