I heard about another senseless act of violence again today. Marines and a police officer, from what I understand, were gunned down in Tennessee. I’m not sure of any other details as I refused to watch the news, and I didn’t click on the news story when it came up in my news feed on Facebook.
Yesterday, I did watch the news, and I learned of a shooting in the small town of Holly Hill in South Carolina. This is way too close to home for me. Five people were gunned down in their home. Two adults – ages 50 and 28 – and three children were involved – ages 17, 12, and 8, I believe. Two of the three children died at the scene along with the two adults. The third child – age 8 years old – was airlifted to a hospital in Charleston, South Carolina, where he remains in critical condition. The last I heard on this case, the suspect was still at large, and they did not have a motive in this shooting.
My heart was overcome with sadness upon hearing this not even a month after nine were gunned down in their church!
Oh my heart aches for this world and what is happening in this day and age. From fights regarding a flag, a piece of fabric that others were so offended by that waved over the state house and on Fort Sumter in South Carolina, right on to racial organizations — on both sides — rallying at the state house this coming weekend, to innocent lives being lost once again.
Lord, we need you! We need you now more than ever.
Why can’t we live in a world without violence, without the need for gun control. I wish God would reach down His mighty hand and save us from ourselves and our fellow man that has hate in their hearts. And if only … if only we could reach a point to where one day there would not be any more racial discussions, rallies, or fights needing to be resolved. If we could do away with the racial tension and accept each other with open arms and love – red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight. So should they be with all of us as well! Each and every life is precious – no matter the color of our skins! We are all beautiful creations from God above.
It is my desire that peace, love, and harmony would prevail. It sounds so simple, for us to all just get along, and yet, it’s just out of our grasp when people are so set against something — and often times, each other — with no compromise in sight.
Love your neighbor as yourself. Why is that so hard to do? When will we be free of prejudice, racism, hate, murders, and fear of what is to come?
This post was inspired by the Five Minute Friday prompt word of: Free.
July 17, 2015 @ 12:00 am
I also tend to not watch the news because it’s hard for me to process all the evil in the world. My heart breaks for the victims involved, yet often there is nothing tangible I can do for them. Instead, maybe we should turn to prayer, requesting God to heal hearts. He’s already won the war but the battle still rages on.
July 17, 2015 @ 9:23 am
I agree, LeeAnn. We can feel so helpless when the world seems to be going crazy around us. I do pray … for the victims, for the families, the friends … for my children, what the future holds … for our nation as a whole. Oh God, we need you!
July 17, 2015 @ 1:57 am
I totally agree with you dear. I live in Chattanooga Tennessee, where that happened. a police officer was shot, and four marines were killed. the shooter was later found, and killed. God help us all.
July 17, 2015 @ 9:21 am
Oh Denise, dear, I am so sorry! That is right there where you live! As I was getting dressed this morning, they had a little bit more on the shooting on our local radio station. The DJ talked of how he doesn’t say much about it because he tries to be upbeat, but he was just angry over this situation. The Marines served our great country, and THIS is how they are treated? It is heartbreaking!
July 17, 2015 @ 2:25 am
I think that people forget that on both sides of any issue, there is a flesh and blood person. We were all created by God, and each one of us desperately needs Jesus. Your post reminds me of the Matt Mahr song.
Lord, I need you. Oh, how I need you.
Every hour I need you. My one defense,
My righteousness, Oh God, how I need you.
July 17, 2015 @ 9:19 am
Amen, Liz! As I was writing that post, the song by Casting Crowns came to mind. He talks of how “if ever we need you, Lord, it’s now …” Your song goes perfectly with this as well. Thank you for sharing those beautiful words.
July 17, 2015 @ 5:51 am
Ok so your security question math made me really wake up! 🙂
I agree with your post whole heartedly…my hands are held in a heart too…hoping God’s light will shine through on ALL of us. The new is so sad. I take in only little snips here and there too. I don’t understand why violence, poverty, and pain are a part of our world…but they have been throughout history. Thank you for your post, and it was a pleasure to find you amidst the FMF ladies today. <3, Jenn
July 17, 2015 @ 9:18 am
Awe, thank you, sweet Jenn, for your kind words and for visiting with us today.