Five Minute Friday – Prompt Word: Small
TGIF! You know what time it is, right?! It’s time for Five Minute Friday with Lisa-Jo Baker!
The idea is to write for five whole minutes on the prompt word given. You are to write your little heart out without worrying about how it is coming across. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it does have to be your words straight from your heart. Deal?
Now …
Do you realize that nothing is too small for God? There isn’t any part of you that is too small to take your worries and cares to Him. He loves you no matter if you’re asking Him to move the biggest mountain in your life or the smallest thorn in your side. He cares about it all. He wants you to take it to Him in prayer. All of it, friends. Every single thing that you think is so minute, so small, so unimportant … it is ALL important to God. And you know what else? He knew it, all of it, before you ever decided to release it by taking it to Him in prayer. He saw it, He felt it, He knew the thoughts swirling around in your head. He knew the pain you felt the moment that you felt it. He knew the sting of the words spoken that hurt you and cut to your very core. He knew. He was there. He heard. He felt the sting, and He cried with you over it. He wants to scoop you up into His strong and wonderful arms of love and just hold you, cradle you and love on you, wiping every single tear that you’ve cried gently away. He wants you to come to Him like a child and just pour it out to Him. He cares. He longs to hear from you, dear one. Oh you thrill His heart completely when you bring all of your cares, no matter how big or small, before His throne. He wants to talk to you. He wants to have a relationship with you. He wants to be your best friend. All you have to do is turn to Him. The big, the small, the petty, the gigantic. He wants to hear about it all. Come to Him, release this burden, confide in Him, and watch Him melt all of your cares away simply because He is God.
February 22, 2014 @ 1:48 am
These are such important things to remind ourselves of. All too often I fail to take my cares to the Lord because I think they are too small.
My favorite line —–> “He saw it, He felt it, He knew the thoughts swirling around in your head.”
February 22, 2014 @ 6:13 pm
Thank you for stopping by! Yes, He is an all knowing God! That is for sure!
February 26, 2014 @ 5:23 pm
Thanks so much for this post. First of all…I totally need to do some more writing prompts, so this has inspired me to do something different today! Thank you!
Second, I think this concept of our small issues mattering is relevant not only with how we approach God, but how we communicate with each other. Yes, there are probably bigger problems in the world than me griping about how I felt miffed for not being included in some random event, but to try to get over it by telling myself (or having someone tell me) that my issue doesn’t matter because people are starving and dying somewhere doesn’t really help. It just suppresses our honest feelings, which is never a good idea.
February 26, 2014 @ 6:12 pm
Hi Ashley!
I love the writing prompts, too, and really enjoy doing this with Lisa-Jo every week. I am so glad that you will be joining us!
I agree completely with what you wrote. It helps to know that all things matter to God above. I have had people minimize my feelings when I confided in them, and it hurts. It actually makes the situation worse when you don’t feel “heard.” God hears us, though, and he loves us. He wants us to bring all things to him no matter how small. Everything matters and is important to Him!
I’m so glad you’re here with us, Ashley!