God’s Mercies Are New Every Day
The birds were singing such a beautiful song this morning, and the sky was a mixture of pastels as the sun rose over the tree tops in my backyard. There is no denying that He who created the world designed such a sunrise this morning. Yet another of His masterpieces was on display for all the world to see. I paused for a moment at the back door as I gazed out and smiled. Not just any smile, but a deep down in my soul smile. God did that. He started my morning off right, despite the restless night I had with a cramp in my shoulder that woke me early in the morning hours. God displayed His majesty as He painted the sky right before my very eyes.
Just as God gives us a new sunrise every morning to greet us, He provides new mercies for the course of our day. He knows what we will encounter long before we ever encounter it. Know that He’s right there standing beside you no matter what you have to face today.
No matter what happened yesterday, shrug it off as you begin today! Realize that God’s mercies are new every day!
If something happened yesterday that threatened to steal your joy and your peace of mind, consider that God gave you grace while you were dealing with that situation at the time. Do not take the negatives of yesterday into today.
Here’s to a great day! Now get out there and live life to the fullest!