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Light, Love, Hope

Light in the Darkness Surrounded by Love with Hope for those in need.


Shirley is the proud mother of two beautiful young ladies. She enjoys spending time with them on their ranch in the deep South with their three paint horses. Always looking for an adventure, she looks forward to hikes in the mountains chasing waterfalls, or scouring the coast for beautiful lighthouses! Shirley writes to encourage others and often times shares things that motivate and inspire her. She believes in living life to the fullest because no one is promised the gift of another day. Join her as we honor our bodies, minds, hearts, souls, and our Almighty Creator, God above!


  1. Reginia Cordell
    May 28, 2014 @ 9:24 pm

    Stress management is one thing that I need to work on. Many times I keep the anger inside until I absolutely can’t take it which causes illness. I am working to find more meditative ways to remain calm in stressful situations.


    • Shirley
      May 28, 2014 @ 10:55 pm

      It does a lot of harm to keep it bottled up inside, Reginia. It’s hard IN the moment, but it does help if you can have things to pull out of your tool box, so to speak, in stressful times. Counting is something that I’ve heard a lot of people do – counting to ten before they react or respond. Saying “stop” to themselves or visualizing a stop sign in their head allows them to take a few moments also before responding to the stressors. Some times it can be thoughts that torment us and cause us anxiety and stress. I’ve heard of people having a rubber band around their wrists, and when they start thinking certain thoughts, they pop the rubber band as a physical reminder of the mental pain that you’re putting yourselves through so that you stop both aspects! Prayer helps a great deal, as does listening to music to relieve stress, and singing along with your favorite tunes. There’s nothing quite like sitting in complete silence as you center yourself, though, and try to listen to the still small voice inside guiding you.


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