Five Minute Fridays – Word: Encouragement
I really enjoy the opportunity to participate in Five Minute Fridays with Lisa Jo Baker. The idea is to write your little heart out for five whole minutes. Do not edit. Do not even be worried one little bit over any errors. That is not what this is about. Today it is about sharing your heart without worrying about all of that. Pour it all out, Sisters!
The word today is: Encouragement
Who doesn’t need encouragement in the world we live in today? There’s trouble around every corner, and there is always going to be people that you cross paths with in this life that would love nothing more than to tear you down. For some strange reason, they take great pride in launching assaults at you when what they truly should be doing is offering more encouragement, love, and understanding! The world needs more of God and less violence and negativity toward others. A few kind and gentle words go a long way to helping others along the way. It costs absolutely nothing to offer words of encouragement, and yet the rewards are endless. You get the opportunity to provide a smile on someone’s face that would not have been there that day had it not been for your wonderful words of encouragement. Whether it’s cheering someone on that feels depressed and defeated so that they feel empowered now to get up and try again instead of giving up mere moments before your words of encouragement were spoken. Offer those sweet, loving, kind, gentle, compassionate words of understanding and encouragement! They are so desperately needed in this cruel world we are living in. You can make a difference. Yes, YOU! Oh I can hear you now saying that you’re only one person, how can you possibly make a difference. Well, you may only be one person, but to one person you might just be the world! Speak life, speak love, speak encouragement over someone today! Be the change you want to see in the world. Let it begin with you! Right here, right now! Today! Instead of complaining, speak positive, refreshing, uplifting words … if someone is down, offer your words of comfort, wrap them in your love, and offer all of the encouragement you possibly can! Shower them with it, let them bask in it …

January 17, 2014 @ 5:02 pm
“It costs absolutely nothing to offer words of encouragement, and yet the rewards are endless.” Yes!! So true!! Thank you for sharing.
January 18, 2014 @ 11:41 pm
Thank you, Becky! I appreciate what you wrote very much!
January 17, 2014 @ 10:41 pm
Your 5 minutes is powerful, empowering and encouraging. You have a lot within you to share and give freely to me and everyone else who is blessed enough to read it. I appreciate every word. Encouragement, when it replaces the negative and discouraging actions and words that come from us regularly and without thought, is the difference between life and death – the power of which is in our mouths.
January 18, 2014 @ 11:41 pm
Thank you so much for writing today, Elizabeth! Your words are so beautiful. Please continue to write and share with us. You have so much to offer!