Psalm 121: 1,2
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
A chapel on the side of the mountains can be found near the South Carolina and North Carolina border. It is actually the Greenville YMCA Camp; however, most everyone around knows it as Pretty Place.
We stumbled upon this unique chapel a few years ago in our search for waterfalls. Intrigued by the name, we ventured up the windy mountain road through the fog to have our breath taken away when we saw it.
Pretty Place
Lining the alter area, that looks out into the valley below, are plagues with various bible verses and sayings. Above the beautiful wooden cross is the bible verse, “I will lift up my eyes to the hills …”
I’ll never forget taking my parents to this chapel. I talked about it several times, but I finally had the opportunity a few years ago when we took my parents on a mini-vacation. This was one of our final stops, and I’m sure they didn’t know what to expect.
My dad walked into the entrance of the open-air chapel and stopped right in his tracks. The beauty and reverence of the place struck him, and he had trouble keeping his composure. After having battled quite a few things in his life and getting ready to face yet another battle, he was overwhelmed with emotion as he took a seat. Staring out into the wonder of God’s creation with the mountains and valleys in sight, he sat with God. Although no words were said out loud, none needed to pass his lips as it went straight from his heart to God.
There was no doubt – for we knew my dad met God right there in that fog filled chapel right as the sun was setting.