Inspire Your Soul
If you’ve been with Light Love Hope for a while now, you know that we love Joyce Meyer and Joel Osteen. I have read several of Joyce Meyer’s books, and I have her daily devotional on my phone with the Bible App. I also have a daily devotional book written by Joyce Meyer as well. My husband is a big Joel Osteen fan, and while we have many books written by him, my husband reads Joel’s daily devotional every morning. It doesn’t take long to read through what the devotional has to offer for that day, but the message stays with you throughout the day. You find that with both Joyce and Joel, you meditate on their words throughout the day. You find ways to apply what they’ve said to your life. I especially love the bible verses referenced and how it is biblically based. Some have argued about these two Christian speakers, but I have not found anything in my reading or in seeing them live in person that has not been in line with the Word of God.
With that said, imagine our excitement to learn that not only does Joyce have a new book to add to our collection, but Joel does as well! I can hardly wait to get my hands on a copy of Living Courageously by Joyce Meyer and You Can You Will by Joel Osteen. I enjoy reading their words of wisdom and how they speak the gospel. Having seen both Joyce and Joel in person at their events, I can almost hear them speaking with such power and conviction as I read the words in their books.
PreBuy Living Courageously by Joyce Meyer for just $14.97
PreBuy You Can You Will by Joel Osteen for just $14.97 at
Speaking of daily devotionals, Aaron Tabor has a 365 Interactive Devotional entitled Jesus Daily. While I have not read Aaron Tabor’s work before, I am excited to see what he has to offer to inspire and uplift as we prepare to greet the day.
PreBuy Jesus Daily: 365 Interactive Devotions by Aaron Tabor at for just $9.97
If you are looking for a good Christian Fiction book to read, you may be interested in AD30 by Ted Dekker. While I have not yet read this book, (as I tend to lean more toward self help type books, devotionals, and Non-Fiction), I may just give this book a try. From what I understand, it takes place in the year of our Lord, AD30. Wouldn’t that be an interesting read? I think so!
PreBuy A.D. 30 by Ted Dekker for just $14.97 at
If you’re wondering where we found these jewels, it’s at a little store called Family Christian. You can shop online, or you can visit their various locations. We have two within driving distance that we frequent. I could spend hours in that store (and have … just ask my husband!). From Bibles, to candles, jewelry, prints, music, even performance tracks … they just about have everything you can think of to inspire your soul right there in their store! Check them out! They are sure to become a favorite of yours as well.
August 21, 2014 @ 1:46 pm
I myself do not like JM or JO. They don’t follow true biblical teachings and just make me think they are out there for the “donations”. We need to be very careful in these days of false prophets, etc. Just my opinion. 🙂
August 21, 2014 @ 11:54 pm
I’m actually glad you wrote, Jamie. I haven’t found anything in my readings that aren’t biblical from either of those, but if you have, I’d love to see what you’re referring to. If I have blinders on about either, help me remove them.
August 21, 2014 @ 3:13 pm
I like Joyce Meyers and she is a great inspirational speaker.
August 21, 2014 @ 11:53 pm
If you haven’t seen her in person, Tara, I highly recommend that you do if it is where you can. She does not charge for her conferences. We went to one in Atlanta, and we were blessed!
August 21, 2014 @ 3:43 pm
Some really great books and devotionals coming out! I really want the Jesus Daily devotional!
August 21, 2014 @ 11:52 pm
Yes, Heidi, they all look so good! I can’t wait to get mine!
August 22, 2014 @ 12:34 am
One day I will finally be able to see Joyce live and in action
August 23, 2014 @ 8:16 am
Aleshea, you will love it! We saw her when she was in Atlanta, GA last year. It was well worth the drive. The enter coliseum was packed. They had praise and worship music before she began to speak. When she did speak, it was powerful. They had the bible verses up on the screens for you to follow along. Joel did the same thing with his Night of Hope when we went to see him in Charleston, SC. Joel had his entire family on the stage singing and speaking briefly at some point. He began with messages of encouragement, and then after the praise and worship music, he went into preaching with the words from the bible on the screen. My family and I enjoyed it tremendously, and I feel you would, too!