Finding A Getaway
God’s my island hideaway, keeps danger far from the shore, throws garlands of hosannas around my neck.
Psalm 32:7 MSG
Quality time alone with your spouse is important. Can you remember the last time you two stole some time away for just the two of you? The stresses in life are so great, from stress at work, stress from finances, stress from raising children, just stress in general … it is important to get away from it all to recharge your batteries and spend time together with your spouse reconnecting.
For years we have taken vacations, but it has always been with our children. We would plan family vacations that we knew the children would enjoy, and we tried to ensure that all in the family had their day to do what they wanted to that way everyone was happy on our trip. Everyone had a say! That worked out wonderfully, and our children have enjoyed the family vacations just as we have. But … some where along the line, we lost each other. We did not steal time away for just the two of us, and our relationship has suffered because of it.
In 2013, my husband won a trip to Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee. He has been a long time Elvis fan, even dressing like Elvis for Halloween that year. He heard a contest going on a local radio station, and lo and behold, he was the correct caller and he WON the trip!! He was so excited as he said he’s never won anything before, and he was elated as this was his “dream trip!” The only thing was that his winnings was for a trip for two. We considered paying extra to take the children as they wanted to share in the excitement as well, but finally, I said no. I thought we needed this time together … alone. And so, we went on the trip, just he and I … and we had a fabulous time. At first we were not sure what to do with ourselves or each other as we hadn’t had this amount of quality time together in years! We had to find our way back to each other, and I felt that we did that during this trip.
While winning trips is few and far between, if it ever happens to a couple, it is important to schedule and plan time away together! Make it a priority. Don’t lose each other in the trenches of everyday life. If you have, find a way to reconnect.
You don’t have to plan an expensive trip either. You can getaway from it all by slipping away to your favorite place that is within an hour’s drive or so. For us, we like to slip off to Charleston, South Carolina. That is one of our absolute most favorite places in the entire world. We have been blessed enough to travel to the Grand Cayman Islands for our honeymoon 12 years ago as well as going to the Bahamas on several occasions through the years with our children. We have also taken trips within the United States. But, we love going back to Charleston every chance we get. There is just something so magical about that city!
We like to go to the Battery Park in Charleston as it has a huge gazebo in the middle of this park. This is where my husband proposed to me all those years ago. He got down on one knee and popped the question. My oldest daughter was only four years old at the time, and she witnessed this with her mouth wide open as she realized what was happening. We were able to capture this moment on camera, and it is a picture we treasure to this very day. So, when we are in Charleston, visiting this park is a must. We have taken a little picnic lunch and sat under the beautiful trees with the moss hanging down as we soaked in the salt air and the gorgeous view of the harbor.
So, you see, finding a getaway does not have to cost a lot of money. It isn’t something that requires you to travel hours by plane to get to either.
Please, for the sake of your marriage, discuss finding a getaway together, a place that brings back old memories or a place to create new ones! Watch as you reconnect and become closer to your spouse as your marriage improves with each moment you’re able to steal away together.
Join us tomorrow for … Flirting Again.
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Buy the book on Amazon: When Couples Walk Together: 31 Days to a Closer Connection
October 18, 2014 @ 10:40 am
Based on my blog today, I clearly need to be following yours! LOL!
October 18, 2014 @ 7:09 pm
Melanie, that made me laugh! I am definitely going to check your blog out, too! 🙂