This is the most wonderful time of the year, in my opinion. There is a crisp coolness in the air that lets you know that Thanksgiving and Christmas are on their way.
Several of my Facebook friends started at the beginning of November with their, “I am thankful for …” posts. They intend to write what they are thankful for each day on their Facebook status until November 30th. This is wonderful and definitely sets your day off in the right direction when you take time to appreciate the things that you do have in this life. I applaud everyone that is sharing with a grateful heart during the month of November, but why stop there? Why meditate on the things that you are grateful for only in the month of November? Wouldn’t it be better if we all got into the mindset of being grateful and thankful each and every day? Imagine the difference this would make and the change of perspective you would have in your daily life if you would intentionally put on the attitude of gratitude!
We are so blessed in this life. We have far more than we ever truly need, and yet we seem restless at times. We seek to gain more, which doesn’t enhance our character or make us people of integrity. It only makes us people with more material possessions! You could have all of the money in the world, a mansion on a hill with a garage full of every kind of “toy” ever made, and yet you would not feel complete. Money does not buy happiness. Money cannot fill your heart, but love can. And who better to fill your heart with love than our Heavenly Father. We love because He first loved us!
If you surround yourself with people that support you, uplift you, and encourage you that’s half the battle right there! With your own personal team of cheerleaders in your corner, ie: your family, you know that they believe in you and have faith in your abilities no matter what comes your way in life. If you ever had anything to be grateful for – that’s it right there! That should be on the very top of your list! So often we take those closest to us for granted. Don’t. They deserve to be treated as the jewels that they are! Value, treasure, appreciate, and be grateful for them!
As we go into this holiday season, consider all of the things that you have to be grateful for that money cannot buy.
They are there looking at you with those bright beautiful deep blue eyes each morning as you gently wake them from their slumber to get ready for school.
They are there each evening as you kiss them gently on their forehead as you stroke their long blond hair and give “just one more” mini facial as their eyes get heavy and they drift off to sleep.
They are there each morning as the sun rises in brilliant colors as God, The Greatest Artist of All Time, paints a masterpiece. And they are there as the sun sets in the evening as all grows quiet, and we stand in awe of all of God’s creations.
From the simplest things such as the air we breathe to the food we eat; the shelter over our heads and the clothes on our backs; for the gift of another day to share with our loved ones and hear their laughter once more. We have so much to be grateful for.
We are blessed in this life!
This post was inspired by the prompt word of “Grateful” given by Karen as part of Tuesday At Ten. Join her for this link up to build community! Karen visits everyone that links up and comments on their page to show her appreciation for your participation.
November 12, 2014 @ 9:54 am
Lovely post. I especially enjoyed your photos.
November 13, 2014 @ 11:38 pm
Andrea, thank you so much! I try to have my camera handy as I never want to miss a photo opp!
November 13, 2014 @ 8:56 am
What a really really beautiful post. [I’m going to link up to it in a post of mine that’s going live this afternoon]. Found you through the Tuesdays at Ten link-up and so glad I did!
November 13, 2014 @ 11:37 pm
I love that little community of writers, Helen! So nice to meet you. Thank you so much for stopping by!