A Heart Connection
The internet is a valuable tool that has a wealth of information. A quick search on Google reveals tons of information, and it is all yours with a quick mouse click. We love using it for school projects!
Do you find yourself wondering how we ever survived before the internet days? Do you chuckle when you think of how you had to research at the library … in actual books, too?! Now you can surf in the comfort of your own home and have more information at your fingertips than you ever dreamed possible!
With the wonderful world of technology and various fun places to stop on social media now, friendships are being formed that not only stretch over millions of miles but also stand the test of time.
I remember when we first started out on the journey with the internet and how people warned you not to give out too much information about yourself due to stalkers. Now there are places like Facebook where you list your entire name, date of birth, family members, where you live, where you went to school, where you work, etc. Yikes! Now that is scary! But, people nowadays don’t blink an eye when signing up for social media sites.
When once we were warned about “people of the internet,” what I have actually found is that some of my best friendships were formed ON the internet. Here are people that I’ve never met in “real life” before, and yet we share a heart connection like none other! We confide in each other. We share the good times in our lives, the happy times, and we celebrate together. We also share the sad times, the times that bring us to tears, and we share our struggles and our losses. We share our hopes, our dreams, our fears, our successes, and yes, even the times when we aren’t feeling so successful (I refuse to call them failures).
I have been blessed with the most wonderful group of “internet friends.” As one of the sweet ladies said many years ago, her son referred to us as her “friends in the box.” How sweet! We “met” in a popular television network’s “lounge” where we laughed so hard and played around in there, while also being completely serious at times as needed. These ladies are still in my life today … more than 16 years later! Honestly! We still talk, laugh, share, and yes, we still have a heart connection. We’ve been “there” for each other through losing family members, to celebrating high school graduations and engagements, even! We’ve cried over situations with our children through the years and felt such pride and joy in the successes of our children and THEIR children as well! It has been such a blessing to have these ladies in my life through all of these years.
There are other people in my life that originally started out as internet friends, but we have had the privilege of meeting these dear people in real life now and spending time with them! Words cannot adequately express how it felt seeing these friends for the first time face-to-face. Several I met on my way to Alaska years ago as they met me at the airport to visit for a little while on a layover. That is the most fun I believe I have ever had at the airport! There was a lot of laughter, followed by picture taking almost resulting in “flash burns” from the camera. (Only kidding, but I have been called the Picture Queen!)
One lady has become my very best friend. I turn to her more than any one else face-to-face. She has been such a support to me through the years, and I know that her love and friendship are unconditional, without a doubt. She is my sister of the heart. We have been through so much together, and I trust her completely. We’ve been there for each other as our children have grown. We’ve been there for each other through family issues and family health problems. We have written each other novels, and we have called frequently to chat on the phone when sending an email just won’t do that particular day. I value this lady far more than she will ever know.
I met another precious lady through a Secret Angel’s group. We helped support and encourage children that were ill and needed all the love they could get. This lady touched my heart completely way back then. Through the years, she has been MY special angel as she has loved on my family all the way from Australia! She would surprise me ever so often with videos that she made from pictures that I would post or email to her without my ever knowing she was doing this until the dvd arrived at my door! She brought me to tears several times with how she loved and cared for my family and would do something so incredibly special for people she’s never met in person.
I am blessed to have so many online friends from all over – Arizona, Oklahoma, Alabama, California, Georgia, Texas, Virginia, Indiana, Michigan, New York, Illinois, Alaska, Canada, and even New Zealand and Australia. These aren’t just mere acquaintances. They are people that I have all made a heart connection with. I value, cherish, and treasure every single one!
A lot of times, people don’t believe that men and women can be friends. However, I have one such friend right now that has been such a blessing in my life. We met in this “lounge” also “back in the day” (my husband’s favorite saying). This gentleman is the reason that Light Love Hope exists today. He “gave” me this site to do with as I wished, and he has supported me, encouraged me, and helped me keep this site going. Little did he know at the time, but he provided a great tool that I use as “therapy” today. It helps to share my heart and encourage others in the process. It helps to turn negatives into positives, to change your entire thought process and view on life.
This gentleman and I became friends at a time in my life when I was a struggling single mother. He would send “care packages” just out of the blue for me and my daughter. He never truly realized how much it meant to us to receive these packages. Oh, they might have my daughter’s favorite food packed inside with toys, stuffed animals, and then moved to popcorn, paintings, and fun gadgets for my youngest daughter (when she came along) as well. Just recently, he has given my daughters computers that he just had laying around! (He is “the” computer guru, too, I might add!) He has been here through my divorce, struggling as a single mother, to getting re-married, during my depression after having a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, in the struggles to have another baby (supporting me the entire way since he knew it was my heart’s desire despite the risks), and ultimately celebrating the birth of my second daughter! He’s been here through many birthday celebrations, as well as spending time with us on holidays and other special occasions. He has been a great supporter through the years, and I am blessed to have a heart connection with him! My entire family feels the same way from my two daughters right on down to my husband who values this gentleman’s friendship as well.
