Five Minute Fridays
Happy Friday!!!
We are mixing things up a little today and are doing a little assignment prompted by Lisa Jo Baker {I just love her!}. To find out all about how Five Minute Fridays got started, click here. Basically, you write about whatever is in your heart and on your mind for five minutes straight based on a prompt word. Don’t worry about run on sentences or if you misspell a word, etc. It’s okay! Just write for five minutes, and share with others by linking up on her site. If you don’t have a blog, that is okay, too, as you can add your Five Minute Friday masterpiece in the comment section of her site. I welcome you to add them here on my blog, too, if you feel so inclined.
Today’s prompt word is: Fight
I know it seems like a constant fight to remain positive. It is! You have to be intentional each and every day. Some times you have to take it moment by moment, even, but the point is that you guard your heart and your mind. You fight for your right to remain in your happiness. You fight for your joy! As I’ve said many times before, choose Joy! Don’t let any one steal your joy! People will try. Oh boy will they try. BUT, do not let them win! Put on your armor of God and fight the good fight. Don’t give up just because someone was successful in pulling you down with them during a weak moment. Fight! Fight! Fight! Get back up and back into the race. You can do this! I have faith in you, and it is SO worth it! Fight for your right to remain in your peace! Choose whether to be offended. Choose where to take the bait when someone tries to get your goat, so to speak. Choose whether you will rise above and not go down to the level they are sinking trying to pull you down with them. Let them be miserable, but YOU, you continue to fight for your right to be happy and to wear joy proudly on your face. This offends some. Let them be offended then. You keep doing what you’re doing, and you just can’t go wrong when you put on your armor as you go into battle! If you struggle, as we all will, that is okay. Pick yourself up, brush yourself off and continue on with your head held high. You are only human. Don’t beat yourself up. We all have moments when we are less than joyful, that is why it is so important to try to be as positive as we can because the more you look on the bright side, the less time you have to reflect upon things that may not be going exactly the way you had hoped. If you will start your day being grateful and in a positive frame of mind, you will be surprised how the rest of your day goes. Put on peace. Put on love. Put on compassion. If you put on all of these things, your light will shine for those around you. Each time you fight for the joy and happiness that you so deserve, you are blessing yourself but you are also blessing those around you that will come in contact with you. They are bound to see the light shining in your life and want that for themselves, too. How could they not?
This concludes the Five Minute Friday exercise!
Light, Love, Hope
January 3, 2014 @ 10:58 am
“Let them be miserable, but YOU, you continue to fight for your right to be happy and to wear joy proudly on your face. This offends some. Let them be offended then. You keep doing what you’re doing, and you just can’t go wrong when you put on your armor as you go into battle!”
I needed to hear this. To hear again that following Jesus and obeying him, might make others feel offended, even miserable — my job is to love them and follow him with his armor on.
Thanks Shirley.
January 4, 2014 @ 1:11 am
You’re welcome, Jane! Thank YOU for sharing. I’m delighted that you were blessed by those words in the post. I want you to know that you blessed my heart by what you shared. Thank you for that. Just to know that I encouraged one person or touched one person’s life, that means more than I could ever say and is the very reason I do what I do here. My sincere thanks to you for sharing!