Why Does Everyone Seem So Angry?
I don’t post much anywhere on the Internet because I am a shy quiet guy that doesn’t say much. But I do read a lot; especially comments posted on various news sites and FB. I had to laugh at a recent comment made to a story, “Listen pal. It’s the Internet. You’re supposed to be angry.” This has been in the back of my mind lately and it seems the more I read the more this seems to be true.
So why is everyone so angry? I grew up in a home where it seemed that anger ruled. My mother was a very negative and angry person at times. She took it out on my sister and me when we were very young. I was so scared of her that I used to hide under a pile of clothes in the corner of a closet for hours just to get away from her and “the paddle”. That explains a lot as to why I am the way I am as an adult.
I hear stories of “road rage” at times. Yet this is nothing new to me. Riding with mom in the car was like riding with a truck driver; it was !#$@ this and !#$* or that !#@$!@. The hard thing is that being in a situation like that rubbed off on me and I have had to work very hard to not be like that. I think that mom was angry because her life didn’t turn out like she thought it should. I think she embraced her disappointment which fueled her anger instead of looking at all the wonderful things she had right in front of her and being thankful for those things.
It seems that the anonymity of the Internet gives people a sense of protection so that they say whatever they want without any concern for others. That is truly a sad thing. We should always think of others before we open our mouths; especially when we may not really know the true facts of a situation. One of the lessons I learned in Sunday school that has stuck with me the most all these years is that we should treat people the way we want to be treated. We should be spreading love and kindness, not anger and hurt. There will always be times when we get angry. That is human nature. But to let anger rule most of our daily lives is not healthy for us and those around us. Fill your heart with God’s love and try to drive out any feelings of anger that may reside in your heart.
~The Quiet Computer Guy
June 25, 2014 @ 12:14 am
People think that because the internet is faceless that it is “personless”. They don’t see that their words can really affect the people they are aimed at. I always try to be careful with my words – online and offline.