God’s Plan For Spiritual Battle Series – Conclusion
Today, we continue on in our series Gods Plan for Spiritual Battle: Victory over Sin, the World, and the Devil through Life Sentence Publishing, LLC.
Author Russell M. Stendal reminds us:
The war horse in the last chapter was trained for battle, snorting, stamping, and straining to hear the sound of the trumpet and the shout of the commanders. This horse is described by the Greek word, praus, or meek, because the horse is perfectly trained, perfectly submitted to its master, and can be relied upon to obey orders even in the heat and confusion of battle.
Then Mr. Stendal goes on to give another example of meekness in none other than Moses. He reminds us that Moses started out by taking the law into his own hands, killing an Egyptian, but God dealt with him in the desert. God prepared and trained Moses to do battle God’s way. Then Moses submitted to God. He became meek, and God used Moses far beyond what he ever thought possible. God sent Moses to confront Pharaoh after that, and although Moses was probably nervous, God empowered him!
Let’s stop right there and think of the possibilities … of all the things God could do with and through us if we would only submit to Him! God has equipped us with unique gifts which are to be used for His glory. Are you allowing God to use you to His fullest potential?
In this chapter, Mr. Stendal talks about a time in his life when he wasn’t very disciplined with his school work. He would goof off and just not get his work done. It wasn’t until he had a hunting accident where he accidentally shot his foot that landed him in the hospital that he was forced to slow down and actually throw himself into his studies. Prior to his accident, he has been asking God to help him to focus more on his school work. While this probably wasn’t the intervention he was hoping for, God allowed something to happen in his life that forced him to focus more on his studies. While he was recovering, he studied and ended up finishing his course on time and also scoring very high on his college entrance exam! Some people may say they will not commit their lives completely to God then if something like this happened, as one girl did say to Mr. Stendal after one of his talks, but Mr. Stendal asks the question of what if God hadn’t intervened in his life then? Had he not been disciplined every time he needed it, he would be a mediocre Christian, doing mediocre things completely incapable of facing the enemy, of winning a victory. Instead, he was now disciplined and able to be used for God’s glory in God’s army.
This book has really made me stop to think several times while reading through it. This time was no different. Having just had an accident on a horse, it makes me wonder what area I need to stop and focus on. What does God want me to do now while I wait in recovery mode? I can’t ride a horse at this stage of the game. While my hand and hip recover, I need to seek God more to see where he wants my focus to be. And … I will.
I don’t want to give too much of this book away in this series. I would like to leave you with a desire to invest in the book and, more importantly, into your relationship with Jesus through the tools offered in this book. Therefore, I will conclude the series with a teaser for the last half of the book which consists of:
Integrity vs. Hypocrisy
The Peacemakers: Those Whom God Identifies As His Sons
Putting Satan To Flight
Virtue: The Key To Activating God’s Promises
Rebuilding The Ancient Ruins
The Seven Woes
And finally …
Overcoming The Curse
Invest in this book to further grow your relationship with Jesus Christ and seek Him fully for what plans He has for your life. Equip yourself with Gods Plan for Spiritual Battle: Victory over Sin, the World, and the Devil through Life Sentence Publishing, LLC.
You won’t regret a closer walk with Him!
April 15, 2014 @ 11:08 am
One thing I try to always always remember is that my plans aren’t my own. They are HIS plans and as much as I want to be in charge of things, HE has it all pieced together and no matter how hard I may try to influence circumstances, the plan HE has for me is exactly what I need.
April 15, 2014 @ 4:33 pm
I saw something recently that made me laugh, but it really is true, too, Stephanie. It said, “We plan … God laughs.” We can plan all we want, but we truly are not in control. God is, and His plan is greater than anything we could ever imagine!
April 15, 2014 @ 2:16 pm
Sounds like a good book. We do have to stop and submit to Gods plan. We have to slow down and listen to make these changes
April 15, 2014 @ 4:32 pm
Absolutely, Tara!
April 15, 2014 @ 2:41 pm
I think submitting to Him can be the greatest test of our faith but it is one that makes us the strongest in Him. Thanks so much for sharing this!
April 15, 2014 @ 4:32 pm
So very true, Heidi!
April 15, 2014 @ 5:06 pm
This sounds like a good book. I think we have all struggled with the need to control our paths instead of walking in faith.
April 16, 2014 @ 11:11 am
Very true, Linda. So very true!
April 15, 2014 @ 9:08 pm
It sounds like a really interesting book, Shirley, thanks for telling us about it. It’s funny how God uses the strangest things to get our attention. The older I get, the more I try to listen for the message on a daily basis. Sometimes, I get it the first time ;).
April 16, 2014 @ 11:10 am
I really have enjoyed going through this book, Anita. Doing a series on it, I really had to stop to focus on what each chapter I was showcasing had to say. I digested it better this way, too! It was powerful and had a great impact!