What Do You Have To Give?
You may be sitting there asking yourself on this Christmas Eve, “What do I have to give?” It’s quite simple, really, as the biggest treasures cannot be found on the shelves. They are not stocked in any store, nor can they be found with a few clicks of your mouse on the internet. Instead, they are found deep within the chambers of our hearts.
What do you have to give?
How about love, deep love. A lasting love, a devoted and dedicated love. A true love. A love that will not betray, nor deceive, nor lie. A love that will be honest and loyal.
Consider truth. Giving the gift of honesty by being a man or woman of your word. A person of integrity. One with good morals and values. An upstanding citizen, but even more importantly, the kind of person that you would want your daughters to marry. One that would protect their little hearts and never ever do anything in the world to break them. One that would shelter and love through all the years, never ever forsaking them for another.
Faithfulness. Deep within your being, right to the very core … having your heart beat with love for only one person on this earth – the one you married.
Making your loved ones feel treasured and cherished. Important and valued. Heard and appreciated. Validated. Connected and bonded together. Just the two of you, heart to heart, united as one as God intended.
You have so much to offer and so much to give not just this holiday season but every day.
Drop to your knees and beg for forgiveness if you have not been any of the above or a select few of the before mentioned this year or in the past several years. You can turn from your wicked ways right here, right now. You can be a person of good character. You can rewrite who you are starting today. You have it in you to make a lasting change. Turn from any sin that you have held on to in your life. Let go of any lies you’ve been telling and replace it with truth. Leave the deceitful, lustful ways of the past and be more. Be a man or woman of God!
Tomorrow is the day we celebrate when Jesus came to this world, to save the world all those years ago! As a little tiny baby lying in a manger, He was our truth and life. He was our future, our forgiveness, our Savior. Jesus can still save you right here, right now – today – where you sit reading this – if you only allow Him into your heart.
Jesus came to save the world!
Turn all of your sins and darkness over to Him. Run into His outstretched arms and sin no more! Turn away from that life you were living. You have a lot of making up to do for lost time. To the loved ones you took so much from in years past due to your behavior, the sin you had in your life, the way you mistreated them and took them for granted. Start today repairing things in your life, in your marriage, in your family.
What do you have to give?
The gift of renewal; a fresh start with true love and devotion to your one and only on this earth and to God above in Heaven.
Give the gift that will be treasured all the days of your loved ones’ lives.
Give them the best that you can be from here on out. Give them love like they’ve never experienced before. Give them truth and honesty. Give them the gift of ONLY having eyes for them. Give them a bright future ahead for the family with love, devotion, truth, dedication, loyalty, and faithfulness.
That’s what you have to give.
December 24, 2014 @ 12:24 pm
Well, I just wrote a very long comment – and when I hit Post Comment, it said that I had a duplicate comment…then I kept coming back and the comment would not publish.
So…thank you for your post today! I really did need to hear this…I do give of myself – I love and give and am honest and faithful; but I have a problem loving my husband who has dementia – Vascular dementia – but seems to be getting worse. He speaks harsh and ugly words to me a lot, including saying ugly things about my daughter-in-law and granddaughter – you see, my son is his “step” son and he does NOT recognize his wife and step-daughter as HIS dil and gd as well. Not sure how that works because my oldest daugher is in the same shoes as my son – and he “seems” to accept them.
It HURTS me to hear him talk ugly about them; and to say hurtful things to me…I usually end up lashing out at him and almost always crying – but away from his knowing he has brought me to tears.
My prayer for the coming days is that I can show a more loving countenancee to him…
Thank you for sharing your post; I have been blessed by this group of bloggers for Tue. @ Ten…
May your Christmas be blessed and the new year awesome and all it needs to be!
December 28, 2014 @ 7:23 pm
Bless your heart, Barbara. I’m so sorry to hear all that you’re going through. This is a very trying situation for sure, and my heart goes out to you so much. I don’t have the right words to express how what you shared impacted me when I read it. I will be praying for you!
December 26, 2014 @ 12:08 pm
what beautiful thoughts! it’s neat to see the creativity in the area of giving, too… thank you for sharing, shirley!
December 26, 2014 @ 6:04 pm
Woe! I have been pondering these questions this advent season, and needed this encouragement. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. I am stopping by from Tuesdays at 10.