Five Minute Fridays – Prompt Word: Joy!
It’s that time again where we celebrate Fridays by writing our hearts out to a prompt word provided by Lisa-Jo Baker! It’s where we write without a care in the world. We don’t worry about critiquing and correcting. We just write for the sheer joy of letting our fingers fly as we share our hearts with the world.
Our prompt word for today is: Joy!
The moment we’ve all been waiting for is here! It has finally arrived! Our horses will come to their new homes this weekend. Oh the joy and excitement as my daughter asks, “Is it time yet?” and I reply with, “Yes, ma’am!” Her eyes light up and she almost screams with the sweetest smile on her face, “WHEN?!” to which I reply, “Sunday!” She really does squeal then! And she jumps up and down, twirls around, and runs to tell her sister who is as equally excited as she!
While the horses bring my daughters pure joy, it is those very same girls that bring ME the most joy in this life. I get the honor and privilege of being their mother! God trusted ME … little ole me … to raise them, care for them, love them, treasure, and cherish them … and I do! Oh, I do!!!
They have brought me so much joy through the years, more than I could ever put into words. They always greet me with a huge smile and a warm hug no matter if they just got up in the mornings or if they come home from school, or if we share anything exciting … a hug is sure to follow along with laughter as we dance around in the kitchen together acting silly and just enjoying being together!
It brought me pure joy to see their facial expressions when their little heart’s desire was to be “horse trainers” and now their dreams are becoming a reality. Their joy in becoming horse owners brings ME such joy.
March 21, 2014 @ 7:30 am
It’s wonderful to enjoy your family so much
March 21, 2014 @ 9:50 pm
Thank you, Lizzy. I certainly do! They are my heart!