Everybody Wants To Rule The World
You’ve probably felt inundated with political ads on Facebook and talk of politics on the news. It seems that everybody wants to rule the world.
I’m not here to debate who is better or to sling mud on any candidate, though.
I would like to see the true person in power being shown the respect He deserves, and that person is our Lord and Savior. It seems God has been taken out of so many things in our world today, is it any wonder the shape we’re in because of it?
Never in all of my 44 years have I seen shootings occurring so frequently all throughout the nation! People’s lives are no longer valued, and I cannot grasp that at all. How can people not value another person’s life? To some, it’s nothing to just snuff another’s life right out over the smallest of things. Why is this happening?
My daughter is on a trip right now at 19 years of age, and I worry. Days before my daughter’s trip we heard of an abduction of a young lady at a gas station where she was forced into her car and driven to a cemetery. There, she was shot and left for dead. Thankfully, someone visiting the cemetery found her and called 911. She’s in the hospital now, and they’re not sure if she will live or die – recover or be an invalid. This is a sad world we’re living in when things like this keep happening!
Driving home on the interstate tonight, with the hard top down on my convertible, I should have been enjoying the wind blowing through my hair and the songs on the radio. Yet, I was constantly having to be aware of my surroundings. A thought entered my mind at one point of drive by shootings, and there I was with the top down in plain view feeling almost like a sitting duck. It’s sad when one cannot enjoy the simple things in life without considering what “could” happen.
I know it sounds like fear grips my life or I’m in a state of worry at all times. Not necessarily. But, we all have to be real about what is going on in the world today.
Have you ever considered what the world would be like if we let the One who truly rules the world back in? Non-Christians scream, “We’re offended,” which results in us removing God from so many things in this day and age. Instead of standing as a united front, we, as a nation, cave and allow THEM power and control instead when we’re forced to take God out of everything. Why can’t we stand up and say, “WE are offended that you’re trying to take God out of all things,” and have the power to say, “NO MORE! We will not allow it!” Why can’t we have a difference of opinion here without THEIR opinions or hurt feelings being the cause of God being removed from yet another thing? What we truly need is GOD in ALL things!?
That’s the question.
When everybody wants to rule the world, why won’t we allow the King of Kings a place in it? Oh if we did, what a different world it would be!
August 1, 2016 @ 2:34 pm
Yes, my friend! Jesus/God IS the answer! If we let HIM rule the world, it WOULD be a lot better!! But, unfortunately, He has given us “free will” and the will of the people is not to include Him, apparently. And those who are violent and shooting and…yeah, they are taking the lives of innocent people; and, I am tired of hearing all of that, too. Every day, it seems something else is happening, has happened, whatever…BUT, if we let the King of Kings, as you say, rule the world, “what a wonderful world this would be”.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!!