I Believe In Walking Miracles
It’s so easy to say the words … but do you really believe? I do, for you see, I have witnessed a few walking miracles in my time. At the ripe “old age” of 42, I have had the pleasure of witnessing God in action as He orchestrated miracles along the path of others.
Several years ago my daughter came home from school completely heartbroken at the diagnosis of her friend. At the beginning of their Sixth Grade year, my little girl learned of her friend having a rare form of cancer. I choked back tears as my daughter pleaded for us to do anything we could to help her … and so began our mission to do just that!
We sought the assistance of our pastor at the time, and he backed us in all we wished to do for this little girl and her family. We had never been in charge of any type of fundraiser before, and certainly not one of this size, yet we felt empowered and as if we were Soldiers in God’s army going to battle for her along with my good friend, Gregory C. Johnson, aka The Quiet Computer Guy!
While the medical team used all of their knowledge and expertise to save her, prayer warriors gathered in corners of houses, churches, and even got on their knees right where they heard the news … I’ll never forget where I was when I learned of exactly what threatened this little girl’s life and when her mother was told exactly how bad it truly was. I was sitting in choir practice at our church when the call came in. My friend said these words, “Shirley, it’s bad … you are not going to be able to stay there once you hear this …” and all of the music faded into the back while I heard only her words ringing through my ears which sent my head spinning round and round as the tears flooded in. I remember sobbing deep, gut wrenching sobs for this little girl and her family … for the mother that was curled up in a ball at that point in time clutching her daughter and holding her as tight as humanly possible.
I made my way back to the choir room, and I stopped the practice to ask everyone in the room to pray. Such powerful prayer filled that room that evening, and one of my friends held me close as I cried. Then, something beautiful happened. The Minister of Music asked that we continue practice, and she asked that I sing a solo piece. I couldn’t imagine how I would possibly sing at a time like this, but when I opened my mouth, even through the tears, the most powerful voice was lifting up and offering words of praise to our Father in Heaven. A few heads turned to look in my direction, and I’m not sure if that was a good thing or if I was singing off key. At that point, it didn’t matter for I was still singing His praises even in the mist of a storm brewing and threatening to rage around me aimed right at this little girl. After the song, the Minister of Music commented on how that was a sacrificial praise that I offered up even with the news that I had just received. All I know is that my heart hurt, and raising my voice in song to our Maker was the only thing to relieve that ache at that moment.
God places people in the right places at the right time for that night sitting in the choir room with me was a grandmother of a little boy that had just faced this same type of rare cancer … and he survived! This grandmother immediately spoke up and told of the same feelings that flooded in when her family learned of his diagnosis but how that did not mean it was a death sentence. I needed to hear those words that night. My heart soaked it all in, and I was clinging to her every word. God placed her there that night. I believe that with my whole heart. She was a new lady that hadn’t long started coming to choir. She had to miss several rehearsals previously, but that night, she was there. All of this was orchestrated by God. Of this, I have no doubt.
When I did speak to the mother of this beautiful child, she left such an impression on me. We had many conversations as we worked together with the fundraisers and many visits for our children to spend as much time together as they could between this little girl’s treatments. One particular conversation stands out in my mind. The mother was telling me about what the doctors were saying and how there is a chance that the treatments would work. It would be a long, grueling process for them with a year of chemo and radiation. She said there is a chance that her daughter could be okay and could recover. As we all do in conversations when we aren’t sure what to say but want to cling to hope with all of our might, I responded with: “Oh, I hope so, honey. I really and truly do!” This lady stopped me in my tracks with her words back to me. These words were spoken with such conviction, such authority, such faith … as she said, “She will. She … WILL … ”
We have faith, and we believe … we pray, we beg and plead with God … we know He can … if it’s His will, we will have the honor of watching a miracle happen right before our very eyes. And … we did! This little girl has been cancer free for almost five years now. Praise GOD!
I also know of several more cases of walking miracles … I’m reminded every single time I see my parents. They’ve faced tremendously challenging things in their lifetime, things that leave you questioning why bad things have to happen to such wonderful people. They’ve both fought cancer and are survivors today … and my heart is forever grateful to God above! One has been cancer free for six years while the other has been cancer free for two years. We just keep praying, begging, pleading … as we do not ever want them to have to go through anything like this ever again. We want them healed, whole, healthy … and here with us, always … that is our prayer.
There are many more walking miracles that I call friends … a man that has had many close calls in the past with an automobile accident that threatened to claim his life, to brain surgery that could have taken him from us all, followed by a series of strokes … and yet, after a long recovery period, after he learned to walk, talk, and feed himself again. He is God’s miracle in motion.
There are more friends that have battled and who are standing strong today … my beautiful friend had an inoperable brain tumor. It wasn’t cancerous, thankfully, but that still did not remove the fear and the anxiety due to the location of the tumor around her optic nerve. They could only do the Gama Knife Radiation, which was still scary … and my beautiful friend is so full of life today, bouncing around to different meetings, getting involved with something she feels so passionate about as she honors her father through her works with this organization.
Last but certainly not least, another amazing friend has endured such grief throughout his lifetime with vision problems, muscle issues, and now on top of all of that, heart problems. He’s been in the hospital several times with things pertaining to his heart … and he has walked out each time with a new appreciation, a new perspective, a new goal and vision for his life. He appreciates each new day, despite the troubles, and works hard to do something to bring a smile to someone’s face.
These stories are products of what can happen if you only believe!
Does this mean that if my family and friends survive that God favors them over the loved ones that we have prayed over that did not make it? No. The only thing I can think of is that it means that God’s will must have been carried out through their time here on this earth. The purpose that God set forth for them and their lives has been accomplished, and their work here on earth has been done. Thus, God calls them home to rest in His arms saying, “Well done, my good and faithful servant. Welcome home, my child.”
Is it painful when this happens? Yes … the absolute worst pain you have ever felt in your entire life … as your world crumbles at your feet at the loss of a precious soul that shared your life. As you feel your heart shatter at their loss, you have new appreciation for the memories you did get to share with those precious people that God allowed you to have in your life, even if for a shorter period of time than you would have liked.
I wish we never had to lose any one ever again … I wish no one had to face life threatening situations … I wish no one ever had to go through cancer treatments and that there was NO MORE cancer because a cure has been found to eliminate it once and for all. I wish … And then I believe … in the Great and Mighty Physician … for His plan, His will, and His purpose to be fulfilled in the lives of our friends and family.
There are times He allows us to witness a walking miracle … if we only believe that He can … some times He will.
I believe in God. I believe in walking miracles.
June 7, 2014 @ 4:23 pm
This is a beautiful testimony. It pains me to see small children ill and I know that it was nothing but the Grace of God that pulled her through. I can’t say enough of how impressed I am with your daughter and your family.
June 9, 2014 @ 8:01 pm
Reginia, this truly means a lot to me. Thank you for your kind words. I fully believe that God’s hand was all over these people’s lives that were mentioned in this post.
June 9, 2014 @ 10:35 pm
Shirley, this is an amazing post that truly conveys the power of prayer. It also goes to show how wonderfully you are training up your daughter, for her to insist on helping this young girl. It is obvious she, too, has a heart for God and a tremendous belief in the miracles He can perform. Thank you for sharing such a deep, personal story. All glory to Him!