Heart’s Desire
This little prayer sits in my kitchen window propped up against a stained glass lighthouse. Immediately to the right of the lighthouse are a few small plants that fit perfectly in that space. I purposely positioned them there to bring joy when I wash my hands at the kitchen sink. They are also there to greet me as I gaze out that window at the hummingbirds visiting my feeder. Tucked inside one of the green plants is a small mauve, white, and green hummingbird just in case I don’t see one fluttering around outside. While these things lining my window seal aren’t much, they bring a smile to my face and lighten my mood every time I see them.
While I didn’t write this prayer, it spoke to my heart when I first read it. I’m actually not sure where it originated from, but for some reason I seem to recall it possibly being tucked in the St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital envelope. We try to donate to them every year. They are so kind to send little surprises such as address labels, note pads, and it just seems like it would “fit” that this little prayer was included. They also send personal stories of children that have been receiving treatment. Their stories break my heart as I recall a time when a sixth grade girl in my daughter’s class was diagnosed with cancer. My daughter was so overcome with sadness when she heard the news, and it was her heart’s desire to help her friend. We set out, along with Greg Johnson who handles all things behind the scenes with Light Love Hope, to do just that. Our efforts were successful and helped provide for her mother while she took off time from work to care for her child. Her story has a happy ending, as she just graduated from high school last weekend. Her treatment set her back a year on her school work, so she graduated a year behind my daughter. She has been in remission for several years now. This young lady is a walking miracle and a prime example of God’s healing power!
Ah, but back to where this prayer possibly originated from.
Perhaps it was included in literature that our neighbor, Ms. Betty, passed along to us. She likes to recycle things that she receives in the mail. Her heart is in the right place as she shares Journey magazines, calendars, and sometimes even books. The latest little booklets she placed in a yellow envelope inside my mailbox were about how to get to know Jesus. One book in particular asks on the cover, “Do You Know Jesus?” Yes! We do!
No matter where this little prayer came from, it echoes my heart’s desire.
How often do we stop to thank God for our many blessings? Oh, how wonderful it would be if we only stop for a moment, in between the muttering and complaining that we get in a habit of doing, and consider all that He has done for us. He has provided for our every need, and He will not fail. No matter what, God is an ever present force in our lives longing for a relationship with us. He cares for the tiniest sparrow. His love and care for us is even greater.
What if we were to strive daily to have a positive outlook? No one will want what we have if we’re negative and down in the dumps all the time. We want people to see the Jesus in us so that they will long for what we have and begin to ask questions. Then it will open up the conversation for us to share about our Lord and Savior! I think of the lady’s video that went viral recently — the mom wearing the Chewbacca mask and how she just laughed and laughed over how she looked in the mirror. She was so joyful that everyone was watching and sharing her video all around the globe. When asked about her joyfulness, she took that opportunity to share in her “15 minutes of fame” that her joy comes from the Lord. Oh, what a wonderful opportunity to share about our Jesus, and she did just that! That is what I’m talking about – to be so filled that people ask what is the source of your joy … and our reply should be, “Jesus Christ!”
Let every single thing that we say and do bring honor, praise, and glory to Jesus.
May this be your heart’s desire as well.
June 10, 2016 @ 2:31 am
Thanks for sharing! It’s definitely a good reminder to have a positive outlook on the world. Happy Friday! Your FMF neighbor