Green With Envy
Our weekends are usually packed full of activities. We like it that way! Usually we all pile in the Suburban with a trailer full of horses behind us as we set out in search of the perfect trail to ride on with our four legged companions. The past few weekends we have gone in search of Halloween and Fall type activities.
We LOVE this time of year.
We share the majority of our adventures on Facebook with our friends. It is more fun to share when the action is happening right that minute, too. What happens after the fact is that people become green with envy. This has happened on several occasions where remarks have been made about us never being home and how we’re always on the go. Our 11 year old daughter is normally always with us on these adventures, and while the green eyed monster rears it’s ugly head, what a lot of people don’t take into account is that we are making memories with our baby girl! We want her to look back with great fondness on her childhood days as she recalls all of the fun activities we all did together. The pictures I share aren’t to provoke feelings of jealousy inside of others. Instead, the pictures are my way of preserving the moment with my family. Once that moment is gone, all we have are the memories and the pictures left behind. I want them to look back fondly and remember the fun we had.
The thing that gets me is that those that are now green with envy were once with me at a time in my life when I had very little. They saw me struggle, and now when I’m in a better place, they are not happy for me. That hurts that they seem to have preferred me when I was struggling, hurting, and lacking. Yet the moment things improve in my life, they are filled with envy and are unable to be happy for me.
I mustn’t dwell on this, though. Instead, I must brush this off and go on living my life. My brilliant, wonderful, beautiful, God filled, lovely life. It hasn’t always been easy, but I thank God that He was with me through every valley and every hill I had to climb. He has always been faithful and true, and He will remain that way forever.
October 22, 2015 @ 12:15 pm
“He has always been faithful and true, and He will remain that way forever.” Beautiful. God is sovereign! How fortunate you are to recognize that memories made are worth the scrutiny. I think the best part of living is making memories! I’m sorry for the sadness caused by unkind words and actions of others.
October 22, 2015 @ 12:28 pm
Awe, Rebekah, thank you for your kindness that leaped off the screen and into my heart.