Oh sure, like all friendships, there have been ups and downs with the ladies I mentioned as well as the gentleman, but we all come back to each other. How can we not with such a deep connection?!
I had another gentleman friend that was truly an inspiration to me. Although he suffered tremendously with cancer on his foot several times with multiple surgeries for that, as well as having diabetes, and a kidney transplant, he simply was not one for complaining. He had every right to complain and be in a bad mood, but he wasn’t. He was more positive and uplifting than most those that I’ve come into contact with that are in perfect health. He was one of a kind. He always had an email waiting for me every morning full of his perfect wit and humor. He shared his love for his cats and dogs, often telling such funny tales that would have me in stitches. It was as if I was right there with him in the moment with the way he told his stories. In all of the twists and turns that they would take, he made sure that they were funny with positive messages in that divine, perfect way that he had about him. Sadly, my dear friend was admitted to the hospital where his legs were later amputated. Even still, he joked and had a positive air about him. As he struggled through the days ahead, he still offered inspiration and courage to all that came into contact with him. His kidneys lasted far beyond the record on average years after a kidney transplant according to what he told me. As heart breaking as it was, his time on this earth had come to an end. He drew in his last breath on this side and crossed over to the other side. My dear friend left this world to brighter days where he could frolic and play, running wild and free with the beloved pets that had gone on before him. Oh, how I miss him so! My heart still hurts for the loss of my dear friend that I never met in person but most definitely had a heart connection with that spanned all of the miles between us. The world lost a very special person the day that he passed away. He took a piece of my heart with him.
I’ve written all of this to simply say how truly thankful I am to the world wide web and the massive reach of the internet to have been able to make these heart connections.
If you have an online friend that has been there for you or has brightened your day, make sure to tell them today how special they are to you! Thank them for their love and friendship, and send a virtual hug to them as well.
For Rick … who sent me a magnet with this quote on it very early on in our friendship. I still have it and treasure it to this very day. I love and miss you, Rick. Always, my dear friend.
March 3, 2014 @ 10:24 am
This is so crazy true…. I have been connected w online friends through groups involved with heart organizations and it is funny because I once ran into one of these ladies at an event and even though it was awesome to meet her in person.. I did not know what to say.. I felt like I needed to type her something.. Silly.. I know… but weird
March 3, 2014 @ 10:42 am
I know exactly what you’re talking about, Aimee! That is too funny. I felt like that the first time my friend and I talked on the phone, too! We always wrote to each other, and when we took it to a new level, it was strange at first … then we just started laughing and having a great time together!
March 3, 2014 @ 11:54 am
Some of my most amazing friends are people I’ve met online. We even share pictures of our kids via Facebook. It’s amazing how small the world is, thanks to the internet. It’s been a lifesaver for keeping up with distant family, too!
March 4, 2014 @ 10:42 am
I agree! It’s almost like you feel freer to share your heart with those online as well. You’ll share faster with them than you will at times with those face-to-face. I feel that my online friends truly know my heart, and that’s important to be able to share with them without fear of judgement.
March 3, 2014 @ 2:05 pm
2 of my closest dearest friends are ones that I met through blogger. As crazy as the world wide web can be, I know from first hand experience the good outweighs the bad.
March 4, 2014 @ 10:41 am
Yes, it does, Stephanie! I’m so glad you’ve made two very special friends online as well.
March 4, 2014 @ 7:05 pm
It sounds like you’ve had a rich and rewarding friendship experience via the Internet! I’ve mostly used it for research and Facebook and keeping up with friends (I hate to talk on the phone) up until recently. Now I’m starting to discover the wider world of wonderful friendships via social media and I’m making ‘sisters of the heart’ that I’ll probably never meet.
March 5, 2014 @ 11:10 am
I was very leery of it at first, Anita. Then I realized that these were people on the other end of the internet connection that were kind, loving, caring, compassionate … and they just wanted to share their hearts and allow me to share mine as well. That makes all the difference in the world! I hope you will be just as blessed with your online friendships!
March 6, 2014 @ 9:28 am
Oh WOW!!! I am mentioned in your blog!!! I feel so special, seriously!!! Ladybug, I feel the exact same as you! Yes, we most certainly have a heart connection that exceeds “friendship”. We have seen each other (to steal from Stevie Nicks) “fly like an eagle, and dark desperate hours that nobody sees. [Our} hands stretched triumph on top of the mountain, [our] head[s] in [our] hands, down on [our] knees.” I talk with friends during the day and that is satisfying but my day is not complete unless I hear from “my” Shirley! I could not know anyone better than you nor could any know me better – deeper than friends, pretty much thicker than blood. Heart connection. Soul connection. Always connection. Love you right back!!! THJ
March 6, 2014 @ 9:51 am
Aww, Tamela! I love what you wrote! You are truly beautiful, and I hope you know that! I thank God for our heart connection.
March 6, 2014 @ 12:58 pm
It’s so true, I love fostering a community of friends through my blog, I’ve met such a wonderful group of women 🙂
March 6, 2014 @ 1:28 pm
Thank you, Jen. It is truly a beautiful thing!