Five Minute Fridays – Prompt Word “Garden”
It’s that time again for Five Minute Fridays! Since I have posted so much in the last few days, I will schedule this post for Saturday morning.
Today’s Five Minute Friday prompt word is GARDEN.
The idea is to write for five whole minutes without worrying about getting it perfect. Write from your heart, do not edit, do not critique your own work. Just share and let it pour out freely.
Welcome to the garden of My heart. Come, take My hand and walk with Me as we stroll through down the paths of beautiful flowers and perfectly placed benches to rest upon. Soak in all of the wondrous sights and sounds as I share with you all that is within Me. Allow Me to pour out My blessings upon you, My Child. Sit with Me a while. Rest your weary head upon My shoulders. Feel the love I have for you in My heart. Let Me wrap you in My love, holding you, reassuring you that no harm will ever come to you. For I know the plans I have for you, My Child. Rest in the knowledge that all things work together for My good. You may not understand My works or My thoughts, but in due time, My child, they will be revealed to you. For now, rest your weary soul upon the banks of the river. Skip rocks and watch the ripples as they reach out to the souls. The very souls that you cross paths with daily. You are My hands and feet upon this earth. You are My mouthpiece. Go, share the good news with the world! I will bless all of My people that are called by My name. I love them. I died for them. I gave My life so they could live forever in My Kingdom. That is the purest form of love You will ever know. Bask in the unconditional love that My heart holds for you forever more. Blessed child of Mine.