Five Minute Fridays – See
It’s that time again! Five Minute Fridays with Lisa Jo Baker. Yea! We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
Today’s word is SEE.
Ready. Set. Go!
I wish that you could see yourself through my eyes. Just once. You are far too hard and critical of and on yourself. You fail to see the beauty that lies within you, as well as the beauty that shines on the outside as well. You think you’re fat when the reality is that you’re so incredibly thin. People have tainted what you see based on the lies that they have told you. It’s sad, so incredibly sad for me to sit here knowing that you see only the negative, the bad, the lies that people have instilled into you. It is true that the longer you are exposed to something, the more you start to believe it. The more you hear those lies, the more you have started to own them as if they were true. They are NOT, dear one. Precious one. Child of God. Hear me! Those lies that they told you are not and never were true. You are so beautiful. You are perfectly and wonderfully made. You have a beauty that shines from the inside because you are a child of God. You have such a sweet way about you, a wonderful personality, and a heart the size of Texas. You care and have more concern and compassion for people. You reach out and show them that you are there to help in whatever way that is needed. You reach down and pick others up that are having a hard time in life. You put yourself in harm’s way to help another. That is beauty. On the outside you are as equally beautiful with your flowing blonde hair and radiantly shining blue eyes. You have the sweetest, prettiest face, and you take care of yourself. It shows. You have a very slender figure on your tall frame, yet you fail to see these things. If I could erase all the horrible things people have said, I would so you could see …
January 10, 2014 @ 7:45 am
Beautiful reminder this morning – thank you!!
January 10, 2014 @ 8:38 am
Thank you so much, Kristin. Wishing you many blessings for your day.
January 10, 2014 @ 4:22 pm
Dear Shirley
I don’t know the woman whom you are writing about, but I think I sense a bit of her heart through your eyes. We all see ourselves through the eyes of the world before our Lord unveil our minds and it is actually so sad. May God give her eyes to see herself the way He sees her.
Blessings XX
January 10, 2014 @ 8:08 pm
Thank you so much, Mia. This young lady is so very near and dear to my heart. I have been praying the same things for her.