Here And Now
I faced a demon today. She did not get the best of me either.
Sometimes you have to stand your ground when someone is trying to bully you, intimidate you, and push you around. Whether it’s work, friends, family, or someone on the street. Don’t let ANYONE treat you like you’re unimportant, not valued, or worthless.
Go to God’s Word and read what wonderful things He has to say about you instead. You are beautifully and wonderfully made. You are His child, and He loves you. That’s where your self worth needs to come from … God.
Stand firm and God will strengthen you for whatever battle you’re facing. God will help you slay the demon in your life as well. My strength comes from THE LORD!
Yes, you can still be a Christian while refusing to be someone’s door mat and beating post.
What a lot of people refuse to see is that people will go above and beyond when they are shown that they are valued and appreciated. BUT when you’ve taken abuse long enough, God will help you fight your battle just like He did with David and Goliath! You don’t have to sit there and continue to take it when someone is mistreating you! You have EVERY RIGHT to stand up for yourself!!
It’s a New Year, and I’m going forward with my head held high walking with God.
Here and now, I proclaim that GOD is for me, so who could possibly be against me? Sure, as Christians we will face trials and troubles. We will be tried, pushed to what seems beyond our limits at times, but God has not forsaken us. Instead, He is equipping us with the weapons we need to fight this war.
You see, I thought I could give someone the benefit of the doubt. I thought I could push aside all of my past experience with this individual and see the GOOD in her. However, some will say that I placed myself in this position. I knew what she was like in years past, but due to her cancer diagnosis and going through treatment, I thought she was different. It appeared she had a change of heart and was nicer, sweeter, kinder. AND YET, now that she’s in remission, here I am two years after returning to work with her when she called me asking for help … and now she has turned against me, said awful lies about me and has twisted the story around to suit her to where SHE is the victim and I’m the one supposedly doing all of this to her. Ah, but people that know her truly know what she is like. Her own cousin called me years ago to WARN me against involving myself with this person. I found it odd at first when her own family member called me out of the blue. I had only met her cousin twice, and yet she’s on the phone warning me not to get close to this individual. Then she tells me that there is a reason the individual is all alone; due to how she treats people! It has taken me two times now — with 10 years in between the first time she did this to me and my current situation — but I have finally come to understand what her cousin was saying all of those years ago. She is alone because she uses people and then turns on them. She used me for two years this time. I felt sorry for her! I would go to her house to spend time with her because I felt sorry for her living alone with just her dog and not having any friends or family that would come see her. So, I went to see her and spent time with her – at work and outside of work. And the thanks I get is what unfolded in December and again earlier today as well.
This is me proclaiming that I am DONE with this person. I stood up to her today, and she did not like it. She thought I would be a push over like in years past, but she was wrong. I gave her a taste of her own medicine, and it was awfully hard for her to swallow it. Ten years ago, she chased me around the office harassing me. I cowered under the pressure and her abuse, and I left. I only went back when she asked me two years ago for help. I considered it, remembered the abuse from the past, prayed about it, and then went forward due to my kind, tender heart wanting to give her the benefit of the doubt and see good in her. Where did it get me? In December, I was the one shaking mad and in tears in when she launched her attack on me. This time, SHE was the one reduced to tears when she saw that no matter what tactic she tried to use, I was NOT backing down or cowering in the corner at her attempts to bully me. Because she had an audience today, she was bolder, braver, and thought for sure she was going to win. I may have left the company but not before they saw her true side come out in front of them as well. Will they do anything about it? Probably not. That is why bullies are so bad! They are allowed to get away with it. But, she won’t get away with it any more with ME being her beating post or ME being the one she tries to intimidate and push around. The thing is that GOD has blessed me with an incredible financial position where I do not HAVE to work. I WANT to. That is the big difference. My husband has a wonderful job with people that values him and SHOWS it. They compensate him nicely, and I am THANKFUL for God’s blessing in that area of our lives. I’m thankful for ALL of God’s blessings! But my point is that I did not HAVE to work. I WANTED to just so I could occupy my time while my children were in school. Well, I am sure I can find other things to occupy my time instead of going into an office daily to endure harassment, bullying, and where punishment is served to the ones trying so hard to work and do a good job.
Here and now, I remove myself from this situation. I had already removed myself December 17th, if you want to know the truth. I only went back today to face the demon. She requested a meeting. I knew what the meeting was going to consist of; her raking me over the coals with an audience. I was not wrong either for that was the exact thing that unfolded this morning. However, had I not gone in to face the demon, she would have thought that she won. So, I showed up, and God was right there by my side the entire time providing strength.
Why do I refer to her as a demon? I am not being ugly about it. I had someone tell me in December that the person I described, with everything she was attempting to do to me, say about me, and put me through, was a demon. The one I was speaking to was not involved in the situation at all, so he could give a fair observation and unbiased opinion. Believe me, if I had been wrong, this person would have no problem telling me, and I respect their opinion so I would take a second look at myself if they did say it was me. But, within a few seconds of telling a small portion of what I had endured, this person said that I was dealing with a demon; she sounded and acted possessed. It was then that I realized I could possibly be dealing with a demonic force.
I know that Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He comes at you with his sly, sneaky ways befriending you, trying to get in good with you, finding out your weaknesses so he can come back and use them against you. Just when you think you’re safe, he ambushes you. He throws all of these accusations in your face; HE IS THE ACCUSER OF THE BROTHERN. He will use his forked tongue to spew lies and untruths. He will try to get you where it hurts and take you DOWN. BUT … MY GOD IS GREATER!!!!!
HE is for me!
MY GOD has defeated the devil before, and HE defeated the demon in this person TODAY!
The devil tries so hard, but he needs to go back to HELL where he came from as he is NOT welcome here.
IF you are struggling in your life with your own demon possessed person, take God’s hand and your bible. Equip yourself with the WORD OF GOD, and start fighting in PRAYER! Then RISE UP … and walk with authority as GOD has already defeated the devil, and you are a child of GOD! Rise UP and go forth. God will help you fight your battle and slay the demons trying to take you down.
Trust in HIM!
After this post was written, I realized it would go with the prompt word “Here” on Tuesday At Ten, so I am linking up! You should, too!
January 13, 2016 @ 4:24 pm
Sometimes the only thing – and the right thing – to do is to walk away and remove the unpleasantness from your life. Sounds like this was one of them, take care.